Mush Imagine/ Request:

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This was requested by leo_wifeyy ! ♡


Saturdays were the days I would always go out for my mother to buy the groceries and things she needed.

The city was a busy one, and sometimes getting through the crowds was quite a struggle.

I began walking down a unfamiliar street. I looked at my surroundings and realized I got a little lost. You look all around you confused and began to get a little bit anxiety.

I guess it must have shown because, somone decided to speak to me.

"Scuse me miss?" A voice said. I jumped a little at his voice.

"Y-yes?" I say.

"Would ya buy a paper?" He asks politely,  with a small smile.

"Huh-" I look down at the stack of newspapers he held. "Oh, yeah sure".

You gave him money and he handed me a paper.

I look at the paper, while trying to hold the basket of groceries i had in your other hand.

"Miss?" He comes up to me.

"Yes?" I say.

"Sorry to bother, but- well I just cant help but see you look confused" He says.

"Well- I gues I am a little bit" I laugh.

"No problem!" He says and laughs. His laugh sounding adorable. "I happen to know my way around here and outta here".

"Thank you" I smile. "What's your name?"

"Mush Myers" He grins.

"Nice to meet you" You grin.

"Yeah- you too" He grins as well.

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