"Get out, get out, get out," Zayn yelled harshly, parking the car roughly to the side. He motioned Liam to protect Lou, not wanting an innocent person to get harmed in any manner because of their carelessness. There was a car waiting for them at a five minute walking distance and Zayn had up till now, successfully managed to avoid getting caught by any one of Justin's men. He quickly tossed some spare cash to Lou, motioning towards the cheap rundown looking motel. "Go there and stay put for as long as you can. After a few hours you can call a cab to pick you up. If somebody threatens to kill you, then take this-" he quickly handed one of his small guns to the wide eyed and scared looking woman. Somehow, they had all managed to change their clothes and get their make up done, leaving them at least a bit unsuspecting looking. He had Lou to thank for that. With her fingers trembling and her breathing shaking, she had gotten her work done.
"I-I can't take this . I-"
"If you don't shoot them, they'll shoot you. The choice is yours, now go." He gave the older woman a small nudge, grabbing his bag pack from the floor. The air around them was now tense, the previous calm had completely dissipated. He knew that dealing with the world's most feared mafia lord was not going to be easy especially considering that Justin had hundreds and thousands of people working under him. He turned his attention back to the Irish blonde, motioning him to keep behind them at all costs. A gun had been provided to Niall as well, just in case. It was better to leave the small man with at least some means of self defense.
"I know a short route. Don't raise any suspicions and let's divide into two groups to not raise any special interest." Louis spoke slowly, eyes darting from one face to the next and then to the empty road and the small alley ways. He had his phone in his hand, the dots on the laptop were now visible on the small screen of his iPhone. "Zayn, Liam and Niall, you guys go ahead of us. Harry and I will stay back and give you cover. Put on your earpieces and keep on following my instructions. I've turned the tracker on your phones on so I'll know where you are at every moment." Louis stared at all the familiar faces before his gaze settled on the blonde.
"Be safe please." Niall whispered, reaching forward to wrap his arms around Louis and then continued to do the same to Harry before walking back to Liam and Zayn. Louis was aware that Liam would be able to handle fist fights as well as killing someone without any remorse while Zayn was just good with his gun. He wasn't exceptionally blessed in the muscle department but the man could pack a punch when the time called for it. Niall would be much much safe with them while Louis and Harry would keep a few steps back, making sure that nobody suspicious was tailing them.
"Let's go."
Niall didn't like his surroundings. He could see dirty rats and several insects littering the alley way but apparently, this was one route which nobody would bother with simply because it was too filthy to be walked on. Yet here he was, in gingham check skirt and a white blouse covering his body, a long brunette wig giving the appearance that he was a long haired girl instead of an Irish male.
"Watch out." Liam grumbled, pushing the blonde to the other side as he was just about to step on a puddle of mud.
"S-sorry." Niall whimpered, rubbing the side of his body that had collided with the dirty wall which contained too many cobwebs. He wondered to himself about the kind of disgusting place they were probably in but soon enough, he could see the alley leading up to the main street where a white yet boring looking car was parked.
"That's our ride." Zayn chuckled, bringing his gun out of his pocket. He signaled for Liam to step back, keeping an eye on Niall while Zayn assessed the surroundings. Once he was certain that nobody was in the way he motioned for the other two men to join. He frowned visibly when he noticed that Louis and Harry had still not reached.
"Should we drive up to them?" Liam asked, frowning when he also noticed his other two mates missing. They were supposed to reach at the same time but apparently, the two had gotten delayed.
"No. Call them up. Let me drive," Zayn retorted, tossing his phone over the bulky brunette as he took position behind the wheels and without wasting any minute, started the car up. He kept on driving around, keeping an eye out for anybody who looked like they might be out for blood and calmed down when he noticed nothing much casual passerby's walking down the street, minding their own business.
"Lou, mate where are you?" Liam huffed, a hint of worry seeping into his tone. He turned the phone on speaker, not wanting Niall to get worried and stressed over anything . A minute passed without any response from the other side and it didn't do anything to ease the blonde's concern. He was dreading this moment, when their plan would get fucked up despite all the precautions they had taken. If they hadn't split up then maybe none of this would've happened or at least then Niall would have been aware of what was going on. But the silence right now was more painful than the burning knowledge of what could have happened.
"K-keep driving. I'm at the alley way. I can see the car." Louis spoke out, his voice shaking but while Liam and Niall were getting worried, Zayn had already started the car up, driving close to all the alley ways where Louis could possibly be. He brought the car to a halt suddenly, opening the door to get out and scrambled quickly over to where Louis was sitting crouched down with Harry on the other side of him. Zayn frowned at the scene, waving his hand at Liam to stay put inside the car. They might be out of sight but that didn't mean they could take any more chances.
"Why are you crouching down there? Get up, let's go. We only have a few hours to go." Zayn tried, huffing when Louis didn't respond. He reached a hand out, grabbing the feathery haired brunette by the upper arm and dragged him to his feet before turning his attention to Harry who hadn't responded throughout the entire one sided conversation. "Hey, Haz, let's go man. Niall's getting worried about you." Zayn spoke, adding a cheery tone to his voice to ease the tense atmosphere. He frowned when Louis shook his head, his entire body shaking continuously. It caused Zayn to roll his eyes before getting down on his knees to drag Harry up the way he had done to Louis.
The very moment he grabbed the curly brunette's tattooed arm, Zayn could sense something was off but nonetheless, he continued to drag the taller man's body up only to find it slumping down the other side despite every movement he made. For a split second, Zayn wondered if Harry was asleep or maybe he had passed out due to stress but one look at the mess of red liquid against the wall and down on the floor and the Pakistani was certain that his best mate was not in a deep slumber.
"Harry, stop joking man. Let's go alright?" Zayn tried, controlling his voice from shaking just like Louis' body was. He reached a hand out, slapping Harry's face, ignoring the way his body didn't at all respond to the touch and his eyes remained close no matter how many times Zayn slapped his body or nudged his arm. "Harry please....," the raven haired man whimpered, turning his attention to a sobbing Louis.
"How did it happen?" Zayn demanded, his loud voice getting the attention of the two men inside the safety of the car. It seemed to trigger something in them, letting them know that something really wrong had taken place as they watched Zayn push and tug Louis for answers but the feathery brunette kept shut, his blue eyes fixated on Harry's slumping figure.
Niall quickly got out of the car, with Liam close behind him keeping an eye out for any sign of danger even though he really wanted to just rush to his best mates. They stopped right next to a teary eyed Louis and a frustrated Zayn, the sight enough to have Niall's eyebrows furrowing. He glanced from one face to the next before his eyes finally settled down on Harry's body lying next to a big green dumpster. He crouched next to the curly brunette, ignoring the nasty smell from the dumpster as he reached his hand out to push the brown hair to the side, giving him a clear view of Harry's face with his eyes closed and his lips all dry. Unconsciously, Niall let out a loud sob, his arms automatically wrapping around Harry's cold torso as he cried loudly without any concern for the world.
Fuck the plan.
Fuck running away.
The man he treasured more than his own life was gone.
Niall sobbed louder, ignoring his fingers getting wet with Harry's blood.
"I-I love you. Please wake up Hazzy, pretty please." The blonde choked, not daring to look at the other lads. He should've known that this would happen. They had made a big mistake by even thinking about running away. He would've survived somehow with Justin. He would've been okay knowing that Harry had betrayed him but at least, he would have known that his favorite men were safe and alive. But now, there was nothing in the world that could guarantee their safety and Harry's cold body in his arms was enough to prove that.
They might have started this entire ordeal but now Niall knew that Justin was going to be the one to put an end to everything.
"H-how did this happen? We were so fucking careful." Liam grunted, his body shaking as he tried to hold back on his tears. One of them had to stay strong now that everyone was breaking. Maybe things would have been much better had they never decided to come up with this shitty plan.
"There are snipers all around the area. Every single building is covered with his men." Louis spoke, his voice cold and dry. His eyes continued to watch Harry and then trailed back to Niall. He got on his knees, kneeling next to Harry's body and Niall's smaller one that was holding it tightly. He placed his gun next to it, feeling ashamed for not being careful and vigilant enough to protect his best friend when he had the chance to. He was the one who came up with the idea to split up. He was the one who didn't think that Justin could have already caught up to them. He kept on relying on the fucking dots, forgetting that all he had learnt was all thanks to Justin. Had he really been stupid enough to think that he could play with the master mind?
"What does that mean?" Zayn asked, watching Louis turn around to look him right in the eye for the first time. He froze at the complete dead look in those blue eyes.
"It means we're fucked."
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