Earth vs. Air

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This is my personal interpretation of this story. I was given a journal of each character and told to put them together in a book-like way. I did my best and took out a few bits ( I'm not going to write down every time Amelia ate a piece of cake or how many times Tessa went to the bathroom) and added a few. I hope this is how all of these events actually took place and that I didn't fumble or mess up any of it. I hope someday I can meet the people who had these amazing adventures.


"That'll be ten-fifty," Amelia Brookstone said to a rather grumpy customer who was at her dad's little workshop in the middle of nowhere. 

Her dad, Cole Brookstone, had gone incognito for most of Amelia's life. She didn't remember the monastery or Shintaro. Though the saddest part was she didn't remember her mom. All she was told about her was that she was the queen of Shintaro. Amelia used to fantasize that she was the princess of this beautiful kingdom, but Cole put an end to that pretty quickly for fear of her being overheard and him being found. You see, Cole had made himself unknown to the world and hid himself from his friends, not wanting them to have to deal with him and wanting to be alone. He'd taken Amelia with him to make sure he didn't go completely insane.

"Whatever," the snooty customer replied with a tilt of their head. She begrudgingly handed over the money and took the sculpture she had picked out and walked away.

Amelia marveled at how many people came here on a daily basis. Cole had found he had a surprisingly good talent of carving. He made good money off his creations, enough to feed him and Amelia and make good savings. The people of Ninjago found wood carvings priceless for some reason, probably because nothing was made out of wood anymore in the city.

Amelia sat back in her chair that was behind the check out counter. She had always wanted to see the city of Ninjago. Their little shop was on the very farthest of the outskirts of Ninajgo. It was surrounded by sand that Amelia found boring and bleak. That's why she spent most of her time in the surrounding woods practicing her elemental powers. Smashing things, bringing the earth and rocks out of the ground. It helped when she had anger built up from some really boogie customer. 

Her dad had warned her about this though. He had given her a strict lecture about it.

"Don't ever let anyone see you use these," he had said, holding her glowing hands in his big ones. Amelia - only 5 at the time - nodded her little head vigorously. She had just discovered her powers a few days ago and was still getting used to the way they worked. "If they do," her father continued. "They might try to harm you or take you away. Would you want that?"

Again, Amelia shook her head. She didn't want to be taken away from the only family she knew. And the only one she had left.

That still didn't keep Amelia from imagining she might one day travel to the city. She removed a little piece of wood from the front counter's desk and began whittling with it. She was nowhere near the skill of her father, but she had picked up a few tricks here and there from sitting next to him for hours and just watching him chip away. She continued to think of when she was older and when she would attend a school - if she ever would attend a school. Her dad had hired private teachers her whole life - and even they were unimaginative and boring. Every single one of them.

As she continued to whittle her little creation of a cat, a customer in a dark cowl walked into the store. It was a short person and Amelia was pretty sure it was a male thought the frame of him was pretty small and skinny. The strange... guy?...walked up to the front counter and put an elbow down as he rested his head on one of his hands.

He cleared his throat in a loud way. Amelia looked at him and stood up, trying to get a good look at his face but in vain - though she could see a tip of his hair,  it was green.

Yeesh, Amelia thought. Guy needs a new style.

But he didn't come for style. He meant business.

"Hello," he said in a deep voice. Or, at least he thought it was a deep voice. Amelia could tell it was fake, his voice was probably naturally high. "I'm interested in one of your pieces outside."

Amelia eyed him suspiciously. It was true, they did have all of their bigger carvings outside. But this guy gave her the heeby-jeebys. But still, she couldn't ignore a customer - even if he was a bit creepy. She followed him outside to the front porch where their bigger pieces stood. 

Amelia looked around. "Okay, so what did you want me to look at?"

The guy shrugged. "Nothing. Just wanted to show you this."

In a sudden motion, the creep whipped his hand out as fast lightning and Amelia felt the sensation of her feet being lifted off the ground. A rush of wind gripped her sides and knocked her breath out. Then, she shot up into the air.

Amelia groaned. She felt as if her stomach was back down on earth while she was 100 feet in the air. Great.

"What..." Amelia managed through her queasiness. She could see the guy hovering right in front of her even though her vision was blurred.

The guy chuckled and Amelia noticed he didn't try to deepen the voice. She had been right, his voice was naturally high. 

"Bet you've never seen an elemental master before," he challenged with a smirk on his face which quickly faded to a humorless smile. "Now were's the master of earth?"

He spoke the last word with a threatening note and Amelia felt sure he would drop her if she didn't give him an answer. So she did.

"I don't know," Amelia spat forcefully. If she was going to die, might as well make it enjoyable with the look of displeasure on the guys face.

"Oh, a feisty one, are you?" he said as if she was a lot younger than him  - which she was not, they were most likely the same age. "I'll tell you what. I'll keep you up here and give you a front row seat at watching me destroy all of these carvings one by one. How does that sound?"

Amelia glared. "Don't you dare," she said through clenched teeth.

The guy - or rather, the boy - smirked. He stretched out his other unoccupied hand and began to raise one of Cole's pieces of work. Amelia watched in disdain as the carving came up beside them and went up farther still. Amelia watched as the boy made a show of opening his hands and letting his hold go on the piece. 

It fell out of the air and plummeted to the earth. Amelia knew if she wanted to save the piece, she had to risk a bit of her own power. Quickly, she located the spot where the carving was going to land and softened the earth. She watched with some satisfaction as the carving hit the earth with a muffled thud. Nothing broke. She was glad her dad's carvings were already hard and it helped that this one didn't have any smaller pieces to it. 

The boy looked at the ground with frustration. Now it was Amelia's turn to smirk.

"Try again," she mocked then instantly regretted it as the winds' invisible hold on her tightened around her throat.

The boy came closer and put his face up to hers. "Where is he?" he said dangerously. "Where is the Master of Earth?!"

Amelia put up her pointer finger to stop his rant and correct him. "She."

The boy raised a questioning eyebrow. "Excuse me?"

"The Master of Earth," Amelia said trying to buy herself time to find an escape route. "It's a 'she'."

The boy huffed and rolled his eyes - or, Amelia thought he rolled his eyes. It was hard to tell because he was wearing that hoodie that covered most of his face. "She, then," the boy corrected. "Where is she then." He put extra emphasis on the word 'she'.

Amelia gave him a death glare and raised an eyebrow. The boy realized a split second to late of what was about to happen and who he was facing. He didn't have much time to think about it though because Amelia was already in action. She pulled both her legs up and kicked the guy square in the chest. The guy let go of his hold on her, trying to keep himself steady, as Amelia free fell to the ground.

 Amelia was, at least, prepared this time. Once she was about 50 feet above ground level, she commanded the earth to come up to her. Let be clear about that, she didn't raise the whole ground level - just a small chunk that shot up out of the ground to stop her fall and lessen the impact. She landed with a thud hard on her right shoulder and she could already tell she was going to be sore in the morning. She muttered the second 'great' of the day.

As soon as Amelia was on her little island of earth, she then commanded it to come back down to sea level. It flew down almost as fast as it had come up and Amelia was on the real ground in a matter of seconds. 

Well that was fun, Amelia thought to herself sarcastically. I wonder if he wants to come down for more?

Well Amelia was ready for more. She waited and looked up to the sky where that... guy? boy? who knows... was still probably being a wimp about the little kick she'd just given him. Then, finally, he slowly descended. Once he reached the ground he let his feet touch as he released his hold on himself. He was clutching his stomach in pain.

"That was one good kick," he wheezed hunching over.

"What do you want with me?" Amelia asked ignoring the comment.

"I don't want you," the boy laughed. "Someone else does. I just thought I was gonna get easy money and I see now I won't get that." He went through a fit of coughing.

"Who would want me?" Amelia wondered aloud, half to herself and half to the boy.

"I don't know," the boy responded. "I've never seen him. He wears a hood, like mine."

"So your his little minion," Amelia said turning her fiery gaze back to him.

The boy shrugged. "Meh, I would prefer the term 'bounty hunter'. But sure, I could be a minion."

"Never mind," Amelia growled. "I don't care who you are. Just leave, and don't even think about coming back."

"Gee, the boy said pretending to be taken aback. "Wasn't trying to be rude or anything, just trying to make a living."

"Stealing people?" Amelia questioned.

The boy grimaced as if pained by his answer. "Sure, if that's what it takes to live. You know, if people weren't so-"


"Alright, alright! One simple question and I will. Your name?"

"And what makes you think I want to give it to you," Amelia asked spitefully. 

"Please. I'll leave like you asked and never come back."

Amelia eyed him down trying to find out whether or not he was telling the truth. Amelia decided it wasn't a big deal because even if he knew her name it wouldn't do him much good anyway if he did, for some stupid reason, decide to return. But still, you could never be too cautious.

"Evalyn," Amelia lied.

The boy now looked her down as if considering the answer. He seemed to except it.

"I'm assuming you'd want my name," he said. "For the fairness."

Amelia nodded. "Yes, yes I would."

The boy sighed and grumbled something unintelligible. His eyes looked down.

"What was that?" Amelia asked harshly wanting to be over with this and get home.

"Jinx," he mumbled a little louder.

"Jinx. Is that your name?"


Amelia nodded. "Now shoo."

Jinx looked at her one more time as if trying to get a good memory of her - which made Amelia feel less guilty about not telling him her real name - then shot off into the sky towards the direction of Ninjago city. 

"Let's hope I never see him again," Amelia said to herself.

She started to walk back towards their little shop - which was pretty long, sense Jinx had flown her away from her home so he wouldn't be seen by her father or any customers. She wondered if  she should tell her dad. Probably not, she decided. She didn't want him to worry about something that wasn't a big deal. She told herself she could handle Jinx if he did come back, she was confident she could kick his butt.

Amelia shrugged her shoulder and huffed as she opened the door of her home. The little bell jingled and she walked in trying to seem casual. She hoped she could get past her dad before he saw-


Oh, crud.

"Uh, hey dad," Amelia stuttered. "Just, um, closing up the shop."

Cole looked at her from where he was sitting behind the front desk. He raised an eyebrow. "Long day?"

Amelia took the loophole. She nodded. "Yeah, a lot of people came into today."

Cole nodded turning back to whatever he was whittling, apparently done with the subject of conversation. He motioned for Amelia to follow him into the back of the shop and to the kitchen. Amelia took to setting the table and cooking the leftover rice. Amelia decided to break the silence.

"So," she started. "Carve anything new today?"

Cole sighed. "Started something. Nothing new-new though."

Amelia nodded. She expected as much. Her life was one big book that just repeated itself over and over again. Except she had something to ask that was completely out of the book.


Cole replied without even looking up from his work. "Yes?"

Amelia sat down with her bowl of rice and fidgeted with her fingers. "Can I go to school?"

This had been something Amelia had wanted for a long time. She was sick of all the hired teachers who were usually super booshie (No offense to any private teachers who may be reading this right now).

Cole dropped his work and looked up at his daughter. "Why?"

Amelia's fidgeting went up 10 levels. "I, er, I want to get to know what kids my age are like. I want friends. And friends my age, not Miss Grindle."

Miss Grindle was a regular who came in often and usually stopped to talk to Amelia if there isn't a line.

Cole sighed. "I knew you would grow up. And it's happening too soon."

Amelia, not even registering what her dad had just said, resorted to begging. "Please dad! Miss Grindle could drive me to the city every day so you wouldn't have to go out! And I could walk home! Or I could buy a little buggy to drive home! Please! I'm not-"

"Woah, slow down," Cole chuckled. "I didn't say no, did I?"

Amelia looked at her dad and saw he was grinning. Her eyes widened in disbelief. "Did you say yes?"

Cole nodded his head in amusement. "You can go."

Amelia jumped out of her seat and went to the other side of the table to hug her dad.

"Thank you!" she said. "I'm not hungry anymore. I'm gonna go pack!"

Cole cocked his head. "Pack? Why?"

Amelia joyfully turned her head as she went to her room in the large closet. "It starts tomorrow morning! I called Miss Grindle already so you don't have to worry about that. She'll be here at seven in the morning. Goodnight!"

Cole looked at his daughter and shook is head. He was smiling though.

"Your welcome!" he called after her. He listened for a moment then heard a faint 'thank you' coming from the direction of the closet.

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Till' we meet again!


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