You were the one to get the worst cramps known to man. Like literally, you wernt the one to be around when you were going through them.
You groan as you sit on the floor of the lodging house.
"Woah y/n you okay?" Jack asked you.
"Nooo" You say with your eyes closed.
"What's the matter, are you sick?" He asked and felt your forhead.
"Worse" you say.
"What's worse than getting sick" He asked.
"How bout, feeling like your stomach is goona explode" You say.
"What?" He laughed.
"Cramps, jack" You say.
"Ooohh" He says and sits next to you. He grabs your hand and puts it in his hand. "Come er'e"
He pulls you close. You groan and rest your head against his shoulder. He kisses the top of your head and gently squeezes your hand.
You close your eyes and begin to rest.
You and Davey sat on his bed, and he was reading a book to you. You knew how to read, but you loved hearing his voice, especially his reading voice.
"And the nurse cried out "the mayor is dead, the mayor is dead!" , as she ran throughout the city, the town's people looked at her in such a fright, wondering if it was true and suddenly they all knew it was tru-
You wince and move around.
"You okay?" He looks over at you.
"I have a headache" You rub your head. "Not from you, but it just came out of nowhere"
"My mother has some medicine you can take" He says. "I'll go get it"
He gets up and walks away.
"Its your time of the month" Sarah says, with her head down, as she pays attention to her knitting.
"Yes" You reply and hold the side of your head.
"Me too" She looks up. "Its the worst"
"Sure is" You reply. "Why do girls have such a curse put on them?"
She laughs. "It isnt a curse" She says. "God, gave it to use to be able to have children, but it seems as though it hurts more than childbirth"
"Tell me about it" You laugh. "I mean I get it if you wanna have kids when your older, but why must use younger girls, have to go through this. Like I dont want a baby right now!"
"A baby?" Davey walks slowly back into the room.
"I said I dont want to have a baby right now" You laugh.
"Oh" he nods. "Wait- why are you talking about that?"
Sarah looks up at him, and gives him a look.
"Ohhh" He says and smiles awkwardly.
Sarah nods and looks back at her knitting.
"What, so one look Davey and you know what she is talking about?" You ask. He nods.
"I'll take care of you even more" He smiles. You smile.
"I dont feel like wearing this dress" You say to Blink.
"Its really nice on ya, pleaseee" He says.
"Why cant we go to one of Meddas shows another time" You sigh out loud and flop on your bed.
"Because you have been cramped up here for 4 days, doing nothing but laying in bed" He says. "I know it makes you drowsy and grumpy-
"I am not" You scoff. He gives you a side eye.
"I just wanted to make you happy" He smiles. "I know those stomach cramps hurt you and I wanted to make you better"
"Aww thank you" You smile.
The sun was settling against you and you were as tired and sweaty as can be.
"Race" You say.
"MOVE YA BASTA- what is sweetheart?" He says in a normal voice.
"I'm goona just go inside" You say.
"Okay" He says. You get up and begin walking away. But, you feel somone pull you back and sit you down.
"Hey" You look at race annoyed. "What was that for?"
"Y/n" He says close to you. "You's got a blood spot on ya dress"
"What?uh-oh my goodness" You say begging to get worried.
"Its alright" He says. "Ere" He takes of his jacket. "Tie this around, I know itll look weird, but wade ya know people might be wearing their jackets like that in the future" he laughs and ties the jacket around you.
"Thank you" You kiss his cheek.
"What do I do??" Mush says.
"Nothing" You let out a long sigh.
"Oh y/n this is to much to know" He puts his hand on his head and begins pacing around the room.
"What are you so worried about, I'm the one who's gotta bleed" You say.
"I know, b-but you bleed for s-seven days?" He says.
"Yes" I reply.
"And your stomach hurts?" He says. You roll your eyes. "Does having an attitude, a side effect too?" He asks curiously.
"What's that suppose to mean?" You say with an attitude. He takes a step back.
"Well" He sighs. "I'm here for you"
"Thank you" You smirk. He nods and gives you a hug.
You and spot decided to spend the day together. You walked all around new york and eventually went swimming due to how hot it was.
You raced spot in the water and just overall had a good time.
"Alright" You sigh. "I'm tired"
"But we just got in" He says.
"I've got a headache, for some reason" You say.
"You okay?" He says concerned.
"Y-yeah" You say climbing the ladder to the dock.
"Alright, I see you at the lodging house" He smiles.
"Okay" You say and he goes underwater . You get out of the water and begin walking down the dock.
You begin hearing murmurs and small talks amongst the newsies.
You look at them confused and give them a dirty look.
"You all right?" A newsies asks l concerned.
"Yes, why wouldnt I be?" You ask confused.
He looks at the newsies disgusted.
"Your bleeding, y/n" He says.
You look down confused. Blood ran down your legs.
"Shit" You say now embarrassed. You began running away.
"Do you want me to get spot?!" He yelled back.
"N-NO!" You yell. You ran all the way to the lodging house. You shut the door and turn on the sink. You grab a rag and start cleaning your legs.
"Shit, shit, shit" You say.
"Y/N!" You heard spot yell.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck" You say and wobble over to the door.
"Are you okay?" Spot says.
"Yeah i-im fine, just give me a minute" You say holding the door knob.
He wiggles the door knob.
"Your bleeding y/n" He says. You open the door a little and speak your head out.
"No, its fine- I'm okay" You say. He looks at you confused.
"What happened?" He says. "Who did this too you?"
"No one did anything, I'- I- I-just had a little-" You stop yourself.
"A little what?" He asks and crosses his arms.
"I-" You sigh out. "I got my-period"
He lowers his eyes and looks away.
"Oh" He says. You look away embarrassed. "Well why didnt you just say so?" He says in his normal stern tone. "You had me worried".
"I'm sorry, okay- it's just embarrassing, when theres nothing but guys around here" You say.
He laughs and nods. "Yeah, I understand" He kisses your head. "Do what you gotta do, I'll wait for you outside".
You nod and smile.
"Skittery?" You say as you lay in your bed.
"Yeah" He comes Into your room.
"Can you do me a favor?" You ask him. He nods. "C-could you just sit with me".
"What's the matter?" He asks as he sits next to you.
"I'm just so tired" you say. "I just- dont feel a hundred percent"
"Is it- your thing?" He asks.
"Always is" You sigh. "It seems that I get it more and and longer than most other girls!"
"That's okay" He says. "It just means your different".
"Yeah your right" You say.
"Does it hurt?" He asks.
"You have no idea" You chuckle. "It feels as though my lower stomach is being ran over by 10 carriages"
"Whoah, that bad?" He winces.
"Yes" You nod.
"Well I'm hear" He says and you put your head on his shoulder.
"I wish I could just take that dumb pain away" Crutchy shakes his head.
"Its okay" You smile.
"No it's not. Its hurting you" He says.
"Its okay, it comes out of nowhere and it goes away" You say.
"Alright" He says. "I'll make ya some hot tea and some cookies"
"Aww you dont have-
"Say no more" He shakes his head. "Its my turn ta take care of ya" He nods and walks out the room.
"Thank you!" You yell.
"Ya welcome!" He yells back.
"Y/n?" Bumlets says, as you pick up dishes on the tables. You look up. "Come here real quick, theres this dance move I wanna show you"
You set down the dish.
He does a cool dance move and you smile at him.
"Wanna try it?" He asks.
"Oh- no I'd rather not" You say and give him a weak smile.
"You always, try them out" He laughs.
"I-I know and I love it, but I'm just-
"Are you okay?" He asks you and holds your hands in his.
"Yeah" You reply.
"Can I do anything for you?" He asks. You shake your head with a no.
"Y/n I set your washed clothes on the line, the blood stains are out!" Your mother yells from upstairs. Your heart dropped. This was so embarrassing.
"Blood stains?" He asks. "What happened?"
"Just some-
"Drink some hot tea, itll take the pain away!" She yells back.
You smack your palm against your head and sit down annoyed.
"Pain?" He asks. "Okay, something is definitely goin on and I dont know about it"
"I got my period, bumlets" You blurt out. "That's what happened, it's been happening to me for three years now, there no big deal"
"O-oh" He says. "Well, it's normal, no need to be embarrassed about it" he touches your face gently.
"Thanks" you smile. He smiles back and kisses your hand.
(Couldnt think of anything, sorry!)
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