New girl

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Tim walks up to Lucy to have a conversation he is nervous about
Tim:i need to tell you something
Tim:i just want to tell you im seeing someone and i wanted you to hear it from me
Lucy:oh.... ok great i gotta go
She walks around him with tears in her eyes
She ignores him and keeps walking
She walks out towards the roll call room and bumps into Nolan
Nolan:its fine are you ok
Lucy:yeah im fine ill see you later
Nolan walks off thinking nothing of it until after shift he is standing with Angela,Nyla, And Wesley discussing a case

Nolan:woah who's the lady
Angela:Tims new girlfriend
Nolan looks over and sees Lucy looking at Tim and his new Girlfriend
Nolan:oh Luce
Angela and Nyla look back and see Lucys face filled with tears Nolan walks over to her
Nolan:come on lets get you home
He gets her home
Nolan:can i get you anything
Lucy:no im good thank you
Nolan heads to the bar with Angela,Nyla,And Bailey
Ang:hows Lucy
Nolan:i don't know she isn't good she still loves him
Nyla:poor Lucy
Tim and His Girlfriend show up
Tim:hey guys i want yall to meet Sara
They all wave hi
S:im gonna go get a drink babe
She walks off and Tim notices someone is missing
Tim:wheres Lucy
Nyla:at her apartment wallowing because you have a girlfriend and she saw yall together and started crying
Tim felt bad they could tell he did
He sits quietly with his girlfriend next to him
Ang:you alright your awfully quiet
Tim:im fine
A few days later its the first time he seen Lucy again
Lucy:oh hi
Tim:i wanna apologize i didn't mean to hurt you in any way im sorry
Lucy:its ok your allowed to move on i don't care
Tim:yes you do i hear it in your voice
Lucy:im fine seriously go be with your girlfriend
She walks off he can tell shes hurt and he feels bad about it
That night he has a date with Sara
S:you seem off lately you ok
Tim:yeah im good its just my Ex
S:she giving you trouble
Tim:no nothing like that shes sweet but this is the first time one of us have been in a relationship after we split and shes hurting i understand though if roles were reversed i would be upset to
Sara:do you still love her
Tim:don't ask me that im not gonna answer that and hurt you or hurt her
Sara:thats not a no
Tim:look Lucy and i were serious she was the first person i could see myself marrying and having a life with after my ex wife of course she will always be in my life and im gonna care about her
S:look i get it i like you Tim but i think theres someone else you need to go be with
Tim:im sorry
S:you dont have to apologize i get it you just take care of yourself and her
Tim:i will

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