You where walking down the street with your basket full of fruit and vegetables. Two older boys come by you and take 2 peaches from your basket.
"HEY!" you yelled.
"Hey thanks for the peaches!" One of the boys laughed.
"Now dats not very nice" Another boy came up behind them. "Stealing peaches from a goils basket".
"You better get out the way kelly" The other boy said.
"Or what?" The boy scoffed .
"Or We'll-
"Youll beat me up" the boy laughed.
"Well- Yeah" the boy stuttered.
"Get outta here!" The boy yelled.
The two boys scrammed off in fear.
You smiled at the boy and thanked him. He introduced himself and you introduced yourself.
You where reading a book silently on the roof.
A girl and a boy come up to the roof. The girl was hanging laundry and the boy was talking to her.
When you caught eyes with him he stopped talking.
"What's wrong david?" The girl asked.
"N-nothing" He replied and looked away.
The girl looked back at you. You looked back down at your book.
"Actually I forgot something downstairs" She said. "I'll be back" she laughed and walked away.
"What are you reading?" He asked.
You looked up.
"Just a book of poems" you reply with a smile.
"Oh" He walked over to you. "Im david".
"Y/n" You reply.
He smiled.
He always stood at the corner of the street by your house.
He shouted headlines at people as they walked by.
"Hey what's the headline today!" You yelled out the window.
He turned his head toward your voice.
"Mayors beautiful daughter, shouts out ta a newsie" He smiled.
"What's your name?" You ask.
"Blink" He said.
"Y/n!" Your mother ran into your room. "Get away from the window!".
"Bye!" You shout and close your window.
You where down at the racetracks with your father.
You walked past a boy who was shouting .
"Baby born wit three heads!" He shouted as he held up a newspaper.
"Baby born wit three heads?" You stop.
"Yea" He said. "You want one?".
"No" You reply. "Its just suprising is all".
"Youd be suprised ta hear what's goin on in the world" He laughed.
"What's ya name?" You ask.
"Well how bout ya tell me your name beautiful?" He said.
"Y/n" You reply with a smile.
"Racetrack higgins at ya service" He tipped his hat.
You were walking down the street at night, on your way to go home. A boy was walking your way.
You coudnt help but notice how cute he was.
He caught your stair and winked at you. You wanted to talk to him so bad.
"Excuse me" You said. He looked up at you. "Um- could ya tell me where da bookstore is?" You say. Even though you went even looking for one.
"Yea" He chuckled. "Its down the street"
"O-oh thank you" You smile.
"Hey wait a minute" He stopped you.
"Yes?" You say.
"I just gotta know ya name" He said.
"Its y/n" You laugh. "And you?".
"Mush" He replied. "Well I guess I'll se ya around".
"Alright, see you around" You smile.
"So who's dis so called brooklyn boy?" You ask your brother.
"Hes my friend" He replys. "Listen you'll meet him right now".
You huffed and rolled your eyes.
You guys finally arrived at the harbor.
"Y/b/n" A boy sat there.
"Hiya spot" Your brother replied.
"Who's she?" Spot asked and pointed his cane at you.
"Dis is my sista y/n" Your brother said.
"Hi" You say.
He doesnt say anything, he just grins at you.
You where doing errands and what not, just like everyone was doing.
You where in a hurry to go home, because your mother was expecting you to come home right away.
You passed people as fast as you could.
But when you did, something bumped into you hard.
You fell down and your books and basket went flying down too.
"What the hell?!" You Huffed out annoyed.
"What do you mean what the hell?" The person you bumped into said. "Your the one who bumped into me"
You looked up and saw a tall boy getting up.
"I'm late as it is" You said annoyed. "I'm sorry".
"Its fine" He said and helped you pick up your things.
"Hey, your one of the newsies ain't you" You said.
"Yeah" He said.
"I'm y/n" You say.
"Skittery" He says.
You smile and he grinned.
It was a hot day and you was standing there next to a statue in town.
Newsies were selling papers and you watched them as they yelled out headlines.
You always noticed one of them. You didnt know his name, but he always looked happy as can be.
"Hey" You walked over to him. "Can I buy one?".
"Sure!" He smiled and handed me a newspaper. I gave him his money.
"Thank you" You smile.
"Miss" He said.
"Yes?" You turned back around.
"You know I see ya here everyday, standing by the statue" He said.
"Yeah" You look down. "I see you selling papers here everyday too".
"What's ya name?" He smiled.
"Y/n" You reply.
"Nice to meet ya y/n, I'm-
"Crutchie!" Another boy yelled. "Its time ta go".
"Well I'll se ya later miss" He says.
"Okay" You chuckle.
You was helping your father serve food in his restaurant. A bunch of boys where in there talking about how they where all the kings of New York.
"Here ya are" You place there food on the table.
"Thanks" A boy with black hair said. "Can I get your name?".
"What?" You laugh. "Sure, its y/n".
"Bumlets" He winked.
Your mother asked you to wait outside a fabric shop.
You stood there biting your nails. You noticed a guy looking at you.
"Can I help ya stranger?" You scoffed.
"Ain't never seen a girl bite her nails before" He laughed.
"Oh yeah, you ever see a girl fight a guy before" You raised your eyebrow.
"No, but you ever been asked out before" He leaned on the wall next to you.
"No" You grin. "Why? You asking me out".
"It looks like it" He smiled.
You had just moved to america with your family from Naples, italy.
You where pretty good with some english, because you taught yourself by reading American books that where your aunts back in italy.
You where buying fruits at a fruitstand.
"That all for you" The man said.
"Yes" You nod.
"Wait a minute you from naples?" A voice said.
You looked up.
"Yes" You smile. "How you know?"
"I'm from there too" He replied. "They call me itey".
"Itey- like italy!" You laugh.
"Yea!" He smiled.
You met him at the corner of a block he was selling newspapers at, he was dancing and he bumped into you.
This boy just straight up asked you out and made small talk with you while you where talking to your older sister.
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