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"christmas holidays here is the most boring thing ever." sirius groans as katherine follows him, rolling her eyes at him. she had been dragged out of her room by him, just to listen to his complaints, this was the seventy fourth.

"no one asked you to stay." katherine points out, making sirius sigh as he stops and leans against the wall. katherine steps in front of him and raises an eyebrow.

"katherine, i'm dying here. there has to be something we could do?" he asks desperately and she shrugs, not knowing how to answer his question. he groans again as he watches students walks past them. "maybe..."

"if you're planning something devious. please, don't. i've been in trouble with mcgonagall three times more than i have ever been the past years." katherine says, making him huff and pout. he looks up at the ceiling and his eyes sparkle as he notices the little branch of mistletoe. "maybe, we could study? how does that sound?"

"there is a reason why it's the holidays, katherine." he points out, keeping his eyes on the mistletoe, thinking this through. he had grown to like katherine, more than he had expected, but he also had a girlfriend, was he really willing to risk it all for katherine.

"well, maybe we can play a game of chess? or maybe find the others? go on a walk? i don't know, sirius." she whines, as she looks up at him to notice that he's transfixed by something above them. she looks up as well and her heart skips a beat as she finally notices the mistletoe.

"chess? you'd probably win and i'd rather not loose. we were just walking, darling." he says softly, looking down at her to see her looking at the mistletoe. she can sense him looking at her and she looks back at him.

"so, uh, join the others?" she suggests awkwardly and he pushes himself off the wall, taking a step closer to her. she is glued to her spot, unsure what to do. he leans down and her breathing speeds up, making him sigh as he rests his forehead on hers.

"i can't do this to marlene." he breaths out as his eyes close. her heart drops to the floor and she clears her throat, taking a step back. reality comes back, hitting her like a bucket of a cold water.

"right. i'll go find them." she says nervously, making him hum as he straightens up. "you coming?"

"yeah. let's go." he says, before silently following her. katherine bites her lips as an obvious tension forms between them. she walks into the gryffindor common room to see them all sitting around on the couches. they notice the two walk in and raise an eyebrow questioningly. katherine looks at lily and smiles as she sits down next to her.

"where were you guys?" peter asks, making katherine shrug as sirius looks down as he sits down next to james, clenching his jaw.

"anyway, i was just about to ask lily something." james says, seeing that they won't answer the question. katherine looks at him curiously as lily raises an eyebrow. "how does lily potter sound to you?"

"sounds good to me." lily says nonchalantly, making james' eyes widen as he hadn't expected that as a response. remus snickers as he can't help but be amused by lily's nonchalant attitude. katherine looks up at sirius, who is already looking at her and she smiles awkwardly, before looking back at lily.

"lily, you're playing with my heartstrings now." james gasps out and lily chuckles as she shrugs slightly. "will you marry me then?"

"merlin's beard, potter. not now!" she exclaims, letting out a giggle and he can't help but smile happily as he watches her blush. katherine smiles, feeling a little envious of them as she glances at sirius again.

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