Andrew POV : I came upstairs running almost fell down the stairs I saw that Lakia water broke I started to panic because it wasn't her time to deliver yet I started grab her and the twins packed bag in headed to the car I started the car in pulled off till I realized I forgot lakia ......
Lakia POV : I was watching how panicked andrew look he grabbed the twins and my bag I went to go get lexi in headed downstairs I looked out the window to see andrew had left me few minutes later in came back aplozing andrew called his mom it told her I was in labor she said she was on her way to the hospital so she can watch lexi ...
Lakia POV : I'm now in a hospital bed having the worst contractions I'm almost dilated .
Few hours later
Lakia POV : I told andrew to go find the nurse .
Andrew POV : I went to go find the nurse in the nurse said she was ready for the twins the gave me
In the the delivery Room
Third Person :
I was telling lakia to push so was the doctor then I heard the first try which was baby A in the doctor said only one more push to go in few minutes later I heard the second baby they was so beautiful I looked over at lakia she didn't look so good then soon you know I was getting pushed out the room I saw mom in the waiting room with lexi she looked at me with worry eyes in my mind I was saying please don't let her leave me and I saw the twins one looks like me in the another one looks like lakia I decided not to name them just yet........
Andrew POV : It is now 4 am I told my mom to take lexi with her in told her I'll pick her up tonight I still sitting in the waiting room then the doctor came out it said Mr . Fontenot I stood up in walk to him......
The End ..... Sike I'm playing ya'll probably thought this my the end of this book any way I decided I middle name for the babies in the first like I said if you have any suggestions for the twins names don't hesitate to put them in the comments
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