Chapter 1

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When Dolores reaches the top of the stairs, her eyes immediately make contact with the door behind Abuela; it's glowing and shimmering. She's supposed to be enticed by the sight, but all she feels is tense.

She remembers how Isabela looked onher night, as if she was on top of the world. She had worn a pinkish purple dressthat came just above her ankles. Her soft, straight hair had been braided into two pigtails with the prettiest bows at the ends. As soon as the curtains revealed her, it was like she knew exactly what to do. And she did it. Not a single misstep to be found.

Isabela's ceremony had been perfect.

Just like her.

Unlike Dolores.

Her parents are off to the side. Their smiles are filled with endearment. The rest of their family is down below, along with the entire village's residents.

They're watching her.

They're all watching her.

Her grandmother then crouches down and presents the candle to her. A big, warm smile gives the small girl enough courage to make her way towards her. As soon as her hands come in contact with the candle, Abuela begins to talk, but she doesn't tune in till the end. Dolores doesn't trust herself to speak, so she nods. The older woman straightens up and moves to the side, leaving no barrier between her and the door.

A few small steps and Dolores is standing in front of it. She takes a deep breath before raising her hand. It trembles slightly, but her fingers still connect with the golden knob.

Immediately, the door begins to flicker, causing the little girl to step back. Confusion washes over her, not remembering Isabela's door behaving this way. She glances back to her mama and papa for insight, but the same looks of uncertainty are written on their faces as well. It's not until she hears large gasps and points that Dolores turns back to her door.

Her breath hitches in her throat as she watches the golden doorway slowly evaporate. She felt the atmosphere completely shift around her. Tears begin to well up in the child's eyes.

Not being able to take in the sight for more than a few seconds, she whirls around. Everyone down below is wearing expressions that make her more nervous than she was already feeling. Needing comfort, she turns to her parents, but the similar looks on their faces make her think for a split second that she isn't going to be getting any.

Dolores calls for them, reaches out for them, but they back away, almost as if they were terrified of her touch. Abuela's reaction is the same.

She tries to call out again when a thunderous noise cuts her off. Looking down, the girl spots a large crack has formed under her feet. Frightened, Dolores jumps back, but she never makes contact with the floor again.

She falls.

It all happens so fast.

The darkness overtakes everything before it befalls her, swallowing her up whole.

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