Levi didn't say anything, he just kept cleaning the blade meticulously. I left the bathroom after drying off completely, feeling embarrassed and ashamed of myself. I felt like he had just seen me at my most vulnerable and it made me feel naked in a different way. I hated this feeling and honestly wanted to avoid him right now. Unfortunately that wasn't going to be an option, and I knew that.
I put on a pair of black leggings and a sweater and sat down on the bed brushing my hair. Levi came out and pulled a chair up beside the bed and sat there with his legs crossed staring at me intensely, his grey eyes never leaving me. I could feel his stare like daggers.
He sat there quietly for a bit and I wondered what was going on with Annie and Hange. It was too quiet and I started getting nervous.
"Levi I don't know what happened. My body just started doing things," I confessed. "I am just as lost as you."
He looked at me, his eyes moving from mine to my lips and back to my eyes, as if searching for signs of deceit. "I know...and what you did was reasonable. So stop all the crying," he said.
"Reasonable?" I questioned, my head perking up.
He leaned forward looking at me, "If you hadn't have put up a good fight you could be dead, Star," he bluntly stated. "So tell me why did you turn the blade to your own flesh?"
I swallowed hard, looking back down.
"Hey, I'm asking you a question. Answer me because I'm getting impatient already," he demanded. His voice was stern, not his usual way of speaking to me when we were alone.
"I...wanted to see if I was really human..."
"Tch, you bleed like every one else so what kind of thinking is that? Do you really not value your life?" He asked, his voice low and tense.
"I do!" I shot back.
"Then don't ever...and I mean ever let me see you do that shit again, or I'll take every single knife you own," he threatened. "I'm calling Eren, he should be informed of what's happening," he said, pulling his phone out and dialing.
A few minutes later Hange walked in aggressively swinging the door open. They had a serious look on their face and their eyes went from me to Levi. Levi quickly concluded his summary of the events to Eren.
"Him and Mikasa are coming by. What's going on Hange?"
"I broke some of her fingers to get her to give me some information, and then she suddenly passed out. She only said she had to kill "the witch" and now I can't get her to wake up," Hange explained. My eyes widened. They interrogated her?
"Damnitt, well Eren is coming by with Mikasa. Star, you stay in here. And don't do anything stupid," he eyed me, getting up.
"Stay in here?"
"Yeah, you heard me. When me and the others are done deciding what to do with Annie we will fill you in."
"What? Why? Why can't I be in th-"
Hange looked at Levi meeting his eyes then at me, there was a communication I didn't understand.
"No. That's final. You've seen enough for today. You're not mentally stable right now," he snapped at me.
"He's right, you need to rest and calm down," Hange agreed.
Levi and Hange left the room and shut the door. I was kind of annoyed. Why can't I be in the know about this? What were they planning?
I could hear the door open and close. Eren and Mikasa had made it over. I could hear bits and pieces of the conversations, clearly it wasn't words they wanted to hide from me.
"She what? Damn, she really beat her ass," Mikasa commented.
"Yeah, is she okay?" Eren asked
"She's not mentally stable right now. She needs to calm down, it's best she doesn't see this," Levi said.
They explained what happened, how I suddenly seemed full of some sort of extreme power and strength. I could hear Mikasa gasp in disbelief and start asking questions. Eren didn't really seem phased.
"I know it sounds crazy but that's what we saw," Hange said. "It stopped when Levi pinned her down, and she just went back to normal, her eyes were glowing almost white..."
"I don't understand this, you're saying she's got some sort of power?" Mikasa said. "And what do you mean she's unstable? Where is she?"
There was a long pause.
"She tried to harm herself," Levi said bluntly, as usual he always was honest about things. I felt myself get very upset, I wished he didn't say that. A long time ago I had promised to her and Eren I'd never try something like that again. They knew I had a past and Mikasa had asked me about my scars on my leg before. It had been years and years since I did that, even with my break up with Josh I hadn't done it. I thought I had grown past that.
Mikasa burst through the door her face completely giving me killer vibes. She was pissed.
She walked up to me back handed my face.
I knew she could do it harder giving how buff she actually was with her intense gym going and martial arts training, but I guess she saw I was already injured.
I didn't even cry or seem sad, if anything I just widened my eyes some and held my face where it was red.
Levi was standing behind her not even looking at me. He wasn't coming to my aid for this one, and I understood. I needed to wake up and realize I was seriously hurting others by my self-harm idealizing. My life was already in danger and the fact they were all trying to protect me was honorable. They didn't have to do that. I felt like the dumb main character who wasn't even taking into account my own friendships. I had tons of support the entire time. Sure I had every right to be depressed but it wasn't an excuse to basically worsen the situation by trying to harm my body even more.
"...sorry," I said.
"Tch, someone had to snap you out of your ridiculous thought process. You're not allowed to die on our watch," Levi said. "So stop being so god damn selfish. It makes me sick because you're better than that," he sneered, before walking off.
His words hurt.
But he was right.
"He's being harsh I know but you have to understand Star you're not alone, and you can't keep trying to blame yourself for everything. You don't even talk to me or Eren much since your mom went missing. We love you idiot," cried Mikasa.
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