Ep. 2. The Dream

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Lloyd's POV:

I was laying on my bed when I fell asleep. In the dream I was in a blue room. I took a look around. It was completely empty except for a strange machine. Next to it, there was a chair and someone was sitting there. I couldn't see who it was as the room was quite dark and I was far from there. As I was walking closer I could see who the person was.

"Nya!" I shouted running the last few metres away from her.

"Lloyd! I'm so happy to see you!"

"It's this a dream? It feels too real to be".

"It's not a dream Lloyd, we're in a mental connection"

"A what?" He asked. "And what's this place?"

"I don't know and I don't have so much time to talk, he can come at any moment" said Nya with a worried expression just for thinking in than misterious person.

"Who?" I asked.

"The one that kidnapped me. I don't know his name, not even how he looks. He covers his face with a mask and a hood" Nya said that with a weak voice like she was about to faint.

"Nya are you okay?" I asked worried.

"This place, it makes my powers stronger, that's why I can have this mental connection with you, but it also makes me weaker".

"You need to rest, and we need to get you out of here".

Then we heard some footsteps.

"Oh, no. He's coming" she said worried. "Tell the others about this. Goodbye Lloyd".

"Wait, Nya!"

I woke up screaming. Kai oppened the door and talked to me for the first time in that month, which made me feel better.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Nothing wrong, I'm alright, and I have something important to tell you" I said with a serious look." It's about Nya".

"Look Greenie, I know you want to make me feel better, but loosing a sister isn't something that you can forget easily. You don't know the pain that it causes".

I did know the feeling, but I had promised myself to don't tell anyone. Kai noticed the sad look on my face.

"Did I said something to make you sad?"

"What? No, no, I'm perfecly fine. Just want you to listen to what I have to tell you".

"Ok, fine. But just for you to know that if you're trying to make me feel better, there's nothing you can do".

I took a deep breath and started telling him the 'dream'. When I finished he was looking me with a surprised-happy-worried face.

"How are you sure it's real? How you know it wasn't a normal dream?"

"It felt so real, but not the kind of "real" that you wake up thinking "it was just a dream?". It was as real as you and me talking right now".

"If what you say it's totally true, we need to rescue Nya as soon as posible" he said with a serious-worried look.

"We need to tell the others".

Nya's POV:

"You can't fool me, water girl" he said with a scary voice. "I know you talked to one of your ninja friends".

He connected a weird machine to the one I was alredy connected. I didn't know what it was doing to me, but it made me scream in pain.

Word count (before editing): 539

Finally I finished the chapter. Took way more of what I thought.

You like my endings? I like to end the chapters like this, with something shocking.

I'll try to upload faster, but soon I'm going to publish more stories, so it will be difficul.

Word count (after editing): 563

Last chapter I changed a few major things but in this one I just fixed a few inconsistencies and grammatical mistakes.

Well, bye

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