WildStyle is gone

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"Where do you think M.A is?" Miko asked, wanting to keep using her cousin's real name. It has been over two hours sense WildStyle had left to go for a drive. All were questioning her odd behavior. "Miko, calm down. I'm sure she's fine." Jack said to try and comfort his friend. They all looked at Ratchet to try and have him help that WildStyle was alright.

Ratchet was busy on tracking WildStyle on the computer. Trying to find her but he couldn't find WildStyle. "I can't find her. Her life signature is nowhere to be seen." Ratchet said. All eyes were on him once he said that. "Are you saying WildStyle is dead!?" Smokescreen and Miko asked simultaneously.

"I'm not sure. We have to wait and see if she comes back sense we don't know where she has gone." Ratchet said unfortunately. He didn't know why he couldn't find WildStyle's life signal. It was like she doesn't even exist.

"We should go look for her!" Miko shouted. Smokescreen agreeing with her.

"Miko, we can't go searching without knowing where she went." Optimus said, sounding concerned as much as everyone else. "But Optimus! We don't know if she's alright or not! She hasn't called or hase come-"

Miko was cut off when they hear the sound of an engine coming into the tunnel. At first they thought it was WildStyle but all thought wrong. Driving in was a purple Cadillac. Not WildStyle's colors. The Auto-Bots ready their weapons while Jack, Raf, and Miko hid.

Transforming into its natural form. Everyone saw it was a female. Her metal was a dark purple with odd markings all over. Long metallic strands ran down her helm like hair. A crown wrapped around her helm. Opening her eyes, showing beautiful purple optics.

"Hello Auto-Bots." she spoke, her voice was deep and dark. But could feel something familiar in her voice. "Who are you? How did you know where our hideout is?" Optimus demanded. The femme looked at Optimus and smiles. "Oh I've known from the moment I met you all. When you drove me here after I got a deep gash from that Decepticon." she hinted. Everyone couldn't believe what they were hearing after they summed it up.

It was WildStyle!!

"WildStyle?" Smokescreen asked as he walked toward her. A growl escaped her lips when she heard that name. "WildStyle is gone. The name's Nightshade." she sneered at him. Smokescreen stepped back when he heard her. Staring at Nightshade with anger. "What have you done with WildStyle?!" Miko shouted angrily. Not caring if she could get killed.

"She never told you but when she was little, she was kidnapped and tortured. Being given the pentagon on my forehead to allow me to take over. But I couldn't take full control until the next Lunar Eclipse. Which was tonight."

"Why didn't she tell us?!" Arcee demanded. It almost sounded like a plee. "She didn't want you all to know because it was a part of her past which was very dark like the other wide of the moon. WildStyle wasn't always happy, she may have been a spy and seemed happy but she was depressed. But you all made her happy, especially you, Smokescreen." Nightshade said, glaring at Smokescreen. "It's all your fault that she was happy!" she then screamed. "MY FAULT?!" Smokescreen screamed at her. "YES! If you haven't made her happy I would've taken control of her quicker than that!" Nightshade shouts.

A lasor nearly hit her head, only missing by a foot. Nightshade didn't scream or jump. She just looked at who fired, and it was Ratchet. "Leave! Now!" he demanded coldly.

Letting out a growl, Nightshade lifts her chin and began to walk. Transforming into a Cadillac and riding off out of the base.

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