Our new life part 3

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Rachel: How have you been?!?
Me: I've been doing good thanks for asking ?!?
Rachel: that's good to hear ?!?
Me: yeah how have you been ?!?
Rachel : good I just gotten married last year !?!
Me: awesome congratulations?!?
Rachel : thankyou so much ive Married my bestfriend
Me: aww that's sweet
Rachel : yeah he's my soulmate his name is Adam
Me: cool I'm happy you found some one
Rachel : thankyou so much well I have to go sorry for the short conversation ,I just wanted to check in on you to see how you were doing . I will talk to you soon ok ?!?
Me : ok thanks for calling bye
Rachel : bye
I hung up my phone and went back to putting on my sneakers I tied my right shoe first and then my left one . Alright let me do my hair I like putting it in a pony tail . I walked back into the bathroom to look at myself in the mirror . I have a medicine cabinet connected to the mirror so I opened it to see if I had an srunchie . I saw that I had a black head band and I picked it up and opened it to put my hair in a pony tail . After I put my hair in a pony tail I saw that I had a lip gloss tube on the counter it was ruby red . I put some on and rub it in good .

Perfect I like this shade a lot on my lips and how it looks on me . Alright Time to go try and find an good outfit to wear to the party . I walked out of the bathroom and walked on the left side of the room where my door is . I saw that my purse was behind my bed room door I grabbed it and put it over my neck . I always carry my black purse everywhere I go either to the grocery store or the mall . On special occasions I carry a black clutch or a white one .

I walked out of my room and closed the door behind me. I walked around to the left to go down stairs I made it down stairs now I was in the forer . I have a marble stone table in the middle of the forer where I keep my car keys and mail at . I have a glass flower vase that I have sitting in the middle . I have red roses in it that smell like lavender . I grabbed my car keys and headed for the door to walk outside . I have a mahogany light brown door that have glass windows on both sides of it . I have a beautiful glass chandler in the middle of the forer that lets in a lot of sun light .

I unlocked and turned the gold door knob and opened the door to go outside. I walked outside and closed the door behind me and I put my key in the lock and locked the door . I have a nice grey stone porch with three steps on it going down . I walked down the steps to go to my car . I drive an 1983 mustang convertible it's midnight black and it's a four door car . I like it a lot cause it's reliable and safe . I put my car key in the key whole and turned it to unclock the door . After I unlocked the door I opened it to get in after i sat down in my car I closed the door and locked it back . I put my safety belt on and started the car I drive an automatic car which I like .

I put it in drive and back out of my long black drive way . After I reached the end of the driveway I turned the stiring wheel to the left a little to straighten up the car . After I straighten it out I drove down the street to the end of the block . I looked both ways to see if somebody was coming . Nobody was coming so I drove straight down to the end of the neighborhood I lived in . I took a right down the street to go to the mall , I still tried to figure out what type of outfit I really wanted to wear . I think I should wear an dress like the one I had on or some jeans or slacks and a nice blouse . I think that would be an good outfit to wear to an formal party .

I wanted to go to the strip mall that was nearby Beverly Hills . It took me no longer than 30 minutes to get there and try to find a good parking space . As I was driving around I saw all the top name brand stores like Luis Vaton , dolce cabana , Burberry etc I drove around for a few minutes too see where I could park . I finally found a good space near the main entrance of dolce cabana . I loved to look at these different name brand magazines that I've collected . I parked the car and grabbed my purse and sat it on my lap . I put the gear in park and then stopped it and took out the key of the ignition . I took off my safety belt and opened the door to get out of the car . I got out of the car and closed the door and locked it with my key . After I locked the door I turned around to see which store I wanted to go into first .

I saw a good store called sassy frass I decided to go inside to see what they had . I walked into the store which was right beside dolce cabana I saw that they did have some casual wear . I walked to the right hand side of the store to see if they had some slacks or a cute shirts . I started to look at some floral pattern shirts that were pink and blue and yellow . I also saw some hulter tops that were black and some where white . I wanted to see if they had some button down shirts that were white or black . As I started to look some more a lady that was dress in black and white . She had on a black pencil skirt and a white tee shirt blouse and a black jacket with a white name tag on the right side of her jacket .

She had on black panty hose and black ballet flats. she was an middle aged cocasion woman who stood at 5"6 and has brunette hair that was sitting on her shoulders . She had green eyes that were so beautiful they were the shade of emerald. She was walking towards me with a grin on her face . Excuse me hi can I help you with anything ? My name is Mrs Melissa ?!? I'm Brooke nice to meet you . Nice to meet you to and I'm trying to find something that is casual but not to dressy . Ah I have the perfect outfit for you my dear . She told me to follow her to the left side of the store she was walking towards the skirts and slacks that I didn't even see . Here you are my dear I see you in this pretty black skirt and a nice floral blouse. She showed me a pencil skirt that looked like the one she was wearing . I thought to myself It didn't look so bad looking at all ,

What size are you dear ? I'm a size 12 mam ok let me see if I can find one for you . She put back the one she had and pulled out what looked like an 14 but it was an 12 . Ok thankyou so much mam your welcome let me show you the blouses that we have . She walked further down the hall to go to the blouses . I saw that they had the ones I had in mind but other ones like blue and green . she showed me an black top that had pink roses on it that was short sleeve I think it's a pretty Blouse . She surprisingly got the right size which was an medium. Thankyou miss I really appreciate this a lot . Your welcome would you like any shoes to go with your outfit dear ? Oh no thankyou mam I have some . You sure ? Yes mam thanks .

As I was trying to find the cashier I saw an old friend of mine . I asked the lady where was the cashier she told me to go back towards the front and it's on the right hand side towards the front door . Ok thanks again for everything . Your welcome dear please come again soon . Ok I will thanks . I was wondering if my friend was going to see me or not as i was trying to pay for my stuff . I started to walk away from the sales woman to go up to the front . Omg Brooke! Brooke ! Hey! Brooke ! Oh man who's this now ?!? Remember me ?!? It's me Marie !?! To be continued...

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