"No! Let go of my sock, Nala!"
I ran through the apartment, trying to catch my Husky.
We were about to go for a walk but when I wanted to throw on my clothes, she just snitched my sock from my stack of clothes.
"It's not funny anymore."
I warned her as I approached the dog, trying my best to be slow and careful.
She sat next to my bed, my red sock in her mouth and her eyes fixed on me, her head tilted to the right side.
"Just give it back and we can go, okay buddy? Don't you have to go to the toilet 'cause I would after the gallon of water you just drank."
She whined, before dropping the sock and passing me, sitting in front of the door as if nothing had happened.
I sighed softly and got up, dropping the sock into the laundry basket, stroking my Cat, Simba, in the process.
My eyes fell to the clock on my wall and I realized, that I would be late for work, wherefore I hurried to the kitchen, gulping down my cereals, before grabbing new socks, my keys and my dog, leaving my apartment as messy as always.
On the way down I greeted my neighbor Mrs. Williams, an older roundish lady with 5 cats and gallons of chocolate milk.
It really wasn't normal, nor healthy.
Every time I passed her she had a chocolate milk tetra pack in her hand and asked me if I wanted one too.
My sister would have never declined, but me?
I wasn't that much of a fan.
As fast as I could I rounded the block stopping every now and then so Nala had a chance to pee on her favorite walls, and yes she had them, before running upstairs, feeding my furry little friends and getting into my car, driving to work.
"Maria, could you please move appointment 3pm to 3 .30? I have an important call to do."
I told my secretary, a petite Mexican woman in her 40s with the fluffiest hair I've ever seen.
She smiled and nodded. "Of course, Dr. Weaver."
"Thank you."
I hurried into my self-care room, as my patients like to call it, and dialed the number of my best friend, it ringing twice before her energetic and loud voice crashed into my ears.
"Morning, G. How're you doin'?"
"I'm good, and you?"
"You know, we don't need the small talk. Let's just skip to the exciting part where you tell me what's going on with you and that Harry guy."
I couldn't hold in my laughter as I realized that Tamara had misunderstood something.
"Oh hell no. He was a patient. He's a serial killer, Tammy."
"Oh, that makes sense."
I chuckled and nodded.
"Yeah, right?"
"Oh, cut of your sarcasm. I don't need that, not now."
I could see her running her hair through her dark hair, having stressed winkles on her forehead.
"Stop stressing and tell your psychologist what happened. We have 30 minutes."
"30 minutes? I feel more pressure than I do when I'm speed dating and with speed dating you have 30 seconds."
I laughed and rolled my eyes while I put some of the folders of my desk into a drawer.
"C'mon or do you want to give away another 5 minutes by making silly jokes?"
"Okay, okay. I'm gonna start, just don't laugh at me, okay?"
I signed and nodded. "You know me. I'm always laughing when someone comes to me and wants to tell me something dead serious. It isn't my job to stay distant and not laugh or show any emo-."
"I get it!"
"Well then start."
We both chuckled and she sighed softly, before taking a deep breath. "Well, there was this guy."
"There's always this guy."
"Shh, let me talk for God's sake!"
I held my hand up in surrender, even if she couldn't see it.
"Okay okay, continue."
"Well, as I said, there was this guy. He was mind-blowingly attractive, and he had a friend, that was, well... let's say not exactly my type.
Anyway, the man came to me, bought me a drink and one thing led to another and we slept together."
"Okay, and? Was is that bad?"
"Oh, shut it, Genna. It was the best night of my life, for real."
I smirked. "Oh, yeah sure. Like as you told me about Will, Markus...oh and what was his name again? The one with the Lamborghini?"
"Ted, but that's not the point. I'm serious."
"Is he?"
I was worried about her because she developed feelings really quick, even with her amount of times of one-night stands.
I just didn't want her to get hurt.
"Yes. No. I don't know. But he's asked me out on a date and he asked if I knew someone who's still single so we could do a double date."
I started to shake my head as I realized why she called me. It was certainly not because of one of her hook-ups. Well, not to be exact.
"No, you did not."
"I'm sorry, Genna. I panicked and I said things and then he did things and then I did things and we ended up arranging a double date with him and his friend today, 7pm."
I closed my eyes as I laid back in my chair, massaging my already aching head. Today was going to be a long day.
"Hello, Genna?"
"Yeah, I'm still there. Physically."
"I'm sorry, I just thought it would be good for your too, you know? Getting out of your stinky apartment, forgetting about your problems, your job and your sister."
"I go out."
She laughed and I rolled my eyes. "Sure, you go out. With your dog."
"I don't see your point."
She sighed. "When was the last time someone took of some of your pressure?"
I cleared my throat closing my eyes. She was right but I would not admit that to her. "You remember that night I told you about. The hot summer night 1867?"
"Oh my God, I'm gonna kill you."
I laughed. "Nope, because then you wouldn't get free therapies."
"You're my friend, you know? It's your job."
I nodded and got up from my desk as I saw that it was almost 3.30.
"To be exact, it really is and I have to focus on that right now. Bye."
"Okay, I'm gonna pick you up at 6.45."
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