Episode 13

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It's bad, fair warning. It would have been up sooner but I fell asleep at the computer desk, Oops? The next chapter I'll write after work so it should be up in around 8 hours maybe? yes? I think? Anywho, enjoy.

I sat in the bathroom downstairs having Michonne help clean my wound while Ron was in the lounge room feeding Judith. After Enid left Ron had just gotten quiet. I don't know if that was worse or not. I keep my one eye close while Michonne cleaned the other in attempt to ignore the stinging pain. Part of me wonder what it looked like but the other part thought knowing would make me feel worse about it. Michonne pats my shoulder to get my attention.


"I'm going to wrap it okay?" She tells me.

I just nod.

It quiet for a few moments before Michonne cracks. "What happened upstairs?"

"Nothing to worry about." I answer a little too quickly.

Michonne sighs. "Carl, you know-"

Michonne's words are cuts off by the front door opening and closing. I guess it was my Dad. She pats my knee  and mutters that she'll 'be back' before she gets up and walks out the room. Sitting quietly I can hear the voice of my Father talking to Judith. I smile at the happiness in his voice disputed how tired he sounded along with it. I guess things didn't go as well as planned.

I hear footsteps coming to the room again. I turn my head with my eye still closed in the direction of the door thinking Michonne was standing there. Faking a smiling I hold up the wrap she had left in my hand towards her. With what felt like shaky hands Michonne grabbed the wrap from my grip. Wanting to stay quiet we sit in silence while Michonne slowly wraps the bandage over my face.

I try not to wonder what I looked like with my bandage instead I pick at my jeans. It takes a minutes but when I feel the clip being on the bandage I open my eyes. As I do I feel a set of hands grabbing onto mine. Ready to question Michonne for being insane I was caught off guard to see the familiar blue eyes.


Ron? Ron had seen my eye! No this isn't- Why didn't he say it was him? I move to get up suddenly feeling flustered and insecure. When I go to leave Ron holds onto my hands tighter to stop me.

"You shouldn't of seen that."

"'That'? You mean part of you?" Ron questions.

"You know what I mean." I snap slightly.

Ron's only reaction is to stand up. I wait for him to leave so I could mentally yell at myself but instead he just closes the bathroom door and locks it before he moves to sit in front of me again. When his gaze locks with mine I quickly drop it down to my lap. I watch as Ron moves his hands to mine again and laces our fingers. I smile at the tiny amount of contact making sure to hold his hand a little tighter. Until the image of Enid catches us clouds my mind.

"I'm sorry I let Enid catch us."

"I don't care." Ron deadpans.

"But..." I look at Ron completely confused while he looked unfazed. "But you and her were-"

"Right, 'were'." Ron nods.

Ron looks like he is going to say something else but a knock comes from the bathroom door.

"Yeah?" I call out not looking away from Ron.

"Come on out, I need to talk to you." My Fathers voice comes through the door.


I reach forward to light press my lips against Ron's. The kiss last no longer than a second but I pause for a short moment when I pull back. What if Ron didn't want this anymore after seeing my eye? I completely move away dropping Ron's hand in the process. I unlock the door to have my Dad open it from the other side. He is holding Judith and has blood and dirt on him. My eye widen in worry.

"What happened?"

I reach out to check there is nothing bleeding but my Fathers eyes are just looking behind me with an amused smile.

"I could ask you the same." He mocked.

I hit him in the arm. "Not now."

"That hurt." He whined with a chuckle.

"Have you seen Denise?"

"It's not that bad." My Dad defends. "But aren't you suppose to see her today with your check up?"

"No one could watch Judith." I explain. "But now since you're here."

I decided to leave out the bit of not waking up until about an hour ago to him. I hear Ron finishes moving things in the bathroom. Though when he leaves Ron presses his body against mine while squeezing between the door frame and I. In the movement Ron manages to squeeze my butt cheek making me create a weird squeaking noises. My father looks from Judith to me slightly confused.

"Ron kicked my ankle, sorry." I mutter. "I'll go to Denise's now. I'll be back before the meeting okay?"

I only get a few steps before Dad says, "You might want to fix your collar or it too obvious."

My eyes widen as my hand automatically reached up to where Ron had left the hickeys. I don't turn back to my Father instead I walk faster to the stairs and running up them as fast as my legs would carry me. When I reach my room I practically slam the door without thinking about it. I look up to see a startled Ron holding a comic book. The comic book Enid had thrown at us.

"You alright?"

"Of course." I answer quickly.

Ron cocks an eyebrow but doesn't say anything. Instead he just looks down and continues to read. I move to the end of the bed where I had dropped my shoes earlier. Sitting on the mattress I start to pull them on trying to ignore the images of what happened earlier running through my mind. Though as I finish tying up my laces I feel Ron body press up against my back while he rested his chin on my shoulder.

"Where you going?" Ron question pressing his lips against my neck.

With closed eyes I answer. "Denise need to do a check up."

Ron nods making his lips run against my skin as he does. He never leaves a proper kiss but I can't bring myself to move away from the touch. His touch is warm and sends shivers down my spine. My heart rate begins to pick up again. I swear this boy was going to make me have a heart attack.

"Can I come?" Ron questions.

I move away far enough to catch his eyes in surprise. "You wanna go outside?"

"No." He answers as if it obvious. "I want to go with you."

Ron seems to give me an intense stare I don't understand. "But thats the same-"

"Carl." He cuts me off. "Trying to create a moment here."

"I have to see Denise I don't have time for a moment." I point out.

I lean forward to quickly press my lips against his before almost immediately pulling away. I smile making him pout in annoyance. I tell him to get his shoes on before getting up to look into the mirror. I move the shirt collar around making sure all the hickeys are covered. Though the one on the side of neck was a bit to high up to cover.

Part of me silently prayed my hair stayed in the way most of the time. I can see Ron standing up from the bed having on both his shoes. He adjust the bottom of his shirt before looking up at me. When he catches my stare through the mirror his smile grows. Rolling my eye I turn around to grab my hat from the chest draw.

Yet when I turn around Ron's holding it up over my head. I raise my eyebrows when he lifts it up to drop it on my head. I scrunch my face trying to hide the smile while I begin to leave the room. Ron follows silently the whole way to the door until I call out that we are leaving and he complains I'm 'I'm too loud'. The moment we get outside and the front door is shut behind us Ron immediately shut off from how he was earlier.

Ron's whole body stiffens while he looks around at the other houses. I watch him for a moment before I reach out to grab his hand in mine. Ron holds onto my hand as if it is his life line. I move slowly down the front step with Ron hesitantly following behind me. I gave him a reassuring smile while he looked around in terror. People looked to Ron confused at him being outside and the many of them started to comment amongst themselves about it. It obvious that Ron noticed because he hold my hand tighter. I decided to distract him.

"I wish this place had a movie theatre." I comment.

Ron looks to me confused. "A what?"

"You know a theatre? Where you go and watch-"

"I know what it is!" Ron interrupts. "Why are you bringing it up?"

"Thought it might be nice to go to one..." I say. "... With you."

"With me?" Ron repeats. "Is this a round about way to say you want to take me on a date?"

I feel my cheeks start to brighten as Ron moves to make our arms pressed together. "No- Well, I mean yes but not like a date-date thing, we aren't even- I mean you don't.. It wouldn't-"

Carl laughs. "Breathe Carl, calm down."

A huge smile makes it way onto Ron face while he watches my flustered trying to answer his question. I groan in embarrassment. Looking ahead I realise we were outside the Doctors. I ignore Ron mocking me while I dragged him inside the medic to find Denise pace around with a book in her hand while she talked to herself. I stayed quiet for a moment as did Ron, just watching her trying concentrate. It takes a couple of minutes but after Denise raises her head you see realisation dawn on her face.

"How long have you been standing there?" She questions.

"Not long."

She nods and place the book face down onto the table. "Check up right?"

I reluctantly nod in response. She quickly pats a bed before turning to one of the cupboard and begins to grabs thing I couldn't see. With Ron grip tightening as we move to the bed that I sit on while Ron stand awkwardly next to it seeming extremely uncomfortable. Denise mutters something to herself before leaving the room. I take this moment to grasp Ron attention by lifting my free hand and running my fingers through his hair. Just like all the other time Ron leans into the touch.

"I'm happy you came outside." I whisper to him.

"What there to be 'happy' about? I'm on the verge of pissing myself." He answers clearly on edge.

"Well, I'm proud you're trying anyway."

Ron mutters, "And failing." 

I go to argue but Denise walks back into the room and starts to explain what was going to happen during the check up. I nod while listening halfheartedly paying most of my attention to Ron. I don't know when but at some point while Denise was undoing my bandage Ron had moved to lay down on the bed with his head resting on my lap. I could physical feel him shaking while he laid there. Knowing I couldn't move while Denise checked my eye, I reach my head the rested by his shoulder to now start running my fingertips through his hair again. 

Ron whole body goes stiff for a moment. Probably worrying about Denise seeing what I was doing but soon he relaxes into the touch even shifts on the bed slightly to get my comfortable. I expect Denise to make a comment like everyone else but she doesn't. She doesn't even do a double take of our behaviour so just acts the way she had from the beginning. Until Denise makes a comment about 'no sleeping' which just ends with Ron grumbling something and Denis and I laugh lightly at him. 

I was suddenly very grateful for Denise presence. It proved that Ron could act the way he use to around other people beside me. Though I couldn't ignore the feeling that that meant Ron would leave me soon. 

I forgot to say before thank you for all your lovely comments. I know I don't always reply but they do mean soooo much, thank you, thank you, thank you!!

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