You and Mush were going out tonight to a nice restaurant. Denton had given you two money to go and get a nice dinner. You got dressed and did your hair the best you could. There wasn't stuff to do to it considering you had no fancy tools. The only thing you had was perfume Sarah had lent you just for the occasion. As you walked downstairs you met Mush by the door.
"Ready (y/n)?" he said grabbing your hand.
"Definitely" you say smiling and following him out the building. You walked throughout the city laughing and talking and finally reached the restaurant you planned to eat at. You went inside and got sat at a table by a window. It had a rose in a little vase and a small candle was burning next to it.
"Guess they knew we were coming" you say giggling. You look up to talk to Mush but his eyes were set on something else. There was a group of girls sitting in a booth by the window giggling and waving a Mush. Being the womanizer he is, he waved back. You sighed and looked out the window not even noticing the time passing.
"I'm going to the bathroom Mush." you say getting up
"Aight" he said eating a handful of fries. You walked into the bathroom and look into the mirror. This sucks, he barely knows I'm sitting across from him. You think to yourself as you begin to pace. I'll just go out there and make conversation with him and if he doesn't listen I'll just... idk I'll do something. Okay let's do this.
You walk out of the bathroom to see your table with an empty plate and some bills thrown on it. You look over at the table where the girls had been sitting and they weren't there. You felt tears in your eyes but slowly blinked them back. I'm not going to cry over a boy... I'm not going to cry over a boy... i-I'm... not going to... c-cry over... over a boy, you thought to yourself. Soon those thought were blocked out as big teardrops leaked down your face and you ran through the door of the restaurant heading back to the lodging house.
You ran in to find the boys playing poker, betting things like cigars, penny's, and shoe laces. They all look up at you when they hear the door slam. Not even caring about your actions your slide down the door with your head in your hands sobbing.
"What happened? Where's Mush?"
"What's wrong?Are you hurt?"
You felt yourself being pulled to your feet. You took your hands away from your face and see Jack looking at you.
"(y/n) talk to me" he says wiping your tears away. The other newsies behind him looked just as concerned.
"Mush and ise was on a date and he kept s-staring at some goils and so Ise got mad and went to da bathroom and when ise came back he and da goils were g-gone" I say breaking down. Jack tightened his grip around me when the door opened and Mush walked in. I turned around wiping the tears from my face and said "we needs to talk"
Mush followed me upstairs to the roof where we would have the most privacy.
"What's up?" he asked obliviously.
"What's up? That's all you can say? WHATS UP??" you start to yell.
"woah woah (y/n) what's the matta?" mush said putting his hands in the air. You clenched your fists together to avoid punching him in the face. "Is this about what happened at the restaurant?"
"Obviously... Why did you just leave me there Mush?!" you asked defensively. You were now full on shacking from anger and he could clearly see it.
"I-idk (y/n). I'm just so used to being able to flirt and be with whoever I want." he said standing up
"Well you have a goil now." you said looking at the ground.
"And who would dat be? As far as I'm concoined I haven't even asked ya to be mah goil yet?" he said crossing his arms tightly, making his biceps flex. You stand there silently not saying anything. "That's the thing about you" he said turning away. "You always assume things but never really think before you say stuff"
You feel tears well up in your eyes. He was right... he deserved someone better. "Well Mush, you're free to do that now. I don't care about us. Go be with those girls. Pick out ya favorite one and treat'a well." he looked taken back by this and looked up.
"What are youse talkin bout (y/n)? Are ya hearin ya self correctly?" he suddenly walks toward you and places his hands on your waist turning you around. You get butterflies once you make eye contact. "I don't want anyone else but you. Sure imma gonna haf ta get better at knowing that I gotta goil I love and wouldn't wanna loose." he says placing a hand under your chin pulling you closer. "Will you forgive me and be my goil?" he whispers.
"God I hate you" you say kissing him. He smiles into the kiss and picks you up and you wrap your legs around his waist.
"I take that as a yes?" he grins
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