Yns pov:
Girls can't be Newsies.
Girls are not strong, girls should be like this not like that.
Girls must wear dresses, girls should always listen to what guys tell them to do, girls shouldn't talk back.
I have heard all these sentences my whole life.
Especially from all the guys in the Brooklyn Newsies gang.
And many of my closest friends always tell me not to bother.
BUT it's not so easy not to care when your own brother says the same thing to you.
Yn: Spot Why can't I be a Newsie like you?
Spot: Yn, we've talked about this several times, you're a girl and you're not tough.
Yn: Don't come up with that I'm a girl thing and that according to you, we girls aren't as tough as you guys.
Because I can be as tough as all the other guys in your gang including you.
Spot: Okay Yn now that's enough!!!
I'm your older brother and what I say goes.
Yn: I hate you.
Spot: What did you say?
Yn: I HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!
End of flashback.
I hate you.
Those were the exact last words I said to my brother.
Or yelled at him.
Then I ran away from my home and ran away to New York.
There I met Jack Kelly the leader of the Newsies gang here.
This was five years ago and two years later Jack and I became a couple.
And I have absolutely no regrets because here in New York I am free.
No brother telling me what I can and can't do, here I decide my own life.
But I can't help thinking.
Why isn't my brother looking for me, does he even miss me?
Jack: Conlon!!
I quickly turned my head towards my boyfriend.
He just forgot to tell me that he's the only one in the New York Newsies gang who knows I'm Spot Conlon's little sister.
And if you're wondering why, it's because I don't want to be judged and compared to my brother.
Yn: What have I said about saying my last name Kelly.
Jack: Sorry Baby, I'm just teasing you a little.
He said hugging me from behind and giving me a kiss on the back of my neck.
I knew at once that he will ask me what is on my mind.
Jack: What do you think about Baby?
Yn: To be perfectly honest, my big brother.
Why isn't he looking for me? and does he even miss me?
Jack: I wish I had answers to all your questions.
I turned and hugged him back, burying my face in his neck.
Yn: You don't have to have the answers.
It is enough that you are here with me.
Jacks pov.
Okay this is going to happen to us New York Newsies are going on strike.
I have to tell Yn everything.
Wait, do I really want to involve her in this?
This could be very dangerous and I don't want her to get hurt.
Jack: Baby, there is something i have to tell you.
Yn: Tell me what Jackie.
Jack: We are going to organize a strike, because of the price increases and the guys have put you and me as the leaders.
Yn: It sounds like a very good plan, I'm in.
Jack: I must warn you, it can be dangerous.
Yn: I'm tougher than I look and you know it.
And you almost forgot one thing that I am a Conlon.
The end.
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