Act 8: The Ignis Pillar

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*Sailor Phobos' POV*
The Ignis Pillar wasn't much to look at, it was just a massive tower of transparent blackness... But we did notice that there was a girl inside of it. The more I stared at her, the more I wanted to try and help her and free her... And something inside of me was telling me to do it.
"Hey girls, I think we should try and free that girl first before we destroy it." I suggested, and they all agreed.
"Yes. That is what we must do... That girl is Sailor Ignis, she is the guardian of this pillar." Sailor Pluto began. "When this planet was destroyed, they were sealed within so that they would be protected from whatever would happen to this planet."
"So... How do we get her out?" My sister, Sailor Deimos questioned.
"I cannot do anything about it, but anyone with fire power will be able to reignite this pillar... That will free her." Pluto exclaimed.
We all gathered in a line in front of the pillar and concentrated our best attacks.
All of our powers combined and engulfed the great pillar into flames, it was so bright and warm... It was absolutely beautiful. A hole opened in the pillar and Sailor Ignis was released, and she was just as beautiful as the pillar itself.
"Thank you for freeing me senshi, I knew this day would come... But you all must get out of here!" Sailor Ignis warned.
"Why? What's happening?" Sailor Vesta asked.
"There is great evil here, and sadly, it's inevitable." She sighed.
"Never." I stated, and everyone nodded.
"She's going to come for us all!!" Ignis cried. "You all must destroy this pillar, it will weaken her power even more."

And with that Sailor Pluto, Sailor Saturn, and Sailor Vesta gathered.
Their powers gather with a great light.
A giant blast struck the pillar, immediately extinguishing its flames and causing it to topple over onto the ground in front of us all.
"Thank you... So much." Sailor Ignis whispered.
It was Sailor Lucifer.
"I just got back from The Aqua Pillar..." She smiled sickly. "I got your friends, and you're all next!"
"Never!!! Give them back!!" Sailor Mars yelled. "MARS BURNING MANDALA!!!"
It did nothing.
"You senshi are so comical!!!" Sailor Lucifer laughed meticulously.
Then, she waved her hands and six casings appeared, with each senshi that went to The Aqua Pillar in them.
"Mercury..." Sailor Mars cried.
"Pallas!" Vesta screamed.
"Sailor Neptune... No..." Sailor Pluto whispered.
"Mariner! Sailor Triton!!!" I yelled out, and Sailor Lucifer continued to laugh.
"They will be my beautiful decorations, once I build my palace on your minuscule planet that you call Earth!" She smiled.
"You BITCH!!!" Sailor Mars, my mother screamed as she ran towards her.
"Mom!! No!" I yelled after her, but it was no use.
With one snap of Sailor Lucifer's fingers. My mother was trapped in a casing like all the rest.
"Who's next?" Sailor Lucifer cackled.
I felt defeated and useless, and I knew there was nothing more we could do. She was so powerful and full of rage, there was no stopping her at all.
"Sailor Saturn, you must get out of here now!" Sailor Pluto cried. "You're our last resort if anything is to happen to the royal family of the moon... Go to them!"
"But Pluto..." Saturn sighed.
"GO!!!" Pluto cried.
She raised her silence glaive, and teleported away.
"PLUTO DEAD SCREAM!" Pluto attacked, and it knocked her back but didn't weaken her.
Sailor Lucifer was definitely angry now, and she took it out on Sailor Pluto and my sister. She blasted them, stripping them of their uniforms and leaving them on the ground in a pile of ribbons.
"Now you're mine!" She laughed.
"NO!!! STOP IT PLEASE!" I screamed.
"Might as well put you out of your misery too!" She announced, and blasted me.
My transformation broke also, and I felt the ribbons gently blowing against my body. Then, I drifted off.

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