Ep 12 - The Rise of the Great Devourer

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The Destiny's Bounty is flying through a storm; in his cabin, Sensei Wu uses the spirit smoke and sees the ninja being surrounded by the Serpentine before being eaten by the Great Devourer and snaps out of his meditation state, gasping.


In the dining room, Kai, Nya, (Y/n), and Jay are keeping watch over the four silver Fangblades.

Nya turns to Kai, "Why is it that Torchfire Mountain is the only place we can destroy the Fangblades?"

Kai looks at the fangblades, "Cause the Fangblades are made from the original teeth of the Devourer. They're so strong they can only break down in extraordinary heat."

(Y/n) was paying no mind to what was going on. Instead, he was busy playing with his fork and trying to launch it like a catapult. 

Jay looks up from his plate, "Uh, could someone pass the salt?" The Destiny's Bounty tilts, sliding the salt shaker towards him. "Hey, thanks."

(Y/n) looks from the corner of his eye to see Jay putting salt on his sandwich, "You put salt on your sandwich?"

He shrugs, "What can I say, it gives it more flavor."

(Y/n) gives him a 'what the fuck face' before slowly nodding, still puzzled but letting it be, "Okay." And resumes playing with his fork.

The Bounty tilts once again and Cole opens the shutter doors, looking green in the face due to airsickness. Everyone in the room looks at him as he holds the door for support.

"Please. No one talk about food." He croaks as he holds his stomach. The ship shakes and Cole groans as he could feel his stomach churning again. He loses his balance and slides with the ship's swaying before grabbing onto the door frame. "How much longer until we get there?"

"Not long." Jay answers before smirking, a great idea coming into mind. "Hey, Cole, you're looking a little green over there. How'd you like a mucus salt sandwich?" He waves his sandwich around. 

Cole glares at him and was about to retort but his stomach got the best of him. His face turns even greener and quickly covers his mouth before going outside to vomit over the side of the ship. Jay laughs at his reaction. 

(Y/n) chuckles before elbowing him on the side, not even bothering to hide his grin, "That was evil."

Jay playfully rolls his eyes, "Speaking of green, who would've guessed little Lloyd Garmadon turned out to be the Green Ninja?"

Nya nods, "I know. He was such a brat at first. It's hard to believe he's gonna become the greatest ninja that ever lived."

(Y/n) goes back to playing with his fork, "Life is full of surprises- uh." His fork suddenly flies across the room. 

They all sit there awkwardly in silence before Kai clears his throat, "Where is that little runt anyways?"


Where was Lloyd you ask? Well, he was training in the training room.

The equipment was up and running as Lloyd smirks and pulls down his mask, in a western accent, "Serpentine, it's time I Spinjitzu you back into the filthy holes you came from." He jumps over the first obstacle, striking his foot forward. "Ninja kick! Tiger claw! Ninja, go!"

As he attempts to do Spinjitzu but trips over the second obstacle, landing on his back. He groans and was about to get up but he hears laughter. He scoots back, trying to detect who and where the laughter was coming from in a panic. He is suddenly lifted by the collar and tries to fight back.

The voice laughs again and the intruder turns visible, "What a joke. You were always a boy who chased stupid dreams."

Lloyd's eyes widen as he stares at him in shock, "Pythor! How did you get aboard?"

"You think I would allow the ninja to steal the Fangblades from me?" Pythor hisses at Lloyd as he drags him over to a punching bag and ties him up against it. 

Lloyd grunts in pain, "Ugh! You'll never get away with it! Hey—" He gets cut off by Pythor who puts tape over his mouth. He grunts and struggles to break free but to no avail. 

Pythor grins at the sight, "Oh, I wouldn't worry about that. As they say, out of sight, out of mind." With that, he disappears and leaves the room as his evil laugh echos through the hallway. 


Thankfully, the storm has calmed before the ninja made it to their destination. 

Nya's voice is heard over the speakers, "Will everyone please place their seat back and tray table in the full upright and locked position? We have reached our destination: Torchfire Mountain. Give it a minute while we settle into position."

As Nya worked on the ship's position, Wu was already out on the deck, looking deep into the volcano. The ninja exit the cabin, four out of the five having a Fangblade in their hand.

Jay sighs as he steps outside, "It's roasting out here."

(Y/n) scrunches up his face, "Now I know how a turkey feels like in the oven."

Kai chuckles, "Heh. If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen."

(Y/n) rolls his eyes, "Easy for you to say, Master of Fire."

Jay scans his eyes over the deck to see Sensei staring into the flames, "Hey, what's with Sensei?"

Zane shakes his head, "I do not know. He's been distant all morning."

Wu sighs as his students join him by his side, "Ah, it is beautiful, is it not?"

"Sensei, we are ready for the destruction of the Fangblades, yet you seem disinterested." Zane states with a frown.

Wu meekly smiles at him, "You do not need my approval to finish the task."

Jay's eyes widen in surprise, "Uh, but Sensei—"

Wu cuts him off, "Butts are for sitting. And besides, there will come a time when you will have to go on without me."

Kai huffs in disbelief, "Sensei, you're talking crazy. You've been alive for, like, forever." Cole nudges him. "Ugh!"

Zane sighs, "What he is trying to say is you are like the sunrise. We cannot begin a day without you."

Wu nods before looking into the distance, "Ah, but even the sun must go down so a new day begins."

Cole frowns, "I don't like metaphors. What are you trying to say? Are you leaving us again?"

(Y/n) nods, "Yeah, it sounds like you're gonna die."  And for that, he gets smacked in the arm by Cole. "Ow!"

Wu was taken aback by this but shakes his head, "In meditation, my smoke visions have come to an end, and tomorrow, I cannot see. This worries me."

Jay tries to look on the bright side of things, "But it could be a good omen, you know. We destroy the Fangblades, then everything's gravy."

Wu falls into silence before nodding in argument, "Let's just get rid of them, for good."

Unbeknownst to the team, Pythor was able to sneak into the generator room and threw a hammer at the machine, causing the generator to fry itself and making the Bounty unstable. Everyone yelps in surprise as the bounty begins to tilt to its side, tilting everyone along with it and they begin sliding down the deck. The ninja were able to grab onto something but Wu wasn't so lucky. He slides down the edge of the plank over the deck and right before he fell, he holds on to the wooden plank.

Cole was the first one to throw his fangblade aside and rushes over to the plank, "Sensei! Hang on. We're coming."

The others follow suit, each leaving the fangblades behind to be long forgotten and going to get their Sensei. Just as Cole was nearing the edge, Wu loses his grip. As if time slowed down, Wu could only feel his heartbeat as he falls.

Just as he thought it was over for him, Cole pops into view and swiftly catches Wu's hands while (Y/n) grabs him, Zane doing the following, then Jay and finally Kai who's feet anchored the six to the plank's edge, creating a human ladder. 

Cole grunts at the drop but smiles, "Unh! You're not going anywhere, old friend."

Wu sighs with relief, "Thank you, Cole."

"Argh! Nya, what's going on?" Kai cries over his shoulder, trying not to lose his grip on the five.

"Ah! Someone or something has overridden the system." Nya's voice crackled through the speaker. 

In the training room, Lloyd finally manages to escape and uncovers the tape from his mouth. He reaches the intercom and screeches into it, "Pythor's on board!"

As his message echoes over the ship, the ninja all gasp in shock and looks back to find the Anacondrai with the Fangblades in his hands.

"Well this is great. Just great." (Y/n) grumbles. 

Pythor grins at them, "Sorry if I don't lend a hand, but I'm really in a rush. Got this whole Devourer thing going on." He chuckles. "Toodaloo."

He laughs and turns around to only find Lloyd with a Bo staff, "Where do you think you're going?"

Pythor gave him an odd look, "Ah. A little cliché, don't you think?"

Lloyd raises a brow, "Uh, cliché?"

Pythor sighs, "I wouldn't expect a child to understand."

Lloyd frowns his eyebrows, "Hey, I've grown up a lot."

He puts on his hoodie and goes to attack him but Pythor dodges. He resumes his attacks while Pythor comments on his every move, "Hm, puny strength, no fundamentals, sloppy footwork. You think you can defeat me?"

Lloyd smirks, "I'm not trying to defeat you. I'm just trying to keep you busy until the cavalry arrives."

Right on time, Nya, in her Samurai Mech, lands on the deck and walks up to Pythor as he scurries back. Seeing an opening, Lloyd takes his chance to kick Pythor right in the face. 

Lloyd's eyes widen with glee as he chirps, "Haha, I hit him. I hit him, guys!"

(Y/n) nervously chuckles, "That's great kid and if you don't mind, WE NEED SOME HELP!" He shouts from below as the six were still dangling over the edge. 

Nya tries to catch Pythor but he slithers past her multiple times. He reaches the railing on the other side before looking back at them, "Oh, as much as I would like to play with your overgrown toys, I have a ride to catch."

He jumps off the Bounty and lands on a Rattlecopter that was apparently tailing the bounty the whole time without the ninja even realizing it.


"So long, suckers!" He laughs as he flies off.

Back with the Ninja, Jay could feel Kai losing his grip. He tries his best to look at Kai over his shoulder, "Don't let go!"

Kai glares at him, "You think I don't know that?"

As if the Master of Spinjitzu wanted to prove him wrong, Kai manages to lose his grip on the plank and they go tumbling down. But luckily, Nya saves them by catching them in mid-air in her mech suit.


Jay happily smiles, "I don't think I've ever been more glad to see you."

She nods, "Feel the same. Now come on, he's getting away"


As the ninja prepare to go after the Serpentine, Lloyd brings the suitcase that contains the Golden Weapons and makes his way onto the deck. 

Wu speaks from his seat on the shoulder of the Samurai Mach, "If Pythor returns the Fangblades to the City of Ouroboros, he'll awaken the Great Devourer."

Nya firmly looks at him, "Well, we're not gonna let that happen."

The others nod as Lloyd walks down steps, "Oh, what about me?"

Kai gives him a pointed look, "We need someone to stay with the Bounty."

Lloyd drops the case and tries to convince them that he's cable of handling the job, "But did you see me kick him in the face? I'm an asset. I kick butt. And face."

Kai shakes his head, "Patience, kid. You're too important now that you're the chosen one."

Wu smiles at his students, "Patience, hmm? Ah, the student has become the teacher."

(Y/n) ruffles Lloyd's hair, "Plus, we'll call you when we need backup."

"But I just said-"

(Y/n) waves Kai off, "Yeah, yeah. I know. But the kid did semi-well in rescuing us from that mission yesterday." Lloyd and he grin at each other. 

Kai just sighs as Jay goes and grabs his nunchucks. He looks at the others with a glint in his eye, "What do you say we play a little catch-up?"

"It's my favorite game." Cole grins as he and the rest of the ninja take turns collecting their golden weapons. 

The five jump over the deck and summon their vehicles right before they hit the ground. Jay and (Y/n) taking the skies with the Samuari mech following behind.

They make their way to the City of Ouroboros and Jay catches a tour bus in his sights. He zooms in closer to see that it has been hijacked by Serpentine, "I've got him in my sights."

(Y/n) gives him a nod as he flies next to him. He takes a closer look and does a double-take to see figures on the roof of the bus, "What are they doing?" 

They then see the bus transform into a Serpentine Train. Gaining closer to the train, Kai squints his eyes, "What is that? A truck?" 

(Y/n) has trouble keeping focus on the vehicle, "I don't think so, looks like a train."

"That is no truck nor a train. It is a moving fortress." Wu states. 

Cole drives up as close as he can get but the tail at the end of the train tries to strike him. He's able to dodge but it was keeping him on his toes, "Argh!"

Kai's eyes widen, "Watch out!" He huffs. "How are we supposed to get close to that thing?"

"I can fly up ahead and cut them off from the front- WHOA! When did they get blasters?!" Just as (Y/n) was nearing the fortress, blasters from the side of the cart that the tail was on popped out and started shooting at him and the others. 

They swiftly dodge the bullets before a light bulb went off in Nya's head, "I've got an idea. Jay, (Y/n), follow me. Zane, try to get in close and cool him off."

They clear a path for Zane as they direct the attacks onto them. He nods in thanks, "Okay, I'm going in. Ninja, go!"

Getting close, he spinjitzu's up onto the cart and knocks off the snakes off the train. He then goes to the tail of the train and freezes it, making it weak and fragile. He stomps on it, causing the end of the tail to detach from the rest of the train before waving, "Goodbye."

Jay cheers, "All right. Nice one, Zane. Now let's board that truck."

The ninja makes their vehicles disappear and they board on the train.

Kai turns to them, "Let's split up. Last one to the front is a rotten ninja."

Jay grins, "All right." And they run to the front of the train and split up from there.

He uses his Spinjitzu on some Serpentine, causing them to fly out the window, "Haha! Where'd everyone go?"

Cole and (Y/n) run into the front cart to only be meet with Skales, "End of the line, loser."

Cole smirks as he goes to strike the ground, "Watch out." 

(Y/n)'s eyes widen, not sure what he was thinking, "Wait, what are you doing-" He yelps as he lands in the backseat of Cole's Tread Assault. 

Skales cowards back immediately, "No. No, no, please." Cole fires a missile at him and blasts him off the train, making the other Serpentine run away.

His vehicle disappears and Cole chuckles in glee, "I love this thing."

(Y/n) was holding onto him, shakily, "Warn me next time, please."

Cole was about to apologize but the roof opens up, creating a loud noise that startled himself and (Y/n), who flinches into Cole. They both look up to see it was Nya who open up the roof while everyone jumps in, besides Kai.

Wu smiles, "Cole. (Y/n). Good to see you."

Cole nods as he returns the gesture, "Good to see you too."

Jay raises a brow, "What's up with you?" (Y/n) was still stuck on Cole.

"Oh." (Y/n) quickly lets go of Cole, feeling his face heat up in embarrassment, "Ah, sorry."

Suddenly, the cart starts to shake, throwing everyone's balance off. The others were able to keep their balance but Kai loses his, "Whoa!" He falls into the cart but Zane manages to catch him.

Jay laughs, "Heh. Nice catch, Zane."

Cole gives Kai a smug grin, "Last one's a rotten ninja."

Kai huffs, "Ah, so be it. But one more car to go. Pythor's in there with the four Fangblades. Who's first?"

Before anyone could say anything, Wu steps in and detached the car, separating himself from the others. The Ninja cry out, "Sensei!" "What are you doing?"

Wu gives them a sad smile, "My destiny is to face Pythor alone. Your destiny is to look after Lloyd."

With that, the front of the car continues to drive onward with Pythor, Wu, and the Fangblades in it.

Kai groans, "This is turning into a habit with him. How do we get off this thing?"

(Y/n) shrugs, "We could jump off but that's dangerous, so we should wait for it to stop."


Cole yawns as everyone waits by the train, which was stranded. 

Nya sighs as she kicks her feet in the air, "This is really boring."

(Y/n) was leaning against Zane, "Wanna play I spy?" He asks no one in particular. 

Jay shrugs, "Sure."

(Y/n) gets off of Zane and looks around, "Ok. I spy with my little eye, an anchor?"

Jay gives him a weird look, "What? That's not how the game works-"

He gets interrupted by sudden movement of the train. The ninja look over the side to see a familiar anchor hooking the bus. They follow the chain up to see the bounty and gasp in shock when they realize it was Lloyd piloting the bounty, "Lloyd!"

With the line secured, Lloyd pulls his passengers up into the air, "Hook, line, and sinker."

"To Ouroboros as fast as you can." Kai orders.

Lloyd's voice is heard over the speakers, "Aye, aye, captain."

From there, the team flies to the City of Ouroboros to await their final fight. 


They arrived at the city, dark clouds looming over the land.

"Okay, Lloyd. Put us down right after that truck." Kai instructs as he did so without hesitation.

Once landed, the Ninja sprinted off to the center of Ouroboros to find their Sensei, accidentally leaving a fellow ninja behind.

"Wait up, guys." Lloyd gasps out as he tries to catch up to them. 

When they arrive at the Slitherpit, they see Sensei holding onto Pythor's neck, keeping him in place as green like gas slips through the cracks of the spiral pattern on the ground, holding a foul-smelling odor. The ground beneath them rumbles as the ground starts to crumble bits by bits, unrevealing a dark pit underneath.  

"You shall stay to see what you have done."

"Aah! Let me go, you fool! Don't you see? It's underneath us!"

"This is our destiny." Wu firmly states. 

Kai's eyes widen as the ground completely breaks, "What's going on? Who's that creature underground?"

"The Great Devourer." (Y/n) whispers as he stares in horror at the black pit that contains red glowing eyes coming closer. 

Wu looks at his students, taking in the fear in their eyes, "You must do everything in your power to stop the Great Devourer. Go, ninja! Go!"

"No, Sensei."

The Devourer shoots out of the ground and makes a war cry before lunging at Wu and Pythor.

...To Be Continued

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