1. Interview at Hellsing

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Your POV

„I would like to apply for the position you offer"

"Certainly Miss ..."


"Miss (OC), we will await you at 9 sharp at the main entrance, good day"

"Good day"

It was not unsusual for me to apply for a job, but losing count of the 20th time means a lot. So far there were only cancelations or excuses, except for one, thankfully. However, it was just an interview mind, thats were the real work starts. I applied as a maid, at an organisation at the outskirts of London. Unfortunately, there was no description to the job, what so ever, so I assume its the normal chores of a maid. It was given to me by the job centre, so I could not refuse it in the first place.

Arriving ten minutes earlier was better than too late I always say. However, the guards did not find it all to well. I had to wait till 9 at the gate, from there, a man had picked me up. From the distance I could tell he was an older man, around his 40s or even 50s, grey hair tied back into a pony tail and a smart uniform. It didnt take long of him introducing himself. It took us a least ten minutes from the gates to the manor. In the meantime he told me that his name is Walter C. Dolneaz, the butler of the estate, he is the one who arranges the employments of staff. We had our interview in a small room, sitting opposite of eachother, now it was my time to convice him about my skills.

Thirty minutes later

A disaster! Utterly horrible! The interview was a down right failure. According to Walter I am "over qualified" and to top it all off, I had to sign a contract in case I tell a third party about my job or even in case of an "accident" , that the organisation isnt responsible for its cause. I did not have to refuse it, since Walter assumed that I did not have what it takes to do this job. Walter thanked me for coming and wished me a good day at the end before leading me out to the grand hall where he pointed his index finger at the two double doors on the right. He made it clear for me to leave on my own, since he went up the stairs and dissapeared behind some doors.

So there I was, standing all alone in a grand hall, in silent, not a single sound could be heard, it was kind of creepy for such a place. As I was making my way to the exit, a group of 4 maids came towards me. I assumed they were maids, according to there outfits. They had asked me to do them a favour. But to be honest I did not like what they wanted me to do, as they dragged me to a large mirror.

"Could you go downstairs and get us something ?", I wasnt sure what they have wanted, but the idea became more and more sceptical. " Our friend Emily is in the basement, she is terrified of the dark and someone has to get her out from there" "We are all afraid of the dark, plus we can get fired by this... you on the other hand can not". Typical, noisy maids, they were eavesdropping on me and Walter, how else would she know? One of the maids has move the mirror to the right, a major opening has appeared, stairs going down, swallowed by darkness while a cold breeze was lurking towards us . I understood what they meant, its worse then any old cellar.

"You have got to be kidding me, there is no way I would go down there, at least not with any light", I had hoped it would stop them from pushing me even further on and since I have not seen them carrying anything that could help me see down there. As on cue, light came from the basement, it wasnt bright, but enought to see the end of the stairs. "Look, light, maybe its Emily, you are going down there, right?" I bit my tounge before nodding at them, what did I get myself into?

Slowly, very slowy did I make myself down the stairs. Fear started to raise itself as I have reached the bottom of the basement. It was true, only one torch was on, but how ? No one was there to light it, the fear increased. It got worse, as I heard footsteps from above and a voice, no doubt about it, it was Walter. The maids have shut the door before my eyes, with such force that the impact made me jump. Getting out now was out of the question, since Walter was up there. I looked around, at least as good as I could see, the torch didnt help much either. I took it anyway and walked around. In fear that someone could hear me I whispered Emilys name, in hope she would hear. I found several metal doors, some looked like they havent been opened for centuries. Im not sure how long I was down here, but so far I couldnt find this girl anywhere. It became interesting as I found a large chair, right in the middle of the basement. Next to it a table with two wine glasses, a bottle, a red hat and a pair of sunglasses. Who in there right mind would drink wine in a basement, or even sit around here in the dark?

I paid attention to the door on the left side of the chair, since it looks different from the others. A metal door with a large symbol spread across it, it looks like messy graffity art since its already washed out a little. At its sides were rims attached, who seemed to be ripped appart. This door was sure odd. Curiousity caught me, I opened the door widely. Nothing but a veil of pitch black greeted my eyes. I moved the torch forward to see my surroundings. It was a room, a bedroom to be exact. As I was walking through it, I tripped over something large, dropping my torch to get back up to my feet. What I was about to witness made my blood run cold...

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