Racetrack Imagine

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Your POV:

Race and I were heading down to the tracks to watch racing and sell papers all day. We got in and got some good seats while selling along the way. The weather was amazing, there wasn't a cloud in the sky and there was a slight breeze to compliment the warm air surrounding us. The day couldn't be better.

"I can't believe it! The horse I bet on actually won!" Race said as we were sitting in the stands. I laughed and clapped him on the back.

"Hopefully it won't be the last time one of your horses wins," I said still grinning as I sat back in my chair. I don't bet on any horses at the track, I just stick to selling papes. Further on in the day I started to get hungry so I went with the little money I had to the area where they had a stand. "I'll be right back," I said moving past Racetrack.

"Try not to miss me too much (y/n)," he said smirking.

"Uh huh sure," I said laughing. I was walking down a different way when I was somehow pushed into a crowd. We ended up in an area where the last group of horses that just raced were coming back to the stables. "Wow," I said turning in circles glancing around. I was walking further down the line of horses as the some of the jockeys smiled at me warmingly, while other glared and whispered. I was about to leave when a horse came face to face with me. I had obviously frightened it as it stood up on its hind legs, I turned around to quickly walk away, but it had already push me forward with all its might as I crashed into a near by stable door head first. All I remembered was an immense pain on my back and head.

Racetracks POV:

(y/n) was taking a really long time to get something from the stand. It was starting to get dark and I scolded myself for not noticing sooner. I got up from my seat and started to walk out when I saw a crowd surrounding what looked like a carriage from the hospital. What in the world could have happened? Whatever it doesn't matter I have to find (y/n). I was halfway turned when I whipped around to let my eyes adjust to the scene I knew would break me. (Y/n) lie there on the gurney with a cut on her forehead and multiple bruises on her arms. I noticed that there was wrappings around her back. I ran through the crowds and up to the gurney where she lay there unconscious.

Multiple officers attempted to push me back but my anger got the best of me. "THATS MY GIRLFRIEND THERE! LET ME THROUGH" I screamed forcing my way through. The officer made an exception for me to ride with her in the back as I cried and cried into the crook of her neck. I should gone with her. Look what's happened to her. The officer had explained to me what happened, how she wandered into the stables where the horses were, and how one kicked her into the nearest stall door. We pulled up to the newsboy lodge as the doctor rushed inside with her.

The boys tried to ask me what happened but I ignored all of them and ran right behind the doctor upstairs. I clutched her hand as the doctor looked her over, the other boys pacing, tapping their feet anxiously, and doing other things to distract themselves. They all loved (y/n). She was like a little sister to every one of them. She was the nicest person all of us had ever met, never had anything bad to say about anyone, and always looked on the positive side. I felt a something twitch under my hand and I glanced up faster then the speed of light.

Your POV:

I heard many noises around me. Whispering, feet tapping, sniffling, and the heavy breathing of someone is front of me. I also felt a hand clutching on to mine. "Please be Race" I thought to myself. Suddenly someone was speaking to me "Come on (y/n) you gotta wake up. For me, for the other newsies, we need your smiling and laughing face with us so we're all not miserable." I knew I had to wake up, and fast. I tried and tried with all my might and couldn't, until I heard the words that made me wake up instantly. "I love you"

Racetracks POV:

(y/n) shot up and gasped, heaving her chest up and down rapidly while starting to cry. She looked so fragile and broken on the outside when I knew she was so strong and beautiful. She lept into my arms and winced slightly but hugged me tight.

"Oh my god racetrack it happened so fast," she said burying her heard in my chest. "I turned to run the other way but it kicked me down!" She was now calming down as I rubbed her back and started to lay her back down.

"I'm so so so sorry I wasn't there (y/n). Everything is okay now. You're safe with me" I said stroking the hair out of her face. I looked around at the other relieved faces on the boys. "You're safe with all of us," I said smiling.

"I love you all so much," she said before falling into a deep sleep.

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