Its gone

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Damon fluttered her eyes open, as she heard some tinkering and a drill behind her.
In her sleep she some how turned to her side, now being faced with the wall.
Nine was supposed to be next to her.
But there was nothing but empty space.
She tried to go back to sleep, considering how tired she was.
But she couldn't with all that noise.
Damon tossed and turned at all the racket, hearing a loud hammer meeting a nail.

Damon groaned, till she couldn't take it no more.
Damon swiftly sat up, facing the noise.
"Nine! What is—" Damon paused, as she let her jaw drop in shock.
Now looking at what seems to be some sort of plane, or a small mother ship.

"Woah." Damon looked in awe, lifting the covers from her body.
Standing on her two feet to walk over and take a closer look.
How did this get here?

Nine looked around the air craft as he was working on some bugs on the other side, and smiled.
"Damon! You're awake." Nine exclaimed, gently dropping his tool from his hand and dusting them off and walking over.
"What do you think?" Nine asked, placing his fists on his hips with pride.
Damon nodded.
"Y-yeah. But what is it?" Damon asked.
Nine walked in front of her, hoping into the open air craft.

"Our way out of here." He replied, gripping onto the edge of the glass.
Letting his body hang to the side with one foot on the ledge.
Damon's face brightened.
Just hearing that made her smile with glee.
She could finally see her family again.

"C'mon." Nine said, inviting her into the ship.
Damon looked excited as she leaped up into the little ship, now sitting in the back seat and Nine in the front.
"I figured out how to use the shared energy to travel through different shatter spaces." He explained, pressing a red button.
Making the red crystal elevate up into view.
"Wow." Damon looked in awe.

But suddenly excitement filled her heart, and by instinct.
She suddenly threw her arms around Nine in a attempt hug, smiling ear to ear happily giggling.
Surprising Nine.

But she didn't hug him long when she let go and immediately leaped out of the hover craft.
"That means I can go back to earth!" Damon exclaimed in excitement, pacing around with joy.
While Nine on the other hand looked saddened.
He loved seeing her happy.
But he had to break the news to her.
Nine walked over to the ledge.

"Damon..." he spoke, hoping out of the ship.
But she kept talking.
"I can finally see my family—my sister! I-I get to see my eldest sister!" Damon stuttered in excitement.
"Oh my dearest sister!" Damon said with a warm smile, hugging herself.
"Damon..." Nine spoke louder, but she didn't even hear him.
"Oh and my one and only bestie! Oh, she understands me so much." Damon said softly, gently caressing her arms.

"Damon." At this point, Nine got a little irritated.
It's like he's talking to a wall.
"My mom, my weird and goofy dad who always puts a smile on my face." Damon spoke quietly to herself.
She suddenly turned her body towards Nine, not noticing he was try to explain something to her.
She ran up, and slid to her knees to give the two foot fox a tight hug, surprising Nine once again.
"Nine, this is awesome!" She exclaimed, suddenly pulling away from him.
Her hands rested on his shoulders for one second, till she cupped them on each of his soft cheeks.
Feeling them warm up to a blush.
Nines eyes wide in surprise.

"You're awesome." She smiled, letting go of his face then patting his head.
His ears fell, knowing he's about to feel guilty for what he's going to do.
As Damon kept on ranting, Nine got a little angry.
His fists clutching, finally shouting.


Causing her to turn back in shock next to the mother ship, like she was about to get inside.
Damon looked slightly worried as she watched Nine's chest puff up and down gritting his teeth.

His brows pulled together.
His blue eyes looking angry and grey.
"ITS GONE! EARTH IS GONE." He shouted once more, making Damon feel like she did something wrong.
But at the same time, she could feel her eyes watering.

Earth...gone?'s lieing.

Damon shook her head in disbelief.
"Wu...What?" Damon quietly asked, but Nine could hear her perfectly fine.
Feeling a tear trickling down her cheek.
"It's destroyed! Nothing but rock in space!" Nine exclaimed, slowly walking closer to Damon.
She kept shaking her head, staring at the ground.
"N-no...y-you're lieing!" She choked back.
Her mother would always tell her to defend herself.

"But it's true! Everyone died! Even your family!" Nine looked pissed, now facing Damon's wet teary face.
"Humans where practically killing the earth! It's sick! They didn't even take good care of it! They deserved to die!" Nine then extended his seven metal tails to extend to her level.
"just like YOU!" Nine shouted in her face.
Damon feeling his spit spray in her face.

They both stared into each others eyes.
Damon staring into his angry, dark, cold blue eyes.
And Nine staring into her brown glossy ones.
Watching her lips quiver, and her tear's water falling down her face trying to stay strong.
But she couldn't take it.

Why would he yell at her like that?

Damon's lips quivered more, till she struggled to gasp in a breath.
Quickly turning away from his face and walking off.
It didn't take Nine long to realize what he'd done.
His face immediately calmed to guilt and regret.
His eyes filled with sympathy, and his ears flopping down.

"Oh no, Damon." His voice softened, now lowered to his feet walking up to the sobbing girl who was covering her face with her hands.
"D-Damon...I-I didn't—" Nine struggled to find his words, but Damon cut him off before he could explain.
Cocking her head up.
"No!...I-its fine." Damon grasped her arms.
"It's my fault. I-it's my fault that my family's dead..." Damon suddenly dropped to her knees, feeling her head spinning.

Nine quickly came to her aid, rubbing his hand on her back.
Trying to lift her chin to look at him.

But she shoved him off.
Nine looked like was on the verge of tears, but tried to contain them.

"I-I need fresh air." Damon rubbed her head, lifting herself up off the ground.
"Don't follow me!" She sobbed, running out the steal door opening itself.
Nine ran after her, stopping before he could crash into the railing.
Turning his head to see Damon running out of the scare port.

"Damon NO!" He yelled.

"It's too dangerous!"

But she kept ignoring him, running around the corner.
"DAMON PLEASE!" Nine begged, worried of what might happen to her.
"No." He whispered to himself.
He started breathing through his teeth in frustration, suddenly getting on all of his seven metal tails.
Gripping onto the railing attached to the ledge to prevent people from falling.
And with one strong tug, he ripped the pole out of the concrete in rage and guilt.
Throwing it across the tunnel with a frustrated scream.

Nine's chest puffed up and down, realizing that he needs to chill.
He slapped his hand on his forehead, backing up to the wall and sliding down to the floor.
Hitting the back of his head against it as he told himself: "stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid." He shook his head.
"Why Nine? Why did you do that?" He asked himself.
"Now she's upset—stupid!" He hit his forehead deliberately with his hand, now burying his face into his arms that buckled his knees together.

"Damn it." He mumbled.

She didn't do anything wrong...


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