(I would like to apologize about the slight confusion in this chapter in case u read this before my re re re editing this. My WiFi is slow and wattpad kept on unsaving the changes made and omg , it's okay now. U can read it. The previous chapter had so many lacking points ugh I'm sorry)
"What are you doing here?" Niall hissed, shutting his eyes close when he felt the light pricking at them. It was too early in the morning to be woken up like this and the blonde was already hating every second of it. He was already having such a hard past few days, with everything going on and his mind was a complete mess. A proper sleep was all he needed but it seemed like the god above wasn't even going to give him that. The events of the previous night flashed briefly in his mind but he quickly brushed them away.
"Get up little turd. We're going out to grab something to eat." Troye chuckled lightly, watching Niall flutter open his eyes before snapping them shut. It was a cute sight to see and even though he knew there was a lot on Niall's mind right now, Troye really didn't see why a bunch of good for nothing boy's should affect Niall's health. No boy was worth that much pain and tears.
"Why can't we just stay in?" The blonde whined, taking in the unfamiliar room. He remembered the strange encounter he had had with Justin and after that, Niall hadn't even dared to walk inside his room but had directly gone up to Troye. It was a good thing that Conner, Troye's roommate, was a complete sweetheart and didn't mind skipping out for awhile while Niall cried his heart out in his new friend's shoulder, talking about every nonsense he could think of. He missed those four idiots so much and even though, Troye was right about how no guy was worth so many tears, Niall just couldn't bring himself to follow through with the entire 'pick yourself up and brush yourself off' plan. He felt incomplete and empty without being wrapped in one of Harry's long hoodies or messing around with Zayn's phone or just picking random fights with Liam or laughing loudly with Louis. He hadn't even realized how they had completely taken over his entire life until they had decided to leave him, stranded, isolated and utterly alone.
"Because love, food is an essential part of our life and if you don't hurry up, they'll close down the free student's meal and then we'll have to pay huge bucks for it." Niall groaned at the words. The arrangement his school had made with the hotel was completely stupid. There were hours reserved for when the students were to appear downstairs to eat their breakfast, lunch and dinner. Anything else that they wanted to eat was to be paid for out of their own pockets while the other three compulsory meals were included in the amount they had all previously paid for while signing up for the trip. Since the hotel had many other customers as well, just the floors 2-3-4-5 being reserved for the school students, the staff had to make sure that none of the students were being loud or disturbing the other customers. It was a good thing that Justin was the owner of the hotel and being slightly older than all of the high school kids, he wasn't that strict to be around. Which explains why every girl was already drooling on him. Niall ignored the slight irritation he felt at that thought.
"Give me five minutes to get ready." The blonde whispered when Troye placed a loose shirt and his own pair of skinny jeans on the bed. Niall wanted to run back to his room just so he could get his suitcase but he didn't want to bother Zayn.
"Hurry up. I've got somethings to take care of, till then you can get dressed and I'll come back here in a few. We'll go down for breakfast together, okay?" Troye got out, pushing his books inside the bag he was carrying as he waited for the blonde to reply. When Niall gave a small nod, Troye placed the bag pack on his shoulder before leaving the door. He was a bit worried about Niall, the blonde was too fragile and hurt but then again, Niall was a grown up, he could deal with his own troubles for a while.
The blonde quickly scurried inside the bathroom when the door closed. Grabbing a hold of the extra toothbrush, he quickly brushed his teeth and then got dressed. His thoughts kept trailing back to the brief encounter he had had with him and it was really ticking him off. He hated how other people were starting to occupy so much of his thoughts and really, he didn't want to be one of those people who just kept on whining and crying over guys. It was absurd how everything was just happening right under his nose and he was too damn clueless to catch drift of it.
Tugging the loose red T-shirt over his head and down his shoulders, the blonde sighed at the mirror. He looked as miserable as he felt and right now, he would give anything to have his make up kit right next to him, just so he could do something about those messy roots and those dark circles. He was glad that the tear stains were gone at least. Taking a hold of the face wash, complimentary of the hotel, he rubbed his face harshly, trying to get his brain to focus on the harsh pain rather than anything else, before splashing it with water. He hissed at the light love bites littered across his neck,thanking the lord above that nothing else had happened. He had managed to escape all in good time, he had managed to avoid giving into temptation. He was actually proud of himself for shoving Justin away and glad that he could run out of the door and towards Troye's room.
Once dressed, he moved downstairs when noticing that he had taken at least fifteen minutes. Troye was probably already waiting for him in the lunchroom, even though he had said that they would walk down together. People really never stuck to their words now did they?
Niall quickly walked inside the room, watching the students laughing and stuffing their mouth with the mashed potatoes and steak. He grabbed a plate of his own, adding the freshly made pancakes into it and topping them off with butter and maple syrup. He walked towards the empty chair at the far corner of the room and his thoughts trailed back to the reserved seat he sat in the school cafeteria. It was a routine for him and the four dorks to sit together and they would talk about random things and flirt a little. That definitely wasn't going to happen here or maybe anywhere.
"I am so sorry." Niall turned his head in the direction of the voice, shoulders slumping down when he noticed it was Troye. What was he hoping for? That the boys would come back,that Harry,Zayn, Louis and Liam would come back and apologize for neglecting him and like a fool, Niall would happily welcome them back. "I got a bit carried away. I was with my friends and I am so sorry Niall."
Niall nodded his head, understanding where Troye was coming from. He was the only one who was foolish enough to revolve his entire life around four people, never even bothering to take a second glance at other people.
"But guess what I came to know?" Troye squealed in excitement, cocking his head to the side as he observed Niall's expression. When the blonde didn't say anything, the brunette took it upon himself to continue with a roll of his eyes. "There's a party at the nearby club. Everybody will be going there." He whispered excitedly, keeping his voice low to avoid being overheard by the teachers. They didn't really care much, as long as the students came back unharmed.
"And, we're going." Troye exclaimed, frowning at Niall's lack of enthusiasm.
"I really don't feel like partying." Niall got out, shaking his head as he took a bite of his pancake.
"Oh come on." Troye groaned, "Don't put your entire life on hold because of a bunch of boys. They don't deserve your time and space if they can't even appreciate you. Come on Niall, let's go out and have some fun."
Niall sighed loudly before nodding his head. He did agree with Troye's words and just hoped that this party would at least keep his mind off of the boys and even Justin. Maybe with a bit of alcohol in his system, he might even end up enjoying it. One can only hope.
After all, nothing bad ever happens at parties.
"So which one do you think?" Louis frowned, not understanding what the words insinuated but when he lifted his head up from his phone, finding Danielle raising two dresses high in the air. The brunette sighed, shaking his head. He had accompanied Niall on several of these shopping trips but doing one with Danielle was just not right. It felt like something huge was missing and Louis already knew what it was.
"I think you'd look beautiful in both of them." He smiled back politely at the blushing girl. A part of him felt really bad and guilty to be doing this to her, stringing her feelings along. She was a nice girl, he had to give her that. Not at all bitchy and whiny, Danielle kept to herself and would allow Louis to rant his heart out about topics. She never stopped him from doing anything but didn't support certain things either. She was juts so damn chill and laid back that Louis could actually see a potential friendship forming between them , that is, if he wasn't playing with her emotions. He was pretty sure that once everything came to an end, Danielle would probably hate him and so would Niall.
Just the thought of the blonde made his chest hurt. He quickly shrugged the thought away, not wanting to dwell about how this entire bullshit must be effecting Niall. He couldn't do anything but back off. Niall wasn't his, he belonged to him and there was no way that Louis, even with the other boys, would be able to defeat him.
"Alright, then. I'll buy them both." The girl replied, pushing a strand of her loose hair into a messy bun. She was dressed in a blue sundress, a brown jacket to go on top since the weather was surprisingly chilly. Her face contained minimum make up but somehow, even without tonnes of powder on, she still managed to look beautiful. Louis was sure that Niall would've been jealous of a girl like Danielle. That was probably the one reason why Liam had said that they should choose the most gorgeous of girls. Though, none of them held anything against Niall.
"Whatever you want love." He gave the shorter female a tight lipped smile, feeling his heart aching at the entire plan. The ding of his phone quickly bought him out from the dark thoughts that were just inches away from clouding his mind. Louis quickly placed his phone out, shaking his head at the message he had just received from Zayn. This was going to ruin everything and as much as he wanted to scream and shout, and just walk away from this entire mess, walk away from watching the love of his life break down right in front of his eyes, he knew they had to do this.
He shrugged his shoulders carelessly, walking towards the counter where Danielle was paying for her clothes. Louis chuckled to himself, not understanding this girl at all. She never asked him for anything and never even told him to pay for her, whether they were out eating or anything else, she always split the bill and sometimes, Louis felt as if she knew exactly what he was thinking. As if she knew that he wasn't with her mentally even though he was there physically. How could she not? He was always so lost, going through pictures of Niall and him on his phone or just staring off in space thinking everything over.He regretted ever taking that assignment up, agreeing to guard Niall and ensure his safety. He knew from the start that Niall was marked out as reserved goods, he wasn't supposed to be touched by anyone but they had all been fools. They had all fallen for the boy with short blonde fluffy hair, small dainty fingers and those signature crop tops and mini skirts and those blue eyes. And now they were all going to pay the price.
"Hey babe." Louis asked lightly once the two had walked outside the shop, with Danielle fidgeting with all her bags and checking everything twice. He nodded small when the girl turned around to face him, giving a small smile in order to make Louis continue with his words. "I was thinking of whether you would like to accompany me in the party tonight." He bit his lips, pushing his hands inside his jeans pocket as they continued to walk down the hallways of the shopping mall and then proceeded to take the elevators.
"I would love to. I won't ever say no to you, Louis. You really didn't even have to ask." Danielle laughed, unaware of Louis' fists clenching inside the pockets of his jeans. He felt guilty and he really should. He was playing with fire here, playing with a girl's feelings and playing with Niall's heart. Yep, it was certain. He was going to hell.
AN/ This is like 2k words long so hurray.
I hope this story isn't boring anyone lol. But some smut is coming your way soon.
Would you rather it be #ziallsex #narrysex #nouissex #niamsex ? Or maybe #jiallsex?
Or some special request for your choice of threesome? Or maybe all of them fucking little neil's ass? You'd like that wouldn't u :P
Apart from this:
Thoughts on the chapter?
Thoughts on Louis and Danielle? I really really like Danielle in real life as well btw. I don't see a point in hating on her. She's literally so chill and least bothered about stuff. I love that lol
Thoughts on Troye?
Thoughts on what will go down at the partttty?
Random question: What's your favorite song by Adam Lambert?
Funny story, I actually didn't know Adam was gay like 4 years back and I used to have these fantasies about being in a relationship with him. Because really, he's too hot and I honestly though he was like 17 years old but I was so damn wrong. He's like twice my age but OMFG, he's still so so so so tempting and OMFG WHY DO I NOT HAVE A DICK AND THE GREAT LUCK TO LAND ADAM LAMBERT LOL. But seriously, he's BEAUTIFUL!
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