Chapter 3

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Liam didn't know how to control the situation. The other boys had simply left him alone with the fit blonde because they were called to the main office (more like an underground shed) but that wasn't the problem. The main issue was that the blonde had dragged Liam to a mall and every man, he means it, every fucking guy checking Niall out. 

He sighed heavily, grabbing the blonde's hands and trying to control his excited squeals. Niall always ended up behaving like a little kid in crowded places and right now, he had somehow managed to the see the poster of Batman vs. Superman and was begging Liam to take him to the movie halls. Of course, he wasn't going to argue to that, not when Niall was giving him those wide puppy dog eyes and pouting his pink glossy lips for extra effect. Not when he was wearing a pink crop top with a big blue lip drawn on it, the simple black straps were caressing his shoulder blades in a gentle manner and the denim shorts were hugging his ass oh so nicely. The brunette was very close to losing his cool and maybe fucking Niall senseless but he resisted the temptation. 

"Please Li-Li," Niall whined, dragging Liam by the hand to the elevators even though the brunette was too heavy to even be dragged. Or Niall was just too small and weak. 

"Fucking hell, look at that ass," Liam heard a voice say and turned around to glare at the somewhere near his late twenties man, who was clearly staring at Niall's long pale legs and his big ass. Fucking shit, he couldn't deal with so many perverts alone, not when they were so adamant on ignoring his presence. 

"I bet he's tight," the older man's best friend or somebody else who just stood close to him replied. Liam quickly pushed Niall's hand away before marching over to the two perverts. Fucking pedophiles even though Niall was eighteen and basically an adult, but still. 

He stood in front of the two men who now turned their attention towards the bulky brunette, their eyes widening and hands shaking because of the words that escaped Liam's mouth. "I own that piece of ass so you better stop staring at it unless and until you want me to chop your fucking dicks off and gauge your eye balls out and make a necklace out of your fingers after I'm done slicing them," And maybe it was a bit too extreme but Liam was getting tired of glaring at every man and even a thirteen year old boy who upon seeing Niall's ass passing by had screamed a loud 'hot damn.' People were way too horny these days. 

"Lee, let's go and watch that movie. Please I wanna see Superman kick Batman's ass," The brunette snapped his attention towards the perky little blonde who was finding it hard to stay still at the moment. He chuckled a bit and walked towards the shorter lad, giving the horny perverts a harsh glare before tugging the blonde towards the elevator gently. 

"I'm pretty sure Batman will be kicking Superman's ass," Liam laughed, knowing Niall will be quick to protest even if the only reason why he even bothered with superhero movies was because the actors were hot and he loved the costumes. 

"Do you want something to eat?" The brunette asked, giving a small peck to the blonde's head and pulling him closer by the waist. Niall was just so small and fragile, he had to be careful with the way he even touched the blonde. He was too beautiful and Liam didn't want to break such a beauty. From his blue eyes to his Irish accent and that big fat ass and those thick thighs and oh shit, those pink nipples and most definitely that pink hole that Liam had dreamed about for months, everything about Niall was just perfect. 

"A huge bucket full of popcorn and coke please," he got on his tip toes and pressed a soft kiss on Liam's lips, patting his biceps twice and finally, letting him go. The brunette's eyes widened at the small display of affection. He wasn't going to lie, Niall's lips were probably the softest he had ever seen and their shape was so beautiful. In the 0.2 seconds kiss he had come to the conclusion that nobody could beat Niall's lips. 

After gathering the demanded items, the two proceeded to walk inside the dim movie theater, locating their seats with no problems and soon it was just a nice and friendly atmosphere with Niall sitting on Liam's lap and the brunette's hand rubbing circles on Niall's thigh. Maybe just a bit more than friendly but still, none of them were complaining. 

Mid movie Liam's phone buzzed, pulling him out of the fight scene that was taking place. Damn, he wanted to watch that but the thought that it might be one of the boys contacting him about something important just made him take his phone out from his jeans pocket and surprisingly, Niall didn't notice the movement. They had received a few odd views from the people in the theater but other than that, nobody cared that a boy was sitting in the lap of another man. 

He pulled down the notifications icon indicating that he had a message. Frowning slightly at the unknown number, he opened the message reading it silently before gasping. 

Getting a bit friendly with something that's mine, aren't we Payno?  ~

And the only thought on Liam's mind was not about how badly Batman and Superman were hitting each other but the fact that he was back in town. Or he was well aware of whatever was happening, either through some spy he had launched on the boys or some other shady ass manner. But Liam couldn't believe his eyes when he saw the text message. His visibly frozen frame finally captured Niall's attention and the blonde quickly grabbed Liam's cheeks gently in his own hands. 

"Are you okay Li?" He asked, worry lacing his voice. 

But that was the same question Liam was asking himself, was he okay or more specifically, was he going to be okay? 

AN/ Yas!! This story is finally going somewhere! I figured it out where the fuck this story is gonna go~ You'll like it, hopefully. I'm planning on giving all the boys sufficient time with Niall before shit goes down. In case you are expecting smut to happen asap, don't. 

Please check out my new story "His For A Price." It's a Ziall Horlik and boy!pussy fanfiction. Of course it's bottom!niall. 








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