I need your love

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Knockout was busy on his data pad at the moment. Trying to concentrate but just couldn't. He sighed and put his data pad down. Reaching up and rubbing where Nightshade bit his neck. He had to admit it felt very nice.

The femme has been around for about a month and she was a good addition to the team. Nightshade was usually paired up with DreadWing on missions. Always coming back without a scratch and with new information.

"Knockout!" shouted the annoying voice of Starscream. Knockout rolled his eyes and looks at Starscream. "Yes Starscream?" he asked nonchalantly. He was utterly annoyed to hear the former second in command. "Lord Megatron wanted me to tell you that you will have a new partner sense Breakdown is now deceased." Starscream spoke as if he didn't care.

A growl nearly escaped Knockout's lips when he heard Breakdown's name. He wished his old friend was back online. He wished he could kill that Silas for taking over his body.

"Who is my new partner?" Knockout asked to try and ignore the anger. Starscream looks at the doorway and shifts his head in a meaning of someone to come. Knockout looks at the doorway and sees Nightshade come in. She looks at the medic and smiles. "Hey Knockout." she said with a smile. Starscream then just walked out.

Knockout was silent at first but smiled. "I thought you'd be paired up with DreadWing." he said as he picks up his pad. "Nah, I prefer someone who's interesting." Nightshade said as she walks up behind him. Then she wraps her arms around Knockout's shoulders. "And you're more interesting." she whispered.

A gasp escapes his lips when dentals bit down on his neck cables. His legs nearly wobbled and he nearly fell. Nightshade wraps her arms around his waist from falling. "Ah, so cute." Nightshade cooed in his ear. She then began to trail her lips down his neck.

Knockout had to lay on the operation table so he couldn't fall. Never feeling so overheated before by a few simple kisses. Nightshade laid herself on top of him and made a few purrs. Her purple eyes shining with lust. She began to kiss his chassis and up to his lips. Giving his lips a deep kiss. Knockout responded, wrapping his arms around her waist tightly. He gives her a playful bite on her neck, hearing how she moaned.

Running his hands up and down her warming body. Knockout looked into her eyes and saw lust but saw something else. She needed help. He puts her face in his hands and gave her a deep kiss.

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