"So hows everything going down at the factory?" Jack asks you as he cuts a apple with a knife.
"Its fine" You reply. He nods. You two continue walking down the street.
"Yeah days good, so I was wonder- AH SHIT!" He raises his voice.
You look at him.
"What's the matter?" You ask. He holds his hand.
"Cut myself with da knife" He says and holds pressure to his hands. He uncovers his hand and picks up the knife.
You look at his hand and begin to feel woozy.
You faint and he stops you before you hit the ground.
"Y/n!" He says. "Shit, I forgot yous is sensitive to blood"
He gently sets you in a bench.
He takes his bandana and drips some alchol onto it. He puts it under your nose.
"U-AHH!" You wake up.
"There she is" He laughs.
"Gosh" You say and rub your eyes.
"Dont worry, I covered my hand" He covers his hand with his bandana.
"Thanks" You smile slightly.
"Its no problem" He smiles and takes your hand.
You were practicing on stage at Meddas theater, the boys came to help setup for tomorrow performance and you sung on stage.
The day was super hot and Medda asked if you could practice with your coustume on, just to see what it would feel like.
The costume was a corset dress and it was pretty tight, so you weren't going the best in it.
"I, dont want any one else dear honey baby, you make me to cuddle with you" You sing. "I miss when your around, don't ever go away my baby, c-come back and be with me, oh why do we quarrel when we s-should be in our world, that consists of you and m-me" You have a hard time breathing and singing. You try to suck it up and just continue, a high pitch part was coming up."Oh how that world is the best thing to me, but not as important you are to me, so please be true and dont be blue, because you've got a gal that'll love you till the enddddddddd!" You end the song, as everyone claps at your practicing.
Your body didnt even think twice, it just gave out. You hit the floor and pass out.
"Y/N!" Davey runs to you on stage and so do other newsies.
After 4 minutes, your eyes flutter.
"You okay?!" David holds your head.
"Y-yeah" You reply and look at him fully.
"Oh- my-oh my gosh- you- you scared me" He breathes out. "I thought you died"
"What?" You chuckle.
"Maybe we outta loosen that corset a bit, huh" Medda says leaning down. You nod and get up.
"Come on, we'll get you some water" David says.
"Okay" You reply with a smile.
"I've never seen so much people" You say as you look at the crowded street up ahead.
"Itll be alright, just hold my hand" He grabs your hand and gently holds it.
This street was always the busiest. The market men would sell fruit and vegetables to people, woman would sell their fine quilts they have made and so many other things being sold.
You were afraid to tell Blink that you were quit claustrophobic. It seemed like a silly thing to others to be afraid of small spaces. So you never told anyone.
As you walk through the crowd with him, you feel yourself starting to breath heavily. Everything around you seemed to become dizzy and faded to you.
"Uh oh where goona have to stand here for a minute" Kid laughs and looks over at you.
Your eyelids start to become heavy. You swallow hard as your palms become sweaty.
"Y/n?" He says concerned.
"I- water or somethin-
You give into the overwhelming feeling of the close space.
You almost fall to the ground but Kid was quick to catch you.
"Hey! Hey, y/n!" He begins to freak out. Everyone around use begins to look at use.
A few men and woman help Blink pull you to a spot on the sidewalk that wasnt packed with people.
"She fainted" A woman says. "Here sprinkle this under her nose" The woman pulls out a bottle of alchol.
Kid dabs his finger in the alcohol and slowly puts it under your nose.
You wake up fast from the smell, because it was so strong.
"Gosh y/n yous scared me half ta death" Kid chuckles.
"I-im sorry" You say.
"Its fine" He says. "How come you didnt tell me yous is afraid of small spaces?"
"Thought it would be to silly to tell you" You shrug.
"Sweetheart, nothing ain't ever to silly for you to tell me" He says. You smile and get up.
"COME ON, YOUS GOTTA WIN!" Race yells.
You fan yourself with a flyer from the ground that you found earlier.
"Race, it's so hot" You say.
"Just a minute sweetheart" He says with a cigar in his mouth.
"How can you stand there and not be hot?" You say. "I'm melting over here"
"Its almost done just hol- OH OH COME ON, RUN YOU BASTARD OF A HORSE, LETS GO!" He says.
"I'm goona go get some water" You stand up and walk off the bleachers.
You hold your stomach as the corset you where wearing was held up against your ribs so tightly.
You take off your blouse.
"Its to hot" I say. "And you know what a lady musnt be at a gambling horse race either, ya hypocrite, shouldnt you be-" You begin to get a throbbing headache. "Shouldnt ya be-" You coudnt finish your words and instead you fell flat face on the ground.
Next thing you know your laying in a bed of sorts.
"Where am i?" You say as you sit up.
Race quickly goes to hug you.
"Yous Awake!" He says. "Ya fainted at the horse race"
"Wonder why I did, it was so hot over there" You say.
(⚠️Alchol is an addictive substance and should be used responsibly, please do not drink if you are underage)
You and mush were invited to a wedding afterparty of a friend of you two. Things where going so fun.
The bride had asked you if you wanted a drink, since her and the other people where drinking.
You didnt think anything of it and began drinking a drink after drink.
You where dancing and laughing in between drinks that you consumed.
"My god y/n I was begging to think you were lying about that irish blood in you" The bride laughs and takes a swig of alchol.
"Oh heavens no!" I-I have Irish blood in me and naturally I just have that drinking blood in me too" You slurred.
They all laugh.
"I can dance on top of all these tables and not f-fall down" You drunkenly smile. "Hold this" You give a beer to some random guy.
You stand on the table and begin dancing to the music.
Mush walks into the room and looks around for you. He sees you on top of the table dancing.
"Oh no" He says to himself. He walks over to you. "Y/n come on down"
"I-IM DANCING" You laugh.
"I can see that, but come on down from there" He says.
You shake your head and stick out your tongue at him. You grab your beer from the guy and take a sip of a large amount of alchol.
After yous wallow you do a little twirl, but that twirl wore you out and you fainted right flat on the table.
"OH MY LORD!" Everyone was saying.
"Ah y/n, I told you not to drink so much" Mush gently grabs you off the table and Carrie's you into another room where. There was a couch.
After the might had passed you woke up in Mushs arms on the couch.
"Oww" You hold your palm up to your forehead.
Mush slowly starts to wake up.
"I dont rember anything" You say
"That's beacuse you blacked out from drinking to much" He chuckles and kisses your head.
"Oh I'm sorry Mush" You say. "I was only trying to have fun"
"Drinking doenst equal fun y/n" He says.
"I'll keep that in mind" You smile.
"Okay, okay, stay still" Spot yells.
"Gosh it hurts!" You yell in pain.
You had sprained your ankle, as you were walking on the dock, you slipped on water and your foot twisted a wrong way.
"Okay this is goona hurt just a little okay" He says. You nod fast. He lightly touches it.
The pain was so unbearable.
"Spot-" You faint right then and there.
"Y/n?" He says. "Wake up!" He yells. He shakes you. "OH NO I KILLED HER!" He says.
After 3 minutes of spot freaking out and yelling, you finally woke up.
"Spot?" You say. He looks at you quick.
"Your alive! Haha I didnt kill ya!" He laughs.
"What in heavens name are you talking about?" You say.
"You, like fainted or something, well at first I thought you died, but ya didnt" He said.
"Well, I didnt" You laugh. He kisses your head and helps you up.
You always had bad anxiety, and in the past it even resulted into you fainting . Although, that hasnt happened in a long time, this time it happened again.
You were so afraid that your family would lose their apartment. Your father, was having some troubles at work and the landlord was so close to evicting you and your family.
"You either pay me or get out!" He yelled at your father.
"We dont have it right N-
"Well, then you better get ready to live somewhere else or be on the street for all I care" He laughs and walks out of your family's apartment.
You follow the man downstairs and stop him, just as he was about the leave the building.
"Please!" You say and he turns around. "Just let use have some more time- i-ill even pitch in for the-
"Get outta here kid!" He says and walks away.
You run out of the building to chase him down to at least speak to him again.
Your anxiety kicks in and you begin to get scared of what will happen to you and your family.
You feel dizzy and slide up against a building and soon faint.
You wake up to the voices of people around you.
You open your eyes and see Skittery looking at you and yelling your name.
"Skittery?" You say and open your eyes fully.
"Oh- o- god you scared me y/n!" He breaths out. "Are you alright?"
"Yeah, i-im fine" You say. He helps you up and pulls you into a hug. You hug him back.
(Coudnt think of one AHHH lol)
Your parents were gone for then weekend. They put you in charge of the restuarant, and your grandfather came to even help you.
Your grandpa cooked, while you served others.
There were customers all seated in tables and you were running about left and right.
The stress was getting to you and your head began to pound at the sound of customers talking.
"Heres, your water" You place two cups down.
"What about our food?" The man says annoyed. "That was 15 minutes ago!"
"Im so sorry" You shake your head. "We are extremely bus-
"Wheres my refill?" A woman yells.
"Yeah and my food?!" Another person says.
"Okay, okay Um- I'll be right back" You say shaking. You run to the back and grab the two plates that were on the counter.
"Here I'll help" Bumlets says and grabs the plates from your hand.
"Thank you" You say. "Table 3"
He nods and heads out.
You wipe your forhead, from the sweat that was building up. You breath heavily and hold onto the counter top tightly.
"Oh lord" You say with a sigh and everything gets blurry.
Next thing you see is, Bumlets carrying you upstairs.
"Hold on, y/n" He said. "Were gonna get you, some water"
"You work too hard, Dulceata" My uncle says, in his Romanian accent.
"What's the mean?" Bumlets asks me.
"Muncesti din greu, scumpo" My uncle says in his Romanian langue.
"What he say?" Bumlets asks.
"He said, I work to hard" You say and open your eyes fully.
"You do" Bumlets says and smirks. I smile at him.
"Hurry, hurry get her water" He says to bumlets. "No lovey dovey, with niece"
I laugh and so does Bumlets.
You sit on the rooftop of your apartment. It was getting close to nighttime.
Your father had spent all of the grocery money, on alcohol and not food. So, you hadn't eaten anything for two whole days.
You were practically starving and couldn't get the courage to ask anyone if they would give you something. You didnt want people to think you were a begger.
"Hey" Swifty came up on the roof. He gives you a side hug and a kiss.
"Hi" You smile.
"You wanna come to the lodge tonight? Theres a spare bunk" He says.
"Sure" You say and get up.
You two, walk the streets, talking and holding each others hand.
As he was talking, you couldn't help but notice the restuarant across the street. Food was being passed around the table of a family. A waiter brought fresh bread and butter to a couple.
You close your eyes and think about how good that would taste. (Ratatouille moment🤣)
You must have been deep into thought, because you passed out.
"Y/n!" Swifty says and catches you before you fall into the ground. He gently slaps your face and shakes you. "Wake up, come on!"
You wake up and squint your eyes.
"It looked so good" You say.
"What?" He asks confused.
"The food" You reply.
"How long has it been since you've eaten?" He asks, now getting mad.
"He spent all the money, on liquor" You say.
He looks away, in anger.
"Come on" He helps you up. "Let's go get you something" He helps you up.
(Couldn't think of anything, sorry lol)
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