New friends

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Alexis's P.O.V

As I was starting to woke up I saw that we were arriving into a big sorta of warehouse, which let me say it is really deep into the forest. "Good, you are awake now, I thought I was going to wake you up. We are about to arrive to our... house?" Jake said, well asked, he was kind of happy. "For how long was I sleep?" I said. "For about, like an hour, I guess." Logan said.

After 15 minutes later we stopped at a really big gate, made of metal and covered in a really thick fence in between spaces. "What's the gate for?" I said. "You'll see." Jake said, he then make like a signal to a girl about my age, she opened the gate and let us through. We got off the van and the girl came right to where we were. "So, Jake did you got the things I asked you?" She said, "well hello to you too Tessa, no I did not got your candy, I'm sorry, but we found my sister, Alexis and we had to got out of there before the militaries found us." Jake replied to Tessa, "hi I'm Tessa, but you can call me Tess." Tessa said. "Hi, I'm Alexis, but you can call me Alex or Lexi or Lex, what ever you want" I said "Well Lexi, I guess you and me are going to be best friends." Tess said, she looked happy and kind of relieved, "Yeah, I hope so, so are there more girl around her or just..."I asked, "nope, just me, well now us, but we we'll survive really good, I can tell that you are in really good shape and you look really badass, let me say." Tess said. "Well thanks, you look in really good shape too and I can tell by how you control my brother and how you are the only girl here, that you are a total badass too!" I said smiling, she just smiled back and she took my arm and started to pull me into a really big house, she then turned around and looked at Jake and screamed to him "she is going to stay with me and there is no power on earth that will take her away from my new sister, am I clear?" She screamed at the top of her lungs to everyone of the guys in the camp, Jake just nodded and Logan just laugh a bit, I just was containing my laugh and started to think how great we are going to get along. We then just entered to the house and I started to inspection everything, there are the windows and they have like this wood type of doors at the outside that I guess they close at night, a big stair case right at the reception of the house, passing through that there is a really big room divided in 3, two of the parts are more little, there is like a type of meeting room and the other little room is like a living room, then there is a really big room that is the kitchen and then there is a backyard, which is really big, with a kind of outdoor campfire. I noticed two boys sited in the coach at the living room, they saw Tessa and I come in so they came to us, but I was looking at the house, so I wasn't aware that they were just in front of me now. "Hey guys!" Tessa said. "Sup Tessa, who is the girl?"one of them said, I looked at them and realized that they are twins. "She is Alexis, Jake and Logan's little sister, and my new best friend and sister from another mother and father." Tessa said in a sassy voice. "Hey Alexis I am Ivan and this is my twin brother Emilio." Ivan said. "Hi guys, nice to meet you." I replied. "So you are Jake and Logan's little sister?" Emilio said. "Yeah I know it is weird, because we don't even look alike and because you meet me until now." I said. "So why did you came with them until now?" Tessa asked. "Well everything started 10 years ago when I was eight, my family and I where at a lake, we were having a family vacation before the summer ended, I was swimming in the lake when something grabbed my foot and drowned me, after that I thought I was dead, but the doctors told my parents and brothers that I was in a kind of coma, then my parents took me to our house and put me in my bed, hoping that one day I would woke up. Then after 10 years, I woke up." I said. "Wow, so when did you woke up?" Emilio asked, he looked amassed and so as Ivan, Tessa just looked at me like I was some type of ghost. "Like about 3 hours ago." I said. "What!!! How in the flippin' hell did you survived without the militaries or the grievers found you!" Ivan said. Did he just said grievers, what the hell are those things? "I don't know, but... mmm... what are those grievers?" I asked, let me just tell you I am worried about those things, like what are they? "The grievers are this... kind of like zombies, that the militaries created, but they had a slightly problem, they started to mutate and they became stronger, faster, and like their skin started to roten and in the places that they lost skin, they would started to develop like a metal layer that soon will cover the hole body. They are really hard to take out once they are covered in that metal thingy. But the good news is that if any sunlight or fire touch their skin they will burn, they are really flammable." Tessa said. I started to get like a worried face and she noticed it. "Don't worry Lex, I will teach you how to fight them, don't worry, it is not as hard as it sounds, right guys?" She said. "Yeah, Tessa is right they are pretty dumb when it comes to fight them. Even tho they are fast, their reflexes are the most slow ones you had ever seen, I mean a baby would have better reflexes than those things." Emilio said. "Yeah, you don't have anything to worry about Alex. We will protect you, while you learn how to fight them." Ivan said. "Aww, thanks guys, I can tell we will be good friends." I said more calmed now. "Yeah, we will" the twins said in unison. After that Tessa and I left and bumped into another twins. "Oh, hey guys." Tess said. "Oh hey Tessa, so who is the new girl?" One of them said. "She is Jake and Logan's little sister, Alexis." Tessa said. "Hi guys nice to meet you." I said. "Hi Alexis, I am Lucas and this is my twin Marcus." Lucas said. "So are you going to live with us now Alex?" Marcus asked me, but before I could answer Tessa did. "No, she is going to live with me." "You heard her boys, I am going to live with her." I said, we laugh and then they asked me how is that they have met me since now and told them the same that I said to the Martinez twins. After that Tessa showed me our room, let me just say that she is the most weirdest person here, but I might be a little more weird.

We then called the night and went to sleep, you might be wondering how a person that just woke up from a coma after 10 years is going to sleep, well let me just say that my hole freaking body hurts like hell and I need to relax. Before going to bed Tessa told me that tomorrow she will introduce me to everyone else and will start to teach me how to fight. So yeah, tomorrow will be great.

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