2-New Friends

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Your POV

I walk to my first class. History with Mr. Rayleigh. I open the door and plop my stuff on an empty desk. So far there are only three people in the class right now. I pass time by reading my book. Students flood through the door, sit down, and start talking. I was a little loner reading a book, just like at my old school. While my (e/c) eyes were hooked onto my book, a dark haired girl walked up to me.

"What book are you reading?" her blue eyes looks at me with curiosity and soon moves down to my book.

"Huh? Oh, I'm reading (fav book)," I answer with a bored tone, still reading my book.

"I've never read that one before. Can I see the summary?"

"Sure." I hand the book to her.

Her eyes scan the back of the book with a surprised expression on her face.

"I'd like to read this sometime. It seems interesting." She smiles at me and sits on the desk next to mine. "Oh, by the way, my name is Robin Nico."(sorry it might sound kind of weird, but I like making the first name first and last name after...)

"I'm (y/n) (l/n). Do you like reading?" I ask.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, I love it!" she beams with a huge smile.


"Oh! Class is starting!" I close my book and spot the teacher walking in.

"Good morning class, I'm sorry if I'm a little late. I'm Mr. Rayleigh," an old looking man with white hair says with a smile. His eyes scan the room and lands on me. "You must be the young lady new to this school. Could you tell us about yourself?" he asks.

"Um, I'm (y/n) (l/n). My old school was Red Line High School, but I saved up to go to this school, cause, well, I heard it was a good school. I hope this school is as good as they say!" I smiled brightly to everyone.

"Trust me Miss. (y/n), this is a really good and friendly school," Mr. Rayleigh tells me. "Ok now, let's start learning, kids!" He starts talking about history stuff but I don't listen. I was really bored so the words were blurred out for me. My hand was under my chin and my elbow was on the desk. I stare out the window and look at the sky. I was a really beautiful day. Bright and sunny, birds chirping, soft, fluffy clouds, nice weather, bright green trees-

"Miss. (y/n)! Are you paying attention or are you dazing off in your own little world?" he looks my direction and I sweat a little out of nervousness and embarrassment. He sighs and casually says, "It's fine, It's your first day after all, so I understand. Make sure to pay attention next time." He goes back to his lesson. I look at the front board. The words were blurred and so were his words. I still wasn't paying attention but he didn't notice. After many moment of boredness, the bell rings.

Finally! I gather my stuff and go to my locker. I stuff my supplies into my locker and shut it.

"HEEEEEYYYY!" A black haired boy with a scar under his eye runs up to me with a crazy huge smile on his face. "My name is Luffy! You must be (y/n), the new kid! Want to be friends? Come on, I'll show you my other friends!" He grabs my arms and tugs my arm. He runs to a group of people, dragging me behind him.

"Hey! Where are you taking me?"

"To my friends, duh! You have to meet them!" He runs faster.

Sighing, I run with him at the same pace. We reach the group of people. Luffy jumps up and down saying, "guys! Meet my new friend, (y/n)!"

"Typical Luffy, taking random people and saying they're his friends," a muscular green haired guy says, sighing. His eyes move towards me, "I'm sorry if this little weirdo is wasting your time."

"It's fine, I don't mind."

"Oh, ok then. Anyways, my name is Zoro."

"I'm captain Usopp!" a long nosed guy with curly black hair.

"Sanji. Nice to meet you, (y/n). You are very lovely and beautiful," a blond with curly eyebrows says, holding my hand and kneeling down in front of me. "Your eyes are sparkle so brightly and your lips are so pretty. May I kiss th-"

Nami punches him on the head. "Nami, you're so cute when your angry!" he falls on the floor with a nosebleed. Wait, Nami?!?!

"Nami!" I excitedly exclaimed.

"Oh, (y/n)! It's nice to see you again too!" she grins at me.

I also see Robin in the group! "Robin!" I wave at her and her head moves up from her book.

"Hey, (y/n)," she smiles, waving back.

"I'm Ace, Luffy's brother." My eyes move towards the voice. It belonged to a raven haired guy with freckles and a bright smile on his face. He's really attractive, so he must already have a girlfriend. I'm just assuming, though.

"Sabo. Also Luffy's brother," a blond with a big scar on his eye, waves.

"Ok! We're done with introductions! Now let's get food!" Luffy yells excitedly. He runs towards a direction and Sanji holds him back.

"Wait a minute, Luffy. Lunch doesn't start until after second period (class, sorry if it's not called that at your school). Don't start thinking every period is lunch. School is for learning, not food," Sanji sighs heavily.

"Awwww," Luffy whines with a sad expression on his face.

We split up and start heading different directions to get to class. Some of them went the same direction as others because they had the same classes. The guy named Ace was going the same direction as me.

"Where are you headed?" I ask him with a questioning look.

"Spanish with Mr. Mihawk. You?"

"Same here! Wanna walk to class together?" I beamed happily.

"Sure!" He grins at me.

We were talking about our favorite things like food, color, hobbies, etc. We finally arrive to class and take a seat next to each other in the back row, which were the only seats left.


"Looks like we made it just in time!" He gave me that handsome grin of his again. A man with dark hair, a small beard, sideburns, and a mustache was standing at the front of the room, clearing his throat.

"Ahem! Hello class, I am Mr. Mihawk, your Spanish teacher." He started talking about himself a little but then started the lesson.

His words were just as blurred to me as the words were in history. Ace was sleeping peacefully on his desk next to me. He looks so cute when he's sleeping. Wait...why am I thinking that?! Am I starting to like him? This is my first day of school and I'm already starting to develop a crush on someone even though I barely even know them. I blush a little, and I take my mind to a different topic.

I'm a little glad that Mr. Mihawk is so dedicated to teaching his Spanish lesson, that he doesn't even realize Ace is sleeping at the back of the room. The bell rang and the class was finally over.

I tap Ace gently on the shoulder, but he wouldn't budge.

"Ace, wake up, you sleepy head!" I yelled in his ear. He still didn't move. Now I was starting to get really pissed. I kicked him hard in the thigh shouting, "wake up you little dumbass!"

"Ow! You kick hard, damn woman!" He said, clearly in pain.

"I kept telling you to wake up but you wouldn't listen." I sighed. "Come on, it's time to get to lunch." I grab his arm and starts dragging him towards the door.

"Ow! Your pulling my arm! I can walk on my own, ya know!" Sighing, I let go of his arm and we walk to the cafeteria. "You seemed so innocent when I met you but now I know how you truly act," he said, pouting and crossing his arms.

"It was your own damn fault for not waking up the first and second time I tried to wake you up." I teasingly stick my tongue out at him. Seeing me do this, he sticks his tongue out, too. Ahead of us, I see a big group of girls.

"Aaaacccee!" A pretty blond girl coos with a smirk on her face. She was at the front of the pack of girls. "How about we go to the movies after school, huh?" She twirls her hair in her fingers. I don't know why but I was really annoyed by her. I didn't realize I was glaring a really nasty and deathly glare at her.

Ace's POV

(Y/n) started glaring at Daisy (change her name if it's your name. Sorry if it is...) the moment she started flirting with me. (Y/n)'s glare became scarier when Daisy asked me to go to the movies with her. Was she jealous? I grinned at the thought. I turned my head back to the direction Daisy was in.

"Sorry, but I already promised my little brother I'd go shopping for food with him," I lied.

"I can come with you and your brother! I absolutely LOVE shopping for anything!" She said with a wider smirk on her face. "How about it?" She gives me puppy dog eyes, but I ignore them.

"My brother asked that we'd go shopping, just him and me," I lied even more.

"Aww, pleeeaasssee? I'll do anything you want me to if you let me come! Anything!" Her face came close to mine. I blushed a little. (Y/n)'s glare deepened. Daisy is really attractive, but also really annoying. I blanked out and didn't know what to say. Her face came closer and then suddenly her lips touched mine.


Finally! Done with the second chapter! I tried to make it longer than the first for my fellow readers :) Well, hope you all enjoyed! Don't be shy to leave a like and some comments *wink wink* See you all in the next chapter! Byeeee /(^-^)/ *waves*

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