When you tell him your pregnant: (Aged Up)

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You woke up that morning next to to your husband sound asleep.

You go to the bathroom and do your business, but when you look down at the toilet you see just the water. No sight of blood what so ever.

You get confused at first. But then your eyes grow wide. You hadn't started your period since last week because that's when you usually start.

You begin to freak out. But you didnt want to say anything just yet.

So as the day went on you went to see the doctor in the city. When you were done there you waited in the doctor room And sure enough your doctor came in and told you that you were surely pregnant.

You begin crying softly as a smile crept up on your face.

You excitedly leave and go back home.

You wait for jack to get back from his work that night. You coudnt help but to  start crying, because you where so happy. You heard the door open. In he came and greeted you.

You hug him for a long time.

"Y/n" Jack laughed. "What's da matter?" He say."You okay?" He puts his hand on your back.

"Jack-" You say still hugging him. "Were goona have a baby".

He let's you go and looks at you with disbelief.

"What?" He says. You nod and smile. "We- we's goona be parents?"

"Yes" You smile.

"This is amazing!" He picks you up. "I'm goona be a father!". You laugh and smile afterwards.


You lay there in you and Davey's bed. You where nervous all day today and yesterday for one reason. You found out two days ago that you were expecting a child.

"Davey?" You say.

"Yes?" He says barley falling asleep.

"Can I tell you something?" You ask. He groans with a yes. "Well I've been wanting to tell you for a couple of days now" You look up at the ceiling. "But I didnt know If you would be mad or not- a- and I just- I well-im-"

"I wont be mad" He says sleepily.

"Are you sure?" You say. You see him nod his head. "Well i-im" You finally just spill it. "I'm goona have a baby".

"That's nice sweetie" He says sleepily. You look at him confused.

He then flips on his side quickly and looks at you.

"Your goona what?!" He says wide awake now.

"Have- a baby" You look at him. He looks at you with his wide blue eyes. He laughs.


"Well I'm goona have it" You chukle. He smiles at you and kisses you.

"This is great!" He says. "I cant believe it!".

"Me too!" You grin. He hugs you tightly as he talks and talks already about what it's going to look like or if it's a boy or a girl.


You sit at a table at tibbeys, while blink was talking to race across the table with his wife.

"So You wanna tell them the big news?" Races wife said. Race took his cigar out of his mouth and smiled.

"What's the news?" Blink said.

"Shes pregnant" Race said.

"CONGRATULATIONS!" Blink said happily.

"Congratulations you guys" You smile and swallow afterwards.

"Thank you!" They both say.

You smile, but the truth was that yes you were happy for them but you didnt want to ruin their moment by saying your news.

"Well it was nice seeing you guys" Blink says. "We gotta get back home".

"You too" Races wife said and race nodded with a smile.

You walk hand in hand on the street.

"That was nice" You say.

"Yeah it was" He says and looks at you. "You okay?"

"Yes" you reply. He stops you.

"Your a bad liar" He smirks. "What's up?".

"Its just-" You look away. "Its just I wish I could have just said what i wanted to say".

"What do you mean y/n?" He says.

You stop walking. You sigh and take his hands in yours.

"I- I have something to say" You say. He looks at you waiting for your next response. "Blink- Im pregnant".

His mouth dropped. "Y-your what?"

"I'm having a baby" You say.

"Dis is great!" He says. "This is good news".

I smile and he pulls me in for a hug.


You sit with race in the bleachers, as he yells and yells to the horse he was getting on.


You sit back and chukle at him.

After the horses were done, races horse didnt win after all and he was pretty upset at that.

"I mean dat Goddman horse shoulda moved its ass a little bit faster you know!?" He says as you


(Same as blink I guess lmao)


You stand with spot on the Brooklyn bridge. You looked down at the water.

"What do you think of we moved out of Brooklyn?" Spot said.

"I wouldnt mind" You smile sideways. He smiles and hugs you. You hug him back, but he pulls away from you.

"You okay?" He asks you.

"Yeah why?" You say nervously.

"Well I didnt want to tell you this- I mean I really dont care either way" He says. "But yous stomach kinda has been getting a little bigger"

"Is there a problem with that?" You scoff.

"No" He says. "You know I wouldnt care at all, it's just i notice things, but yous beautiful either way".

You smile and look away.

"Spot, I have something to tell you" You say after a moment of silence.

He looks over at you.

"Yea?" He says.

"I'm pregnant" You say without hesitation.

He looks at you with a face, you've never seen on spot before.

"I- wha- how could this happen?? I mean I know how it happened- but what that's great!" He picks you up.

"I thinks its goona be a boy" You chuckle. He kisses your lips gently.


"So how was work?" you ask skittery as he eats his dinner.

"Probably one of the worst days I've had" he shrugs.

"Aw baby, we all have off days, I'm sure it'll be all right"  you say.

"Yeah hopefully" He shrugs. "Its just that those guys are so lazy and dont wanna do any work, then- why the hell are they even working there you know?".

"Yeah" You say. "I understand". he stabbed his food and ate it. A moment of silence went Bye. He finished his food and you got up to put his plate away.

"Just wish there was something being done" He sighs.

"Yeah well- maybe there is" You shrug cleaning of the table. "But theres always something to make you happier".

"Like what?" He says and let's out a small laugh.

"Oh I dont know-" You fix the cloth on the table. "Being postive, drnking coffe, you becoming a father"

"Yeah but it's so hard to be positive when-" He lowers his voice and looks at you. You smile at him."What did you say?".

"The coffe part?" You grin. "Or the one about you becoming a father?".

"The one about me becoming a father" He says. "Are you- pregnant?".

You nod with a smile. He looks at you with disbelief. He gets up quick and hugs you tightly.

"Your goona be a dad skittery" You laugh.

"This made me feel a lot better" he laughs and kisses your head. "I cant believe this!".


You sit swaying back and forth on your rocking chair, you knit a small little sweater.

"Sweetie?" Crutchy asks. "What you knitting?"

"A sweater" You reply.

"Oh" He says and looks away.

"Is the neighbor's having another kid?" He asks.

"No" You say trying to hide your smile.

"Wait a second- your trying to tell me something arent you?" He smiles and points at you.

You sigh and set down the sweater. "Yes" You reply.

"Well your sista's definitely not having a baby, cus shes outta town and shes got 6 of them already" He says. "I mean her and the neighbors are the only people I would suspect would be pre-

"Crutchy can you feel my stomach?" You say.

"Why your stomach hurt?" He asks.

"Something like that" You say. He shrugs and puts his hand on your stomach. "I'm having a baby" You whisper to him.

He looks up at you quick.


You laugh and he kisses your face everywhere.


(Idk tbh, I'm having a hard time writing these lmao help)


(Once again I'm sorry, I just dont know what to write!)


(Same as spot).

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