9-The new kid

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Hope you enjoy! ^_^

Your POV

Ugh. School again. I was enjoying my free no school month until they repaired the school. I'm mad that they're making us go to school on our summer vacation! They're taking two months away from us! Just because we missed two months. 

The bus I was riding in arrived at school. I see the ugly school is the same as ever. I walked out of the the bus and glared at the school building.

"Oi! Hey, (y/n)!"

I jumped up in surprise and put my hand to my chest. I glared at the dark haired boy in front of me. "Luffy! You scared the shit out of me!"

"Oh, sorry about that. What were you doing anyways?"

"Uh, nothing, really. Come on, let's go inside." I hold his wrist and walk towards the building.

"Hey, why can't you just hold my hand?" he pouts.

"Fine," I sigh. I hold his hand and walk inside.

"Weeee! We're back at school!" He jumps up and down, still holding my hand tightly.

"Luffy! Where've you been! We've been looking for you!" I see Ace walk up from behind us and Sabo following behind. He sees our hands and he glares at them. Is he jealous? I smirk.

Ace blushes when he realizes that I know he's jealous. "Hmph! I'm not jealous!" he quickly put his hand to his mouth and kind of shrinked away, blushing more. 

"Awww! Look at little lover boy! He's definitely jealous," Sabo snickers. I blush lightly. I try to let go of Luffy's hand but his grip on mine was too tight.

"Um, Luffy? Can you let go of my hand now?"

"Why? You said you would hold my hand!" he whines. He looks so adorable!

"Awe! Ok then! But make sure to let go when school actually starts."

"Ok!" he grins widely.

Ace glares at our hands even more.

"Come on Ace, don't worry about it. I'm just doing it like he's a little kid. You don't have to be so jealous," I say.

"I'm not jealous," he says as he turns away. 

"Awwwe! Ace! Look at your very red jealous face!" Sabo says and starts laughing hysterically. I let out a giggle and Luffy doesn't even pay attention.

"Shut up, Sabo!" Ace says, turning redder.


"Ugh. School starts now. Luffy, you can let go now," I say as he lets go of my hand.

"Awww! But it was so warm!" Luffy pouts. I blush a little.

"Well, see you guys later!" I wave, going to my locker.

I notice people were talking about the accident that happened and how I was brave and cool when I saved Ace. It was mostly boys, though because the girls were still jealous about me and Ace. Some girls that didn't have a crush on Ace said I was cool and brave, too. It made me a little happier.

I arrive at my locker and take stuff out of it and put my backpack inside. "Ok now, time to start heading off to class!" I say to myself not so enthusiastically.

I get to class and sit at a random desk at the back of the room. The other students start filing in and I don't recognize any of them. Then, I see a red haired boy.

"Hey, Kid!" I wave at him. He looks over at me with a cold glare and finally walks over to me and sit next to me. "Long time no see!" I smile at him.

"Eh, I don't really care about seeing you again," he states.

"How come you sat next to me?" I gaze at him curiously.

"You were the only person I knew," he answers without looking at me.

I shrug, "Good enough reason." The bell to class rings and I see a kid walking through the doorway and standing in front of the class.

"Good morning class. Today, we have a new student. Everyone, meet Law Trafalgar (Sounds weird, but I always do first name last name...)," Mr. Aokiji introduces.

The girls start screaming out comments.

"Ahhh! He's so cute!"

"He's sooo hot!"

"I want him! He'll be mine!"

"No way! I want him!"

They keep arguing and I stare at the new kid. He has dark hair and a small beard. He has bored gray eyes and tan skin. He also has some tattoos on his hands but I couldn't see them well because of his jacket. I have to admit, though, he was pretty hot. I blush a little. No! Ace is the only hot one! Ace will be the only one I want! I blush even more. Augh! What am I doing, arguing with myself!

"Are you ok, (y/n)? Your shaking you're head feverishly. But, not like I care," Kid says next to me.

"I'm fine!" I look away.

"Law, you can sit in the back with (y/n) over there. The one with (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes." Mr. Aokiji points at me. Law walks over and sit at the desk next to mine. He looks at me with those gray eyes of his and I blush.

"Hey there," he says.

His voice is so sexy! I blush even more. "H-hey," I stuttered.

"Are you ok?" he looks at me weirdly.

"I-I'm fine." This is so embarrassing.

"If you say so." He shrugs and looks at the teacher.

"Ugh! That (y/n)! Why does she always flirt with the cute boys and take them! She's so annoying!" I hear a familiar girl voice say. I look in front of me and I see her. Daisy . That disgusting girl who tried to take Ace. She was talking to her friend. I'm not flirting, you asshole! He talked to me first! I really wanted to say that, but I would get in trouble.

"Hey, I'm bored. Wanna talk?" Law turns his head back to me.

"S-sure," I say, a little startled. "School is really boring after all."

"Ya, I know what you mean. So, your name is (y/n), correct?"

"Yep, sure is."

"Ok, (y/n)-ya."

"Why did you just add 'ya' at the end of my name?"

"I like calling people like that."

"Ok then...that's...not weird at all..."

"Thank you very much."

I laugh a little. "You don't seem like a person with a sense of humor, but I guess you do have one." I smile.

"Doesn't everyone?"

"Not him." I motion my head towards Kid, who was staring at his desk in a daze.

Law laughs and says, "He sure does seem mean."

"He kind of is."

We start to get off topic and talked about random things. The bell finally rang and class was over.

"It was nice getting to know you! See you at lunch or any of my other classes if you're in them!" I shout to law as I exit the room.

"You too!" he shouts back and smiles.

-Timeskip (After the second class)-

My third class was Spanish with Mr. Mihawk, which means Ace will be there! I excitedly walk to class. When I walked in, I see Law! Ace wasn't here yet, so I happily go over to where Law was sitting and sat next to him.

"Hey Law!" I smile at him.

"(Y/n)! It's good to see you again!" he grins at me. "After this is lunch, right?"

"Yep! You can sit at the table with me and my friends if you want to! We'd love to have a new friend!"

"Ok, thanks!"

Ace walks in and I call for him, "Ace! Over here!" A lot of girls was calling his name but he only paid attention to me. He smiles and sit next to me.

"Who's he?" Law asked, confused.

"Oh, right! You haven't met my friends yet! Law, this is Ace," I say, motioning my hand towards Ace. 

Ace turns to face Law. "Hey!" He waves.

"Ace, this is Law, he's a new kid," I tell Ace as I motion my hand towards Law now.

"Nice to meet you, Ace-ya."

"Uh, my name is just Ace," Ace says awkwardly.

"Don't worry about it, Ace. He just calls people like that."

"Oh, ok then. Hey, Law?" Ace asks.

"Ya?" Law looks Ace in the eyes.

Ace walks over to Law's desk. He leans in Law's ear so I wouldn't hear. I lean a bit closer and I could pick up his words.

"Don't take (y/n). I claimed her already," Ace whispered in Law's ear and he walked back to his desk.


Sorry for making this chapter kind of short. I really don't know how to continue this story, but I'll figure it out. Also, thx for all the likes you guys gave me! I'm very, very happy! :D I'm very grateful to you all! See you all in the next chapter! ^^

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