Ep. 7. Mission: Save Nya

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The ninja were waiting for Skylor to get to the Monastery when they heard a knock at the door.

"I'm going, I'm going, I'm going!!!" Kai yelled rushing to the door.

"Someone can't wait to see his girlfriend" Cole joked.

Kai opened the door, ignoring the comment.

"Hey Sky" he said. "How you doin'?"

"I'm fine, thanks, Joey Tribbiani 2.0" she laughed. "But how about we save your sis and leave the flirting part for later?"

"Oh, yeah, right" Kai said, pretending he forgot about it, even if inside, he was dying to see Nya again. "I'm just happy to see you again".

"Me too, hottie" she responded with a flirty tone. "Anyways. What's this weird way you're planning to bring Nya back?".

"Well. My mom found a weird ritual thingy that creates a kind of elemental tunnel" Lloyd explained. "We don't really get it either" he added when he saw Skylor's confused expression.

"At least you have a plan?" She asked. "Please tell me you have one".

"We were waiting for you to make the plan" Cole said.

"Oh great. Just like I expected".

"Let's just go inside" Kai suggested.

They all went into the living room to start planning. They didn't usually make plans before missions because they mostly ended up arguing. But this time it wasn't a random mission. It was about saving an important member of the team and, even if they didn't have a lot of time, they wanted to have everything ready.

"Any ideas?" Lloyd asked. "And please, don't say go in, get Nya and leave" he was clearly looking at Jay while saying that.

"I don't always say that".

"And here we go with the arguments" Cole sighted. "This is going to be a long day".

"We don't have time for this" Kai said. "We're going to make a plan without arguing, and put it on practice to save my sister. Understood?"

"You look hot when taking the lead role" Skylor said, and Kai clearly blushed.

"It was you who said to leave the flirting for later".

"Go get a room, man!" Cole exclaimed.

"Or maybe we could actually start planning" Lloyd said. "Also, Skylor the papers for the ritual are over there on the table, if you want to give them a look".

"Ok thanks" she said, taking the papers while looking for something on her bag.

"What are you looking for?" Kai asked.

"My glasses". Skylor answered while she kept looking.

"You wear glasses?"

"I wear contact lents, but I read better with glasses".

"You never told me".

"Because I look weird with them on. Found 'em" she said taking her glasses ambar colour and putting them on.

"You look good" he said with a smirk. Skylor just smiled.

"Can we focus?" Jay asked.

"Yes sorry" they both say.

"I got a map to locate the place because honestly, I have never heard of this lagoon" Lloyd said, taking out a map and putting it on the table.

"It's on the middle of this mountains" Jay pointed. "There are a few caves around there but only two that could be big enough for a villain lair. And I'm guessing for this one on the left. The other gets flooded too often".

"Great" Kai said. "Can we go now?"

"And what about the actual plan?" Zane asks and Kai groaned in response.

"The villain won't even be there".

"He might. There's a 8,31% chance of him being there".

"That's nothing" Kai said. "But if we really need a backup plan...".

"We've already tried to fight him, and I think we've all come to the conclusion that he overpowers us all" Lloyd said, sighting. "If he were to be there then the only thing we could do is try to distract him long enough for Skylor to complete the ritual".

"Then this is all the backup plan?" Kai asked.

"You know we suck at planning".

The ninja went to get ready while Skylor, who was already in her fighting clothes, finished reading through the scrolls.


They were on their vehicles, Skylor going with Kai, on their way to Davellet Lagoon and to save Nya.

The place was really beautiful. Jay thought that it hadn't changed one bit since the last time him and Nya went there, about three months before, except that it was all snowy now.

They crossed through a natural mountain tunnel. The lagoon was half frosted and looked like a dream place.

"The cave is over there" Jay said, pointing to the other side of the lagoon. "I think it's better if we leave the vehicles here".

They got off the vehicles and started walking. The cave seemed normal, quite big, but not enough to have a high tech equipment.

"It doesn't look like there's anything inside" Lloyd said, entering.

"Maybe there's some hidden button or something like that" Cole suggested.

"Maybe, but I don't see anything that could open a secret entrance" said Jay, leaning against the wall.

Then they heard a screeching sound and a hole opened on the cave wall.

"This is kinda expected on this kind of situations" Kai commented, while they all cross the entrance.

Inside they found a quite big space with multiple computer screens and other things. Lloyd, Kai and Jay recognised it from their connections with Nya.

"You're here!" Said water ninja exclaimed excited.

The others ran to her to free her. She was tied of to a chair made of a weird material that prevented her from losing her human shape. There were multiple cables everywhere connected to a machine that irradiated an ocean blue halo.

It was obvious that it was the machine Max was using to take away Nya's power and immediately Jay tried to turn it off.

"We have a way to get you to your human self again" Skylor explained to Nya. "It's a ritual. There's no time to explain a lot but if you feel your powers fading, don't fight it. It's needed for the ritual and they will come back in a matter of minutes. And it won't hurt".

Nya nodded in agreement and tried to stand up without losing her shape.

Skylor and Nya were standing a few meters away from each other and the Amber master started saying the spell for the ritual.

Words: 1049

Sorry to leave it here really, but I need the ritual for the next chapter. And yk I love cliffhangers.

Anyways. This past days I've had a lot of motivation but I just couldn't put my ideas together because I have my mind in 1000 things at the same time. Especially other stories and especially the other stories for this book series.

Yes, I put a Friends reference at the start of the chapter and yes, Skylor wears glasses.

Now I'm going to start writing the next chapter. Just two more to go :)

Have a good day/night/whatever time of the day!

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