Zayn raced the car away from the buildings, not daring to look back to even check whether they were being followed or not. He had got Justin's message loud and clear. He knew where they were and what they were planning on doing, and that was enough to have Zayn sitting on the edge of his seat. He didn't even glance at Louis, knowing well that the brunette had already given up.
The Pakistani closed his eyes, not wanting to think about the death of his friend. He couldn't believe that they had left the body there but taking Harry with them would be much worse for them. He had already told Liam to ring up one of their trustworthy guys to collect the body before taking it home to Gemma and Anne. Zayn opened his eyes, not wanting to even think about the expression Harry's family would carry when they would see the curly brunette's dead body.
Nothing was going according to plan and Zayn was well aware of that when they entered the parking area of the mall in Birmingham from where they were supposed to change cars. He silently nudged everyone to get out of the car, not wanting to break the mourning silence they all had going on. He checked the surroundings, frowning when he noticed that nobody was tailing behind them as they walked their way to the black SUV parked in the farthest corner. Zayn nodded at the driver of the vehicle, causing him to get out of the SUV and toss over the keys to the tanned man.
"Good luck mate," the bald man whispered, patting the Muslim's back before walking away with the old white car's key in his hands. He got inside the previously driven car, starting it up and racing outside the parking lot, leaving the four lads to take care of themselves. Zayn checked the area again, motioning for everyone to get inside. It was weird that they had gotten this far without any further hindrance. Of course, loosing one of their closest friends was a big shock, something they were probably going to remember throughout their life and a part of them all would always blame their own stupid plan for letting such a thing happen.
"I feel like something bad is going to happen. It's was too easy to get out of that place." Liam spoke lowly, watching a glum Louis and a saddened Niall get inside the back seat of the car. He stayed back, placing a hand on Zayn's shoulder, squeezing it reassuringly when he noticed that Zayn looked a little bit on the edge.
"I know but let's keep on moving. Whatever will happen, we'll deal with that," Zayn sighed, nodding at Liam as the two men walked towards the car, getting inside and locking the doors from the inside. Zayn quickly pulled out of the parking lot, bringing the car onto the main street. It was just a few minutes to the airport and he was ticking with nerves. There was a huge possibility that Justin might be letting them run away because he had something huge planned and Zayn just couldn't figure out what it could possibly be. He was certain that the man would not hurt Niall, after all he was in love with him as he had often proposed. But there was a part of him that believed that Justin cared more about his position and reputation as the most feared leader than about Niall. He glanced briefly at the blonde through the rear view mirror, smiling sadly at getting such an innocent person involved in their problematic lives.
There was a loud beeping noise, causing Zayn to glance at Liam who was sitting at the passenger's seat, staring at Niall who had produced his phone from his bag pack.
"It's a picture file," Niall frowned, making Zayn's heart rate increase suddenly. He clenched the steering wheel tightly, not wanting his imagination to get the better of him.
"Open it," Zayn commanded softly, not wanting to frighten the blonde or himself. He watched through the rear view as the blonde gasped at the file attached, the phone almost slipping out of his hand as he brought it closer to Louis' line of sight with shaking hands.
"Fuck," the feathery brunette cursed, clasping his hand on his mouth to stifle down his sobs. Zayn frowned from the driver's seat, loosing all cool when Liam got the phone and had the same reaction. The Pakistani reached out, grabbing the phone from the bulky brunette's hands and glanced at the image, trying to keep his eyes on the road as he kept on accelerating, zooming past the crowd in a rush to get to the airport. Once inside, he knew that the police would make everything a tiny bit easier for them. Justin won't be able to attack openly in front of so many people and even security people. He relaxed a little at the thought, turning his attention back to the picture shown on the phone and gasped loudly when it finally registered in his mind.
His fingers around the electronic device got weaker with every passing second, finally letting the phone slip from his fingers. The car slowed down as he let go of the steering wheel, eyes staring wide ahead.
"They killed her Zayn. T-they killed her," Niall sobbed, hands covering his face as he continued to cry, mourning for the loss of a woman whom he had just known for a mere hour.
Zayn opened his mouth to reply, not knowing what he could possibly say to make the situation better. He gripped the steering wheel, continuing to drive ahead despite the sadness that had settled inside the car. They just had to cross this bridge and then they would reach the airport in a span of a few mere seconds. He wanted to escape this place already. All this bloodshed and the loss of innocent lives wasn't settling well with him.
"Hey watch out -" Liam yelled, grabbing the wheel from the other side when he noticed a big van coming close enough to slam in them. The small threat of an accident got all their hearts racing, making them loose focus on the road and ignore another similar van coming from the opposite direction and this time, successfully ramming into them, pushing the SUV halfway down the bridge.
Zayn held onto the steering wheel, trying to control the vehicle but gave up when they were slammed into from the opposite direction once again. He should've known that it would end like this. He must have lost his head to think that they were capable of going against the most dangerous mafia lord! The Pakistani closed his eyes, unlocking the doors and glancing at all his best mates. Louis was crying, screaming loudly while Liam was cursing badly, holding onto the seats to prevent himself from falling down even thought the fall was inevitable. They were hanging halfway off the bridge and Zayn was certain that the impact of everything had made Niall faint. He reached a hand out to get rid of the seat belt, getting the gun out from the waistband of his jeans and aimed straight ahead.
If he was going down, he wasn't going without at least putting up a fight, even a pathetic one would do.
"Shoot Liam," the tanned man ordered, aiming his gun straight ahead as his other hand worked in rolling down the windows. He could see the driver of the van preparing to slam into them once again. The bridge, Zayn noticed, was strangely empty by this point. He continued to raise his gun, watching the van start and approach closer to them and the very instant he saw the face of the driver, he shot the bullet, letting it break the glass into pieces when the van collided with them, titling the SUV to the edge.
The tanned man closed his eyes, his gun aimed straight as he kept on shooting, smirking when he noticed the bullet hitting straight between the driver's forehead -
- the very moment they fell.
AN/ welp, got that out there. Just the prologue to go. JK.
I would like to thank everyone who stayed by me, reading this story despite the late updates and the extreme plot twists which were really senseless at times, I admit. I know this book was a bit too extreme, trust me. I just wanted some action to be there and there wasn't even proper smut! I'm planning on doing 4 separate chapters with Niall getting fucked by all the guys.
Please comment the pairings whose smut you would like to see. It could be threesome as well just not all of them alright, I won't be able to write a group fuck lol. I'M A VIRGIN FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!
so yeah, thank you and I love you guys a lot !
- nikita
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