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Before Nya go to her room, she decided to go and check the west wing. She tip toed to it and opened the door. She went inside and started looking around. She go to one picture. It had claws marks on it. She tried to fix it and there she saw a young beautiful man. He had light brown hair, like the beast's Flur and electric blue eyes like him too. He had eyebrow scar and he was cute. Suddenly Nya felt like someone was watching her. She turned and saw the beast. She creamed and momentally ran away. She decided that she will go home. She found Flame and after climb on him. He started running to the forest. Lloyd and Zane saw this and ran to their king. In this time Jay was in his room. He was looking at the same picture witch Nya was looking at. He then go to his miracle mirror and his rose. The rose was dying. He have to find love, before the rose die. Suddenly someone burst into the room

"Your majesty, the girl escaped"Zane informed him. Jay turned to the mirror

"Show me the girl"he said and then he saw Nya on a horse trying to escape from Wolfes. She had bag luck with that. The Beast ran out of the castle and as fast as he can to where Nya was. When he reached the spot he started fighting the Wolfes. One wolf scratched him very bad. The Beast yelled from pain and beat all the Wolfes, after that they all ran away. He and Nya go back to the castle and Jay sat on his arms chair, while Nya go and take a cloth and water to clean it. She sat in front of him and he gave her his hand

"It can hurt a little"she informed him and he just nod. She put the wet cloth on his wound and he groaned a little

"Sorry"she said

"Don't worry, its ok"Jay comforted her

"I mean sorry for ran away. If I didn't you won't be in that situation now"Nya apologized again

"Don't worry about this too"he said kindly. He really started have feelings for her, but will she like beast like him?

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