Chapter 18

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The atmosphere upon reaching home was more tense and vile than the one Niall had to survive throughout the days in the trip. He had decided to just pack his bags and leave before everyone else, clearly Liam's answer was confusing enough and the look in the bulky brunette's eye hinted that the topic was not up for discussion. And usually, Niall wouldn't care. He would just leave it be if Liam didn't want to talk about something but this seemed way too serious and Niall was sure things weren't going to go his way for a very long time. 

"I'm home." He called out, frowning when there was no response. It was already close to twelve, the time when everyone should be up and about, especially his mother. Maura liked getting up early, a bit too much maybe but Niall still found it an adorable habit. Though he was glad he never inherited it from her. "Mum? Dad?" He shouted from the corridors, rolling his eyes when no response came his way.

Slumping his bags on the floor, he walked down the corridors, feeling grateful that the windows were open and bright sunlight was flooding inside the house. It was a small and cosy one, and Niall would have definitely loved it if this place didn't hold too many bad memories. Like of all the times his parents would just argue and scream and argue some more. It made him shiver in remembrance of all those nights when they were lock themselves in a room and just shout incoherent things and then Maura would come out crying and Bobby would look just so heartbroken that even Niall didn't think he would be able to help with the situation. Even if he tried. Even if he wanted to. 

He quickly knocked on his parent's bedroom, decided to just open it once nobody answered after five rapid knocks on the door. Surprisingly, even the bedroom was empty and really, Niall could feel his own temper rising. His parents weren't ones to leave the house unattended like that. There was always one person home. As a rule in fact. Or they would especially call Greg to pay attention to the poor house and Niall didn't know why he was never left alone either. Always under someone's supervision. 

Deciding to check the hall room, the blonde sighed to himself, feeling a bit too mentally and emotionally drained to be doing all this hunting. He just wanted his mother's especially cooked food to eat and then the comfort of his bed while his father asked him a million questions about the trip. Questions that weren't always even related to the topic. 

Thankfully though, the light in the hall room was on and on the sofa, he could see the blonde head of his mother and the sight of his father on the chair right in front of his eyes. Bobby quickly lifted his head upon sensing Niall's footsteps and gave a large frown to the teenager,making the boy wonder what he had done wrong. 

"How are you here?" The oldest Horan whispered, his voice trembling a little and his hands shaking as he got up, pushing the chair back and taking brisk steps towards where Niall stood, confused and dazed. "How can you be here?" Bobby whispered once again, and from the corner of his eyes, Niall could see his mum's eyes watering as well. And he was too confused and too exhausted to figure out what was happening. It was as if everyone in his life had decided to act like complete weirdos. 

"What's wrong dad?" The boy asked cautiously, cocking his head to the side as he waited for his father to respond and when no reply came his way, he turned his attention towards Maura, in the hopes that at least his mother would answer him considering all his father seemed to be doing was choking back on a sob. 

"Do you remember when you were five and this new family had moved in right next door to us?" Maura whispered, keeping her voice low and soft, not wanting to startle Bobby but Niall had to know. He deserved to know. It was his life after all, and his choices, reckless ones that really could've been avoided.

"Yes. I remember they had a kid my age." And I remember getting fucked by him just recently, his conscious spoke out and the blonde had to shake his head away to get rid of the voice. 

"Do you also remember that the two of you always talking about getting married and having children together? And he called you his wife a lot. It was so adorable, watching young kids talking about their future like that." Maura chuckled, her mind drifting to the times when Niall would excitedly go out of the house and another dirty blonde kid would follow close behind, the two of them talking for hours nonstop and whenever she found them, the older of the two would be listening to Niall excitedly talking about things. It felt like they were meant to be together back then, and Maura was heartbroken when the family next door decided to move. 

"How is this related to why dad is crying?" Niall huffed, grabbing his father gently by the shoulders and turning him towards the couch, sitting himself down right between the two adults. 

"That boy happened to be the only son of an on the loose criminal. We weren't affected by it because they had already moved houses and the boy was just a young kid." Maura paused, taking a deep breath before continuing. "But I didn't know a childhood infatuation would last that long." 

"What are you trying to say?" 

"What if I tell you that the child who used to live next door is back and he's quite determined to have what he wants." Maura waited for a response, not wanting to disclose everything to Niall but rather wanting the blonde to figure it out himself. However, judging by the confused look on is face, she was certain that it wasn't going to happen anytime soon. It made sense, Niall probably didn't even remember the child but that wasn't a possibility, she had always seen them together, with the young lad having been the guy who stole her son's first kiss and she was sure that Niall remembered it all, clearly even but was just not thinking much into the situation. 

If only she had known that all those years they spent together until the blonde had turned ten, were a hint towards something else. But she thought it was nothing but two children being their childish selves. 

"What does he want?" Niall gulped, feeling a bit scared with the answer because he had already met Justin and he had already given himself to the guy. Just one but that was more than enough. He wasn't going to do it again, no matter what.

"You." Maura whispered, turning around to stare at Niall's blue eyes. "He wants you." 

an/ I have zero idea what I'm even writing so I'm going to call his a free style writing because well, I'm free and this totally lacks style and it's just random bullshit but people wanted this to stay for some reason -_-

I honestly prefer it when my stories make sense. Like Into You, or Hands to Myself, or Like I would. Those made sense lol. To me at least. I won't include Impotent. That was another bullshit but it turned out to be funny. I should've added it in the humor categories. :p 

I'm too tired to function which is why this is short. 1k+ words. Try living with people who just can't let u sleep. I stayed up till 4:30 because my first just randomly decided to walk inside my room around 1 and then we talked and talked and oh my god, even she was wondering when she was going to sleep lol. And then when I finally did fall asleep, my roommate decided to come back home. LIKE IT'S A FUCKING SUNDAY, WHY COME BACK AT 7:30 IN THE FUCKING MORNING !!!!!!!???? AND THEN WHEN I WAS TRYING TO SLEEP, I JUST OPENED MY EYES FOR A SECOND BECAUSE I FELT A PRESENCE ON TOP OF ME AND TRUST ME, I WAS SCARED FOR MY DEAR LIFE, AND SHE WAS HOVERING ON TOP OF ME AND GAVE ME A DESCRIPTION OF THE BREAKFAST AND HOW I MUST EAT IT. I HAVE NEVER WANTED TO SUE SOMEONE SO BADLY. SHE MURDERED MY SLEEP!!!!!! :( :( :( 

I swear if my friends randomly call and they want to go somewhere, I'm suing everywhere. lol . I'm serious -_-





WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT THE BACK STORY? I think it's kinda cute. lol

THOUGHTS ON JUSTIN WANTING NIALL? jiall is so hot though. i cry. 


WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN NOW THAT NIALL KNOWS THE TRUTH? Well, Maura's part of it but still. 

I think I'm too obsessed with the mafia. It's not their works or ways that I'm fond of. It's just that guns are hot. And ruthlessness is very appealing. Fanfictions made me this way 



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