Ep. 9. Is It Over?

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Jay fell to the ground after receiving a shot of Max's dark power on his right eye. He could barely see, as his vision was too blurry. He blinked a few times until he could see well enough and something caught his attention.

Nya's Yang amulet Jay thought. He didn't even know that she had it the day she merged with the sea. Then she must be near.

"Nya!" He called her. "Nya, please!"

"J- Jay..." Her whisper was barely audible.


Kai was trying to find Nya and Jay, but the falling rocks made it impossible to the point that he had to leave before finding any of the two.

He managed to get out, covered in dust and with a few scratches. But the real pain was emotional. I failed to protect Nya again.

"Kai!" The other ninja yelled.

"S- Sorry I-" he stuttered. "I c- couldn't find t- them".


Jay could barely see with his injured eye, but he tried his best to find Nya in the middle of all the dust and rocks.

"Nya!" He called again.

"I- I'm h- here" she answered.

By the voice Jay could tell that she was injured. He followed the voice and finally found her.

"Nya! For the First Spinjitzu Master I thought I wouldn't find you!" Tears were filling his eyes. "I have to get you out of here".

"J- Jay, I- I can't get out" Nya muttered.

"Oh crap" Jay said. Nya was trapped under one of the big screens that Max had hanging on the walls. "I'm going to get you out. Don't worry".

"N- No, y- you have t- to go. I- I'll only s- stop you".

"We came here to get you and I won't leave without you" Jay said while trying to move the screen without hurting her more.


The others were outside the cave, waiting to see if Jay and Nya would be able to escape. Kai was sitting besides Skylor, who had just woken up.

"We'll wait for five more minutes" Lloyd said, with a sad tone. "If they aren't here by then, I don't think they'd still be... alive".

Kai insisted on going in, but the entrance was almost completely buried with the rocks.

Five minutes went by, feeling more like an hour.

"I- I think we should go now" Lloyd muttered.

"No!" Kai cried. "We can't leave without them. N- Nya, I'm sorry" if he hadn't already been sitting on the ground, he would had fell down to his knees of desperation. "My baby sister..."

"Oh, Kai" Skylor hugged him. He was crying at that point, and he hates crying in front of people.

"I- I think we should go" he said between sobs.

"We're here! Don't leave!" They heard a voice say.

"Jay?" Cole said.

"We can't get out and Nya is badly injured!" He yelled.

Cole went to try and make an exit for them by taking out a few rocks and clearing the way.

Jay was holding Nya, they both covered in blood and dust.

"Nya!" Kai exclaimed. He got up and ran to them.

"Her leg is broken and she passed out while I tried to get us out of there" Jay explained. "A- And..."

"And what?"

"Well, better look for yourself" he said brushing Nya's hair out of her face revealing a blue mark on part of her face. Kai gasped. "Maybe the ritual wasn't finished when the tornado pushed her and Skylor".

Then Kai noticed that Jay had his hair covering his eye.

"Jay, why are you covering your eye?" He asked.

"It's nothing, really. Can we focus about the fact that Nya is bleeding?"

"Guys" Lloyd said. "While you two were catching up here I called Pix to get the medical things ready for when we get to the Monastery".

"Great" Cole said. "Now we better be heading to the vehicles".

They went there, but when they reached the vehicles, three of them were destroyed and almost fully covered with dark power, which was a big problem as they were left with just two.

"Just great" Jay complained. "We are trapped here with just two vehicles that work, Nya is injured and it's almost night".

"Jay, don't freak out" Lloyd said. "I'll call Pix again. She'll end up blocking my number if we keep calling her so much".

He went a few steps away to talk with Pixal while the others were getting the medical emergency stuff they kept on the vehicles to try to stop the bleeding from Nya's leg.

"Pix says that she'll get us as soon as possible with the Bounty" Lloyd said. "And she also said that this forest is near Ignacia so if we could get to Kai and Nya's house it'll be easier for her to find us".

"Wait" Kai interrupted. "You said near Ignacia?"

"Yeah. I thought you knew".

"I didn't know there was a lagoon here so I didn't recognize the forest, but I think I know where we can stay for now and it's not far".

He started walking without saying a word and helping Skylor walking because she was still really tired from the ritual.

"Mind telling us where we're going?" Lloyd asked Kai.

"To somewhere I haven't been in so long".

"That doesn't answer my question".

But Kai remained silent.

They kept walking for a while. Jay was getting tired from holding Nya, but didn't let anyone help him.

"We're almost there I think" Kai announced.

"Quick question" Lloyd said. "Are there much insects around here?"

"I don't think so" he answered. "But still, I'm not scared of them".

"Maybe you should turn to your right" Skylor said.

Kai turned around and saw a scorpion on a tree.

"Aaahhh Scorpio!"

"Bro you just insulted a whole zodiac sign" Cole joked. "And you said you aren't scared of insects".

"At least non of us is Scorpio" Kai said. "And I wasn't that scared".

"You were. You scared the scorpion".

"We're here" Kai said. He didn't intend to seem like he wanted to change the subject, but the coincidence made Cole, Jay and Lloyd laugh. Skylor face palmed And Zane wasn't getting what the others found so funny. "Could you please stop. I think I found the place".

They saw a small cottage hidden on the woods out of the path.

"Is this the place?" Zane questioned.

"Yeah, here's were Nya and I used to stay when we were trying to avoid getting sent to an orphanage" Kai answered.


They were already inside. Kai had found a few blankets and pillows to make everyone comfortable as there were only two small mattresses on the floor. Jay carefully laid Nya down in one of the mattresses and changed the bandage that was already all bloody.

The inside of the cottage wasn't much. A side from the two mattresses, there was a small table, a few kitchen things and a window.

"And you just found this here?" Cole asked.

"We were walking though the forest, I think I was like 6, and we found this" Kai explained.

"And how did you get food and other things?" Lloyd asked.

"You guys want me to tell you the whole story, don't you?" He sighed. The others nodded. "Okay then..."


Young Kai and Nya were on the back garden of their house playing when they heard a loud noise. The boy recognised that it was a gunshot because of a weird TV show their father Ray liked and freaked out, but Nya didn't know it so he tried to keep calm to not scare her.

"What was that?" Nya asked, scared.

"Uh..." Kai took a second to think of something to say. "Maybe something fell to the floor. I'll go check, wait here".

He went to the front of the house but saw nothing. He thought the noise was coming from there. Young Kai looked closer and found a trace of what looked like blood.

End of flashback

"That's why we thought our parents were dead on the first place" Kai said.

"But they weren't" another voice spoke. "And I should have been more grateful to have them back".

"Nya!" Jay exclaimed.

"You're awake sis!" Kai said.

She tried to get up but everything hurt, especially her leg and she felt something weird on her face.

"Hey, take it easy sis" Kai helped her sit down. It's good to have you back but you need to take care".

"I'm sorry" Nya said. "For leaving you guys".

"You did what you thought was best" her brother comforted her. "You saved Ninjago and now you're back".

"Everything hurts" she complained.

"I know, that's why you have to stay in this... Improvised bed we used for years" Kai chucked. "Pixal will be here soon with the Bounty and we'll go home".

"I sent her our coordinates and she'll be here in around ten minutes" Lloyd informed.

"The sooner, the better" Jay said. "Nya, I'm going to get you something to eat, okay?"

She nodded and he went to get something from the supply boxes they had been able to get from the vehicles.

Before he could even get there, he felt a sharp pain on his face. Oh crap he had completely forgotten about the shot of Max's dark power he received while fighting him.

He fell to the floor and, as his consciousness started to fade away, he heard Nya shouting his name.


"Jay!" Nya yelled.

"I need context" Lloyd said.

"He has a black mark in his eye" Kai noticed. "That's why he was covering it with his hair before, Max must have shot him while being inside the cave".

Nya was crying. Then Jay slowly started to move. He opened his eyes and they were completely black. The others looked terrified.

"This is not over" Jay spoke, only that it wasn't his voice, it was Max's.

Words: 1647

Another cliffhanger.

This was supposed to be the last chapter but then this idea popped up in my head so there's another one left.

Rn I'm on a extracurricular activity and we're using the phone for something. I shouldn't be writing though.

Well, who cares, the chapter is out and that's what matters.


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