Episode 9 Ending.

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The stench of walkers filled the around as we stood at the top of the front steps. Judith was resting against my chest in her sling while I just looked to my Father grabbing his and Jessie hand and with slow steps we made our way towards the armoury. For the most part I kept my eyes on the walkers incase one got too close or one could smell us. Though it was the few times I looked back at the other that I noticed how terrified they look but for the most part my attention was on Ron whenever I looked back making sure he was okay.  

Not once had I caught his eye. Looking back ahead I see a walker thats guts were hanging out of a spilt in it lower stomach heading towards Jessie and I. Letting go of her hand for a moment we let the walker move between us. Jessie doesn't waste a second to wrap her hand around mine again only this time slightly tighter. 

Dad moves us off to the side towards the lake. Michonne and I instinctively stood at the edge on the group keeping an eye on the walkers while Dad explained to the rest of the group. 

"Alright new plan,a few flare from guns won't do enough." He says lowly. "Walkers are too spread out. We are not going to the armoury we need our vechiles back at the quarry, all of us drive we'll need to round them up. We leave, we come back."

Jessie is the next to talk. "Okay... But Judith to the quarry and back, I-i..."

Turning around I place a hand gently on top of Judith's head through the blood soaked blanket. Dad turns to me for a spilt second staring down where Judith was against my chest. Nod to himself he turns back around to face Jessie only to have Gabriel speak up. 

"I'll take her." He offers. "Keep her safe in my church until you all lead the walkers away."

Dad takes in what his saying. Looking as if Gabriel words had stunned him, making him pause as he spoke. Dropping his head I watch my Father trying to decide on what right until Michonne cuts off his thoughts making us all look towards her. 

"Can you do this?" Michonne questions. 

Looking at Michonne my eyes catches Ron whilst he stare out wearily at the walkers passing by. His expression had seemed to calm slightly at the fact we weren't in the middle of them anymore.

"I'm suppose too." He answers then adds. "I have to. I will."

Somehow convinced my Father motions a nod towards me. Quickly I unwrap Judith from under the blanket, careful enough not to accidentally her and set off her cry. While giving her to Gabriel a small whimper comes from her as she looked around confused. Gabriel tries to quiet her down just as he fixes the blanket over her head. 

With one last glance towards Judith I take steps back to stand at the edge of the group again, silently watching the walkers. Things stay quiet only for a few moments before Jessie spoke up again. 

"Take Sam." She rushes. 

"No." Sam answers for Gabriel. 

"Yes Sam, it'll be safer."

"I'm not leaving you."

"Aw, Sam-"

"Mum, I'm not!" Sam pushes. "I can keep going."

Jessie tries again. "Sam."

 "I can keep going... Please?"

Looking over my shoulder for a moment I can see Jeesie leaning down to Sam's eye level. Jessie seems to take in what her son is saying. You could almost see the thoughts while they were going through her head. I glance to my Father to see him having a hesitate look. Worried, I glance back to Ron to see him watching between his Mother and Brother obviously holding his tongue on the situation. 

"Let's just go." Sam utters. 

That seemed to end the argument. Jessie nod with an almost silent agreement. I look back at the walker worried I had taken my eyes off of them for too long catching a slight look of worry go over Ron face. When I glance back to the road of walker Gabreil talks to my Father. 

"I'm going to keep her safe." He reassures my Father.

"... Thank you."

I glance back briefly to see Gabriel beginning to walk away with Judith. Worry starts to stur in my gut making me turn back to the walkers not wanting to watch my Sister leaving. 

"Hey." I hear Jessie. "He's gone make it, okay? I know it."


Looking back over my shoulder I see my Father reaching out to grab Sam hand, who took it without complaint. Watching them starting to leave I turn immediately take a step towards Ron. Standing by his side I watch his face reaching out to grab his hand. 

With the blanket and his shirt sleeve in the way I wave my hand by his, trying to grasp his attention. It takes a moment before Ron looks away from his Brother and Mother only to let out sigh. Looking down Ron grabs at my hand without hesitation. While walking I resist the urge to hold onto his hand too tight following behind Jessie. 

*          *         *

It had gotten dark out. Barely any light to see we were going yet somehow it had so far so good. The worse that had happened was a walker getting too close to Ron and his hand had tightened around mine. I gripped onto his hand just as tight to make sure he had kept moving since than his grip hadn't loosened, neither did mine. 

Watching walkers I turn my head to the left seeing one get slightly close only to catch Ron glancing up at me. Him watching me only lasted a moment though when he looked away he blinked a few time in a way that seemed to get rid of his thoughts. I forced to look ahead when I feel Jessie starting to stop. That when I notice Sam had completely let go of my Father's hand now was staring off at the walkers. 

Completely stunned I hold onto Jessie hand pulling on it slightly signally quietly that we have to go. I feel Ron stepping closer behind me to watch his family. Sam seems completely out of it whilst he looks terrified staring into the crowd of walkers. I stare into the crowd of walkers trying to see what he sees as Jeesie talks to him. 

"Sam. Sam...?" Whispering, she lets go of my hand to hold both of Sam's. "Sam, you can do this... Come one, Sam."

"Come on, Sam." My Father whispers. 

"Sam come on you can do this." Ron whispers. "Just look at Mum."

"Sam honey, you can do this. Honey I need you to come with me."

At the same time Ron keep trying to get his Brother to move. "Sam... Sam come on. Sam you-"

Everyone words a cut off when a walker comes from Sam side grabbing onto his face and biting into his neck. My eyes widen my breath gets caught in my throat. Ron take a slight step forward making me hold his hand tighter to stop him. Sam cries out of his Mother as another walker grabs onto him biting into the side of his head. 

More walkers are attracted by Sam's cries for help whilst Jessie begins to cry, repeating Sam's name as she watched her son getting ripped apart. Jessie hand doesn't let go of Sam's hand while the walkers pull him to the ground if anything her grip gets tighter. I reach over to grab her hand trying to pull her away. 

Suddenly I get a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. I look from the scene in front of me and instead turn my gaze to Ron. Dropping Jessie's hand I completely face Ron. I place a hand on his shoulder while shaking the other one trying to stop him from looking at his Brother. Ron head begins to turn my way until look screams come from behind me. 

Looking back I see Jessie having walker now surrounding her as they did Sam. Slowly dragging her to the ground as they took bites out of her. I feel Ron's hand shaking in mine. Looking to him I see him reaching for his gun at the same time I hear my Father starting to cry quietly saying Jessie's name. 

Looking to my Father I see him staring down at Jessie's body with tears falling down his face. Instinctively I wanted to go to him but I knew we had to go. 

"Dad... Dad!" 

Looking up my Father seemed completely out of it. Staring at me he blinked a couple of times before glancing around at the walkers that were now coming towards us attracted to all the noise we had made. Dad looks back at me about to single us to move when his eyes lock onto something behind me. Following his gaze I turn to see Ron holding up the gun in one hand while his other still held my hand. 

"What are you doing?" 

I move to block the view of my Father making it harder for Ron to get a decent shot. Yet Ron doesn't drop the gun or the glare that were both aimed towards my Father. Seeing Michonne over Ron shoulder getting ready to use her katana in defence. Subtlely shaking my head Michonne stopped in her movements. 

"Ron... Ron, look at me." I whisper. "You drop the gun or we all die."

"We are already dead." 

"You said that in the garage to but look-" I grab his chin forcing him to look at me. "-We are still here... But we have to move." 

"Not anymore." 

Ron looked right into my eyes as he lifted the gun up. My eyes widen waiting for the gun to be pointed in my direction until I see Ron pressing it into his temple. Looking into his eyes they seem empty, emotionless. I see his finger tightening around the tightening around the trigger. Without a thought I reach out to grab at the gun pulling it from Ron temple to be dragged between us. 

The sound of the bullet being shot goes off making everything pause. I hear loud ringing in my ears with my vision getting blur most of it gone black. Catching sight of Ron with panic on his face along with bloody splitter all over his features. I feel the gun drop from both our hands as Ron moves his free one to the side of my neck. 

Feeling something running down my face I reach up to feel a warm substance. Pulling my hand away I see my finger were now covered in blood. Confused and now dizzy I look up at Ron then over to my Dad. 


After that my whole body collapse with Ron holding onto me. I hear my name being yelled loudly before my whole vision goes black. 

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