Cry in the morning

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(Sry, this is going to be short.)

It was already midnight when they got back to Nines base.
Damon was able to walk on her own after a little while.
Nine put in the passcode, walking in both tired and exhausted.
Damon immediately walked over to Nines mattress, and sat down.
As Nine walked over to his desk, and sat on his metal tails and sighed.

They both sat in silence.
The only sound filling the room was a ticking clock.
Till Nine spoke.

"Crazy night." He chuckled, looking at his blue prints for his new invention.
It's looked like some type of ship.
" limbs are sore." She said with a deep raspy voice, turning her torso to pop her back.
Then stretched her arms across her chest to pop them.
Tilting her head side to side, also hearing a pop.
She moaned in pain, then laid down on the pillow.
Smelling that familiar mint smell.

Nine didn't notice that Damon was slowly drifting off to sleep, so he keep talking.
"Yeah, my legs kind of hurt..." Nine fell silent.

His ears slowly falling.
He played with his wrench awkwardly, feeling that the silence was kind of boring him.
He was going to work on his hover craft, but he felt so tired.

"Yea know Damon, I just wanna say...thank you." Nine started.
It kind of sounded like he was regretting what he was saying, and what he was going to say.
He felt his heart speed up.
"For pulling me out of my comfort zone..." he started playing with his fingers.
"I know it didn't look like it...but I had a good time...the new drinks, the lights, music...I." He paused for a moment, letting a smile creep up on him.

"I've never felt like that...ever. I see why that place ment so much to you...gave you the freedom." Nine smiled to himself, just thinking about having the freedom.
To have the world back.

"Once again...thank you...for giving me that taste of freedom." Nine finished, feeling the butterflies fly around his stomach.

Why did he feel like this?
He never felt like this.

Nine waited for Damon to say something, but nine recognized her silence and turned back.
"Damon?" Only for Nine to see Damon snoozing facing him, not even bothering to pull the covers over herself.
Nine sighed with slight stress hidden in it.
He couldn't believe she was sleeping the whole time, and he thought he was having a conversation with her.

Nine just decided to work on his invention in the morning.
But he didn't know where to sleep.
She was already in his bed, and he didn't want to sleep next to her.
That would be weird.

He turned off the lights, leaving one dim light on.

He walked over, shaking his head.
He grabbed the covers at the end of Damon's feet, and pulled them over her shoulders.
He saw her lightly smile as she snuggled more into the sheets, still sleeping.
That caused him to smile slightly.

Nine didn't want to sleep on the hard floor.
As long as he doesn't sleep facing her, he'll be fine.
He walked on the other side, and sat down on the mattress.
He slipped his shoes and gloves off, and slipped under the covers.
Staying as close to the edge as possible.
She hardly been here for two days.
He didn't want to make this weird so he kept his distance.

He felt his eyes weighing down.
He didn't bother to try to keep them open.
So he let them close.
He felt relaxed, and calm.
Usually he would stay up till four or five working and end up sleeping on his desk.
But this time, he finally decided to sleep in his bed after weeks.


Nine felt himself slowly waking up.
But he kept his eyes closed, as he could hear slight sobbing.
His ear twitched at the sad sound of tears and sniffles.
He slowly cracked his eyes open, being faced with the wall.
The crying continued right behind him, but he tried to ignore it and go back to sleep.

She can't cry forever.

He tried to continue his snooze, but the quiet sobbing kept going.
He knew it hasn't even been a minute, but it felt like an hour.
He tossed and turned his head, but she just wouldn't stop.

What is wrong with her?

He groaned in annoyance, turning his head looking at Damon in the back of the head.
But he did something that was unusual for him.
He was still half asleep so...instinct I guess.
Damon continued to sob quietly, feeling her eyes puff up and her nose clog up.
Till she felt arms wrap around her.
Her sobbing paused, and she froze for a moment.
She turned her head slightly to see a glimpse of Nines ear.

She felt her face heat up, as it stained with her tears.
She suddenly felt comfort in this.
Like she had no reason to cry.
She felt protected.
She felt...loved?

Damon smiled, and turned her head away.
Closing her eyes as she let one last tear fall, and drift back to sleep.

Finally Nine got her to stop.

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