You stood there eating a green apple as you sat on top of the statue minding your own business as you watched the news boys pass on.
You had just recently stopped going out with one them and that boy was Mush.
But you wasnt goona let a breakup ruin your world. You still continued to hang out wher they did and continued being friends with some of them.
"Hey dollface" A boy you dont recognize says to you.
"Yea?" You scoff.
"Hows about goin on a date with me?" He asked.
"Oh yea?" I laughed. "Why should i?"
"Well I figured, Since you ain't goin out with pipsquack there" He pointed to Mush as he approached the area we where in.
Mush imeadtley ran at the guy ready to rip his head off.
"Hey, hey" Blink held him back.
"Haha" The boy laughed and walked away.
"So this is what ya doin now huh?" He raised his voice a little.
"Excuse me!?" I shot up. "He was the one who asked me out, so keep ya calm and stay outta my life, you ain't my boyfriend anymore Mush" I said and jumped off the statue and walked away.
I looked back at him. They where both stairing at me. Blink patted Mushs stomach as he walked away, but Mush staired at me.
I scoffed and continue walking away.
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