The blonde walked down the halls of his school is a pissed off mood. It was raining heavily outside and Niall really wasn't very fond of the rain. Plus, with his parents screaming at each other and his brother acting as if he was utterly disgusted with Niall's choice of clothing, the rain just kind of added to the gloominess in his life and that just made him sad and angry.
He grunted loudly when a few boys wolf whistled his way, his black skirt riding up just a little as he bent down to pick up his fallen books. How bad could this day get? First it starts rain, then he gets called all sorts of names (some of them are really not that bad. Flattering actually) and then his book fall down causing all the horny boys to definitely stare at his ass.
"I'm pretty sure they have new material for wanking now," He huffed to himself, walking over to his locker to push all the useless books inside so he could go and attend the classes and then meet his best friends, who were more or less, like his brothers.
Niall sat down for his first lesson, his clean shaved legs being drooled upon by other boys. He rolled his eyes, slumping down on his chair, wondering why he decided to not wear leggings today. He really hated his decisions sometimes but skirts made him feel pretty and Niall really liked feeling pretty.
The classes rolled down pretty quickly and soon Niall was making his way over to lunch, the only time of the day which he liked. He went to the rest rooms to freshen up, applying a new touch of pink lipstick as he pushed up his skirt enough to show just a faint outline of his panties, but not too much if he kept straight. The blonde giggled to himself as he re-applied his eyeliner and ruffled up his hair a bit before finally exiting the room.
Lunch room, he wondered, was exactly how those movies described it to be. It was filled with loud teens chatting among themselves while they were divided into different groups. The jocks, the nerds, the outcasts and then came the cheerleaders and all the other pretty girls. It was sad really that nobody ever tried to interact with anyone from the other strata.
The blonde walked over to the table he always sat at, waiting quietly for his friends to enter. He checked his skirt again, running a finger over the milky white thighs. He loved how hairless he was, and plus wax always helped him in such matters.
"Perfect," He sighed to himself when four incredibly handsome men walked in. Some would say that Niall wasn't exactly friends with these people, they were all just so very different and Niall was, well, innocent. His breath hitched when familiar hazel eyes turned around and passed a cocky smirk in his direction.
"Hey baby," The voice trailed looking at Niall up and down, the other three doing the same. Niall shivered before turning around to sit back at him seat, bending a bit as he tried to wipe a few crusts off of the table. He heard one of them release a deep groan while arms wrapped around his waist.
"Stop tempting me," Niall shivered again at the high pitched voice of the stranger. His skirt was quickly pulled down, the rolled up material falling nicely, making the skirt cover his panties up. He blushed shyly, glancing at the three men in pure fascination and innocence.
"Fuck, such a little slut and still manages to act so innocent." Niall couldn't help but giggle.
"Daddy Z," He wrapped the taller man around in a hug, ignoring the glares the cheerleaders were passing his way. As if they could ever land him! Pfft!
"What about us?" An incredibly husky and slow English accent drawled, making Niall giggle again as he wrapped his arms around the curly haired brunette, inhaling his scent of sunflowers and mint. "Harry!" He squealed when the taller man pinched his bum.
"Alright boys, time to have lunch," The blonde pouted cutely at the puppy eyed man who was already seating at their table, waiting for the other to join him.
"I don't like beans," The blonde huffed, causing the well built man to roll his eyes but take the beans off Niall's plate nonetheless.
"Whipped," The same high pitched voice coughed as Niall giggled once again. He was always so happy and at home with these people even though he knew they were the bad guys.
"As if you wouldn't do the same Tommo," The puppy eyed man replied,sending a wink to Niall before the focused his attention on the mass of healthy, nutritious food.
"I would to but Niall would have to beg me for it first," Niall blushed furiously at Louis's words, glaring down at his food as he took a bite. This was temporary, he kept chanting to himself. This was just fucking temporary.
"Niall, stop thinking so hard," Harry gave the shorter blonde a sympathetic smile, his hand wrapped itself around Niall's slim waist as he pushed the blonde further into his chest, making sure he could still comfortably eat his meal.
"Are we on for tonight?" Niall asked, giving his best hopeful expression which consisted of a huge smile and big blue eyes.
"Yes," Zayn replied.
"Please don't- don't do drugs while I'm there."
"Blondie, we won't," Louis smiled at him lightly.
"And no guns?"
"And make sure you protect me!" He shoved another spoonful of pasta into his mouth, cringing at the greasy taste.
"Always," The boys muttered in unison, watching the blonde smile happily to himself.
AN/ This was so so shit! But if i didn't update it now, I probably wouldn't have updated it anytime soon. I swear I'll figure something out for this story. My mind is kind of a messy place rn.
And can somebody make a cover for this story? Nobody will but I'm just asking.
Please do vote, because hello, efforts! :P
Love ya guys x
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