Jacks POV:
I do not understand anything everything was okay between me and my girlfriend YN but then all of a sudden she started to stop talking to me, and when I try to talk to her, she leaves.
Have I done something, Is there any important day today that I have forgotten?
I check down on the date on the papers that was in my hand. it's not her birthday nor our anniversary either.
I can ask Davey after work if he knows why she's not talking to me.
YN: Extra Extra fire in the old school read here about it.
Old Man: one papers please!
YN: here you have sir.
Old Man: here you go keep the chance
I smiled back at the old man and wished him a nice day.Then I picked up another newspaper and smiled when I saw that I had only four left.
Then my smile disappeared when I saw Jack with Katherine . Jack and I have been together for four years I helped him escape from Snyder so many times. Yes I trust him but there are other girls I do not trust and Katherine is one of them.
I was so deep in my own thoughts that I do not notice that Davey has put his hand on my shoulder.
Davey: YN
I got so scared I jumped, I turned and held my hand to my heart.
YN: Jesus Davey are you trying to kill me??
He just started laughing
Davey: sorry YN just wanted to ask how you are doing??
oh he's always so kind Davey has become like my brother I can tell him everything. I show him my papers and just smile.
YN: only four left then I can go home.
Davey starts laughing with me then he looks towards Jack and then back to me I know exactly what he's going to ask me.
Davey: YN why do not you work with Jack you always work together??
I look at Jack and then back at Davey and sigh.
YN: I am giving him the silent treatment.
Davey raises his right eyebrow. He knows I only do that when people have done something stupid.
Davey: okay what has he done now??
YN; he kind of just talked to Katherine and when i tried to talk to him she came and disturbed. I felt invisible.
Davey knew I was a over thinker and that I did not think I was beautiful enough for Jack. He approached me and gave me a hug and said that everything will be fine then he went his way and I continued to work.
(2h later)
Finally, the last newpaper is sold. I'm glad the job's over but I'm sad that YN has not spoken to me. I have been missing her beautiful voice during the day. I have to find Davey he has to help me.
I started running towards his place where he always stands and sells his newspapers. If anyone knows why YN is sad or angry, it's him. After running for a while, I see him in his usual place and have just sold his last newspaper.
Jack: DAVEY!!!
He turned and just looked at me,
Davey: What's it, Jack?.
What does he mean by that? Should i know why YN does not talk to me.
Jack: Can you just be so kind and tell me.
Davey:sigh okey i will tell you.
So Davey starts telling me everything you've told him.
That I had been too busy talking to Katherine so I had forgotten that you were there, and that I had not heard you when you were trying to say something. Then he told me that he thinks YN is jealous because she thinks I think Katherine is more beautiful than she. Is he crazy YN is 100% so much more beautiful than Katherine .
I thanked Davey and started running to our "penthouse", and all I could think of was please be there please please. When I arrived at the Lodging house I started to climb the steps when I got up I looked towards my "bed" and saw my beautiful girlfriend sitting there with her face hidden in her hands and she was crying. I can not believe I did this to her my beautiful YN.
I started walking towards her she cried so much so she did not even notice that I was there.
She noticed that I was there when I sat down and took her in my arms.
She tried to get out of there but stopped fighting when I started talking to her.
Jack: Darling you do not need to talk but can you please just listen to what I want to tell you.
I saw how she hesitated but then I saw how she slowly nodded. I took a deep breath and held a strong grip on her. Because I was so scared that if I let go of her, I would lose her.
Jack: Davey explained everything and I'm so sorry darling I did not mean to make you feel this way.
I took my hand that I had on her waist and lifted it towards her chin.
Then I lifted so that she looked at me. She looked at me her beautiful eyes were now red because she was sad. I raised both my hands to her cheeks and wiped away her tears with my thumbs.
Jack: You are so much more beautiful than she you are my light. You are my angel my best friend you have saved me so many times. I love you so much it hurts.
As soon as I say those words she starts smiling then she leans towards me and kisses me. God I have missed her lips against mine.
I can not be angry at him anymore not after those nice words, so I decided to kiss him because I have missed him. god I have missed his lips against mine. After we kiss for a while, I remove my lips from his.
Then I hug him and I feel how he hugs me back. I break the hug but am still in his arms and just look into his eyes and smile.
YN: You're forgiven Jack Kelly.
As soon as those words leave my mouth, his lips are on mine again.
Jack: god I have missed your voice darling
he says between kisses I just laugh at his quirk, and just enjoy that he's mine.
My Jack Kelly.
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