Taeyeon and Alice used to be the best of friends, doing everything together. But Taeyeon was not happy about what Alice did, telling Taeyeon's crush about her and how horrible she was. She was very mad, but also very hurt, she thought she could trust Alice. On top of having to deal with Taeyeon, she was a punching bag for her always drunk parents.
Gùshì kāishǐ zài zuìchū dì nàgè mèng zhōng
It's my very first dream, where the story begins
" You're going to regret this Alice Tuan, you're going to regret this for the rest of your life." Taeyeon said smirking, then walked away, just planning destructing Alice's reputation.
" Taeyeon, I swear I didn't do it. I was sick in the hospital. " Alice said. It was the truth though, she didn't do it. One day she's at the hospital, with Taeyeon being best friends, then next thing you know she's accusing Alice of committing an act that she never did.
mǎn tiān xīngguāng zhǐ yīn wǒ ér shǎnshuò
The sky full of stars are sparkling only because of me
Having no other friends, because of Taeyeon, Alice felt lonely, and hurt. It wasn't helpful that her parents always came home drunk, and decided to let out their rage on her. Coming to school with a black eye and the teachers at Seoul High School believing every word Taeyeon said, did not help at all. The only reason she isn't dead is because of her cousin, Chanyeol
wǒ kàn dào píngfán de wǒ yě huì
Finally I get to see this ordinary me
When Alice was walking down the hall with her books in her hand, she was pushed against her locker, barely being able to breath. Taeyeon was smirking while having her boyfriend hold Alice up, " Well, who do we have, little miss perfect. She can't get anything wrong, well you all are wrong about her. She's just a freak. "
yǒu yīkè bù pǔtōng
Have this moment of extraordinary
Alice's life was living torment, until one day when her cousin, Chanyeol, noticed her bruises and cuts. He took her back to her house and cleaned up all the wounds. Alice told Chanyeol about how terrible it was at the school and living with her parents. She begged him not to tell anyone about her secret. He said he wouldn't but he would do something about it.
qiánfāng shì wèizhī
With unknown scenes ahead
She came home with probably the fifth black eye of the week. When she was cleaning up, her drunk parents decided every problem in their life was her fault. So like always they took their anger out on her. She was prepared for the beating, but not the unconsciousness.
yíngmiàn shì hǎifēng
And ocean breeze at my face
When Alice arrived at school the next day, she heard the news. A group of new students from Icheon are arriving today, she was curious. Could it be Chanyeol, is what he meant by saying he was going to do something about it? she asked herself. When she went to the school assembly she sat there alone until a boy, who she was unfamiliar with came up and asked to sit with her. She was of course happy to have someone sit with her.
" So what's your name? Mine is Luhan, I'm from Incheon." Luhan said. Alice took a second then realized why she had never seen him.
" Hi, I'm Alice..." Alice started until a boy named Kyungsoo came up and said; " Luhan, where have you been, we've been looking forever, Oh hey I'm Kyungsoo, or you can call me D.O., How about you come along with us? She accepted their request and followed them.
sāi rén de gēhuì yòu rén wàngjì chūzhōng
Siren's singing is tempting me to cast my original intentions
When Alice arrived at their final location she and Chanyeol saw each other and they ran towards each other and hugged. It looked like a cliche cheesy romantic movie, except it was a hug instead of a kiss. Luhan, Kyungsoo and their friends looked at us with curiosity, like they were trying to classify what relation we were.
" We're cousins." Chanyeol and Alice said at the same time. Everyone shouted oh, most likely thinking they were in a relationship.
他们说每一个风浪 都能够淹没我
tāmen shuō měi yīgè fēnglàng dōu nénggòu yānmò wǒ
They say that every wave would flood over me
For the next three weeks Alice and Chanyeol's friends all got closer, she was especially close to Luhan. She secretly loved Luhan, but didn't tell him in fear of ruining their friendship and forever putting them in awkwardness. But little did she know Luhan loved her too but didn't tell her for the same reason.
* 可我会像奥德休斯一样
kě wǒ huì xiàng ào dé xiū sī yīyàng
But I will advance like Odysseus
As she was walking through the halls, she was suddenly pushed against her locker.
"What were you thinking befriending the new group of students, do you think they would want to hang out with a loser like you? Pft, she actually thinks they want to hangout with her. " Taeyeon said. Kim Tae-Yeon, the girl Alice despised the most, she and her friends made Alice's life terrible. They all laughed at her statement. Then while she was being punched and kicked, she finally spoke up.
cháozhe xīnzhōng de fāngxiàng
Towards my heart's direction
"Taeyeon I'm sick of you bullying me, I never ruined your chance with your old crush, I was at the hospital and you know that." Alice yelled with blood all over her face. This was the first time she talked back, let alone yell. The room was silent, then they started laughing at her, then the kicking and punching continued. Until she heard a voice.
nǎpà zhòng shén huì zài bǐ'àn zǔdǎng
Even if the Gods may stop me at the other shore
Luhan, that was the voice she heard, Luhan's voice. She couldn't hear what he said, but she knew it was good for her because all the kicking stop for now. She was picked up then passed out. When she woke up, she realized that she was not in her room, she looked up to meet a pair of doe like brown eyes and light auburn hair.
" Luhan... " She muttered, Luhan looked down to see that she was awake.
" How are you? I have to tell Chanyeol and the guys I'll be right back." he said then left. Three minutes later came a group of boys and a crushed Luhan. Alice was bombarded with questions, and she answered all of them until everyone left her alone except Luhan.
当我需要独自站在 远方的沙场
dāng wǒ xūyào dúzì zhàn zài yuǎnfāng de shāchǎng
When I need to stand alone on the faraway battlefield
Luhan was sitting their staring at Alice's beauty, her bleached blond hair and blue-ish grey eyes.
"Why was Taeyeon beating you up?" He asked, with curiosity after Alice told him the whole story. He stared then said;
" Taeyeon was wrong, the question is why is she taking this out on you? " Alice honestly didn't know why, she just shrugged.
wǔqì jiùshì wǒ jǐn wò de mèngxiǎng
My dreams become my weapon
Alice looked at the time, she started to panic, it was seven o'clock, too late to be out or else she would get a beating, not that she wasn't going to get one anyways.
" Luhan call Chanyeol, tell him I need to go." Alice said while gathering her stuff. Luhan going to question her, but thinking about all the stress lately being put on her, he decided not to.
After calling Chanyeol, they left the house being shared by the friends. Twelve boys in house was not a good thing. Chanyeol worried about Alice and the family problems. She assured him that she would be fine, but he highly doubted it.
ér wǒ shòuguò de shāng
While the wounds I carry
After she got home, her parents screamed at her for not being home on time, then continuously beat her for it. The next day she couldn't walk and had two black eyes.
dōu shì wǒ de xūnzhāng
Become my medals
When she returned to school all she heard was the words freak, loser, and geek. She couldn't stand the body shaming, the harassment, and the rumors. She was sick and tired of it.
shì shuí shuō wěidà cái zhídé bèi gēsòng
Who says only the mighty ones deserve an anthem
Alice was at the cliff, death waiting for her, calling out her name. When she was about to answer deaths calls, Luhan ran up to her and lifted her up carried her far away from the cliff.
" What were you thinking,You could have died, if you did you would just be letting Taeyeon win. How do you think everyone would feel?? " Luhan yelled. Alice stayed silent.
Alice started crying, " No one would care, do you know how many times I've been called freak and loser? Do you know how many times I woke up with a black eye and not being able to walk? " She asked him while sobbing.
Luhan got up, took you over to the house that he shared with Chanyeol, placed Alice in his bed. When he left he said one thing that made her think real hard.
" I thought you were stronger than this, this might sound harsh but don't let Taeyeon prove that you are so weak because I know a stronger you. I just don't know where she went." Then he left not looking once.
chéngfēngpòlàng hòu yě bù huì yīdìng chénggōng
Beating storms does not guarantee any good end
After a few months Alice finally got over the suicidal feeling. But once Taeyeon heard about this news, she just became worse to Alice.
shēngmìng zhǐ néng xiàng qián
Life must move forwards
Alice couldn't deal with her parents anymore. Cut all over, bruised , had two black eyes and she could barely walk. She called Luhan and Chanyeol asking to crash at their place.
" Hey Chanyeol, I need to crash at your place, where do you live?"
" Not even a hello, wow what a nice way to treat your cousin. " Chanyeol retorted back.
" Chanyeol this is serious I need to get to your house before my mom and dad get back or I might be dead tomorrow."
" Okay we live on 대학로 ( University street ) it's the only green house on the street." After ending that call she immediately left her house.
kě wǒ huì xiàng ào dé xiū sī yīyàng
But I will advance like Odysseus
When she arrived at their house, Kyungsoo opened the door looking very happy until he saw Alice. He called over Luhan who looked very mad at whoever did that to you. Chanyeol took her bags. Once Alice walked inside, she started sobbing. Luhan rushed to her started to calm her down. Once she calmed down they put her in Chanyeol and Luhan's room.
cháozhe xīnzhōng de fāngxiàng
Towards my heart's direction
When Alice woke up, she saw Luhan's worried yet angry face, that softened once he saw that she was up. Luhan quickly sat down and asked her who did that to her.
" My ... parents" She stuttered. Luhan looked speechless and left Alice in his room with a breakfast and Netflix.
nǎpà zhòng shén huì zài bǐ'àn zǔdǎng
Even if the Gods may stop me at the other shore
Luhan walked out of his room speechless, all of his other friends were there playing until they saw Luhan's face. Everything went deathly silent.
" Who did this to her? " They all asked.
" Her parents." Everyone either felt bad for her, looked mad at her parents and the other third thought of ways to help her.
当我需要独自站在 远方的沙场
dāng wǒ xūyào dúzì zhàn zài yuǎnfāng de shāchǎng
When I need to stand alone on the faraway battlefield
When they weren't looking Alice tip-toed out without being noticed. She didn't want to trouble them to much, having to deal with her problems were a pain. Instead of being a child that needed help, she need to solve her own problems.
wǔqì jiùshì wǒ jǐn wò de mèngxiǎng
My dreams become my weapon
When she was walking around she spotted Taeyeon with her group of friends. She walked up to her and threw her on the ground while she had the other girls beat her up.
" Why are you doing this to me? " Alice asked.
" Because first you betrayed me by ruining the chances with my crush, then stealing all the new transfers from Incheon, then stealing Luhan from me." Taeyeon said. She left after that with her friends following after her.
ér wǒ shòuguò de shāng
While the wounds I carry
Alice walked around some more, stopping at a couple of coffee shops and a few bookstores. She got gifts for all twelve of the guys thanking them for helping her.
dōu shì wǒ de xūnzhāng
Become my medals
When Alice arrived home she was pushed to the floor.
" Where have you been for the last two days?" Her mother said. Alice stayed silent.
" ANSWER ME!" She screamed while kicking Alice. Alice still stayed silent.
" YOU WILL BE PUNISHED!" After she said that Alice was dragged up stairs.
wǔqì jiùshì wǒ jǐn wò de mèngxiǎng
My dreams become my weapon
Luhan, Chanyeol and their group of friends didn't feel good about what they envisioned in their mind. They decided to call the police, while heading over to the house themselves. When they arrived at the house, they heard screams. Chanyeol ran up stairs with Kyungsoo, Xiumin, Lay, Luhan and Kris. To their horror they saw her in a room with her parents with a bat. Hitting her repeatedly. They spotted a rope, and with good planning and timing, they all rushed into the room. When the parents saw that they were there. They grabbed her and told them to step out or Alice dies. They stepped out then ran back in after another scream. They saw Alice with multiple stab wounds Kyungsoo, Xiumin, Chanyeol, and Kris all tied up the parents while Lay, and Luhan went downstairs with Alice.
ér wǒ shòuguò de shāng
While the wounds I carry
They tried to put bandages around her wounds, and stop the bleeding but it was no use. They knew Alice would die, Luhan refused to believe it.
" Alice don't leave me, don't you dare close your eyes, don't you dare do it." Luhan said while crying. Alice started to close her eyes.
Then finally the police and ambulance arrived late like in every drama. Alice was rushed off to the hospital. With Luhan with her, praying that she wouldn't die.
dōu shì wǒ de chéngzhǎng
Become my growth
Alice's parents were arrested and found guilty of child abuse. The doctors knew she wouldn't survive due to internal organ damage. But they only told Chanyeol who decided not to tell the boys.
bùguǎn míngtiān de lù yǒu duō màncháng
No matter how long tomorrow's road is
When Luhan visited Alice, they were talking about random things until he noticed the heart monitor was lowering. Alice noticed too and told Luhan one last thing,
" Luhan, when I do die promise me that you will get over me, I loved you and I always will. We will see each other later." She said with a tear falling down her face.
" I love you Luhan. " She said.
wǒ zàicì qǐ háng
I'll set sail once again
" Don't talk like that, you aren't going to die, I ... " before Luhan could answer, *beep* the heart monitor stopped. Luhan was practically sobbing.
" HELP!" Luhan screamed while sobbing. His voice slowly decreasing.
" Help!" Luhan said for the last time, his voice barely above a whisper.
" Don't leave me Alice," Luhan whispered.
dàizhe wǒ de xūnzhāng
With my medals
" I'm sorry sir, we tried our best, but Alice is dead." The doctor said, he said more but Luhan wasn't listening. Alice was pronounced dead on October 13, 2014, only being 16 years old. It took Luhan a good 5 years to move on from Alice. The rest of their friends went through the struggles life provided them. But they all had a guardian angel, that was watching them up above waiting for them to join her later on in life.
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