„Spencer, I think I've found something." I started as I furrowed my eyebrows, reading the message again from the latest victims' mirror, feeling Spencer next to me.
"I don't now about the other messages but this is clearly about one thing."
My head travelled to the side as I looked at the youngest Agent, feeling my breath hitching in my throat. "This is about her belongings. Her house, her money, her jewellery. I think the unsub might be poor or middle class. He's jealous and for him, when it comes to death, everyone is the same."
He nodded, rereading the message, before his eyebrows furrowed as his big eyes met mine. We were alone, the other Agents were out on the field as there had been an attempted rape, which got checked out by Hotch and Elle while Gideon and Derek were on the latest crime scene.
"That makes sense. I mean, the crime scene. The way, he deposited her belongings such as the coffee machine, being destroyed. It's a metaphor. But if he's poor or in middle class, why wouldn't he take some of it with him?"
I lay my head in my neck, sighing as I rubbed my face, trying not to get too frustrated by all the question marks in my head.
"Well that's not the only thing that doesn't add up."
I tilted my head to the side, looking at the crime scene photos of the first three homicides, feeling my headache getting worse.
"Why would he suddenly start leaving those messages? I mean, we got the full text, he's pretty much following the right order from the Death-parts, but if it's his signature, why don't start at the beginning but only after three victims?"
"That's what we have to find out."
I sighed, blowing some of my hair out of my face before slapping my thighs and getting up, looking down at the still sitting genius. "You want a drink?"
He blinked a few times, swallowing before brushing a piece of hair behind his ears. "I-I don't drink."
I laughed, shaking my head. "I meant coffee or tea. Water?"
His eyes widened as his mouth formed into an O-shape and blinked, again. "Oh, ehm, yeah. Sure."
My gaze met his as I waited for him to continue but he never did.
I closed my eyes, smiling to myself at his awkwardness. "And which one?"
"I'm sorry, ehm. C-Coffee."
I nodded as I left the room, deciding that I would just bring him the sugar before waiting another 3 minutes for an answer.
I filled up the electric kettle with some water, turning it on, before grabbing two cups and waiting for my hot water and the genius' coffee to be ready.
I was just filling my mug with the boiling water when I got startled from an unknown voice speaking up from behind me, spilling the water all over my hand.
"BAU, huh?"
I breathed in the air sharply as I felt the burning sensation on my hand, trying to contain my pain, as I turned around furious, looking up at the officer in front of me. "Humanely undeveloped, huh?"
His eyebrows furrowed, trying to understand what I meant, before I rolled my eyes, swirled around and turned on the tap, letting the ice cold water run over my burned hand.
"Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you, but I saw you all alone for the first time you got here and tried to give it a shot."
I took in a deep breath, trying to contain my annoyance as I turned my head and looked at him. "Well, maybe you should try to give yourself a shot, letting me work in peace, drowning your sorrows in this, particular shot you wanted to give me."
I smiled at him, an annoyed smile, before turning around, bandaging my hand with the first aid kit next to the coffee machine and went back to Spencer with the two filled cups in my hand, only to find out that we weren't alone anymore.
"We've got some answers?"
I put the coffee cup down in front of Spencer before looking at the others with an apologetic smile.
"Sorry, didn't knew you were coming back this early."
"What happened to your hand?" Spencer asked after the others shook their heads, telling me it wasn't a problem.
"Oh, just got startled by a random officer and poured the hot water all over my hand."
Derek inhaled a sharp breath before laughing. "What, you get startled by an officer but not by serial killers? You really are somethin', Weaver."
I rolled my eyes at him, sitting down next to Spencer and taking a sip of my green tea, which was not enjoyable after all. "Answers?"
"Right. So, the fact that the notes started after the third victim was because he didn't get the attention he wanted."
I nodded, thinking that it was pretty obvious and that I could have figured that out as well.
"And the attempted rape?"
Elle shook her head. "Can't be the same man. The husband said that he was black and the woman that he wore a ski mask."
I furrowed my eyebrows, shaking my head. "It's really rare that a crime with a sexual component has a racial crossing. And our unsub would have never wore a ski mask. He wanted the attention, just like leaving those messages. He wants to be known and he wants to be feared."
Gideon nodded as he got up, his eyes glued on the crime scene photos. "We're ready to give the profile and to make Tommy contact us."
You all like sassy Genna? I personally love her, but I have to be honest; I love cutie pie Genna more!
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