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"i must admit, miss avery. i really did not expect you to do such a thing. as for you mister black. i'm not surprised." professor mcgonagall says as she looks at the two students, who are sitting in front of her. katherine is sitting at a desk on one side of the room, while sirius is on the other side.

"professor mcgonagall, for once i actually had nothing to do behind this." sirius says, as he raises his hands up defensively.

"i have a hard time believing that, sirius." mcgonagall says, making katherine bite her lip as she raises her hand and mcgonagall nods for her to speak up.

"he's right, professor. i'm actually the one who put the pictures up there. i was just trying to annoy him." she says honestly, making mcgonagall look at her in slight disbelief, before taking a deep breath.

"katherine i know you're not the kind of student to do such things, but i also know you're not one to take the blame of something you haven't actually done." mcgonagall muses, making katherine look down in slight shame. having pulled all these pranks on the marauders had been fun, but now that she had to face the consequences, she didn't enjoy it very much. "which is why i think i will have to mention this to your father."

"please, don't. you can keep me in detention as long as you want, professor. but i beg of you to not mention it to my father." katherine says with wide fearful eyes. she didn't want to imagine her father's reaction to finding out she had gotten in trouble, because she was messing with gryffindor students. sirius looks at her questioningly, curious as to why she reacted so fearfully at the mention of her father.

"very well. i won't keep you for more than what you deserve, but try not get in more trouble, miss avery." mcgonagall says sternly and she nods, before the professor leaves the two in the room alone.

"you okay, princess?" sirius asks, making her look up at him with a raised eyebrow.

"since when do you care?" she asks, making him lean back in his seat.

"you're right i don't. but i'm just curious as to why you're so afraid of your father." he admits, making her stiffen slightly as she shifts towards the edge of her seat. she looks away from him and bites her lip, as her heartbeat speeds up.

"i'm not afraid of him." she lies, making him scoff as he doesn't believe her. he stands up and walks up to her desk, sitting in the chair next to her, making her look back up at him.

"the way you reacted to mcgonagall mentioning it him, says otherwise." he points out and she shrugs, slightly glaring at him as she crosses her arms over her chest self consciously.

"whatever. sirius. since you seem to have figured out everything about me. do share your theory." katherine says, making him chuckle and shake his head.

"that's the problem katherine. no one knows anything about you. all we know is that your father and brother are famous death eaters. no one knows who your mother is or where she is. you're extremely reserved and i'm certain not even severus knows everything about you." sirius says, making her huff as her shoulders drop and she leans back in the chair.

"and you're hoping to be the first one to get know the real me? tough luck, sirius. it's not happening." katherine says, making him smirk as he thinks of it as a challenge.

"a challenge i'm willing to accept." he says, making her look at him as if he had lost his head.

"you've absolutely lost your mind, if you think i'll go along with this." she scoffs and he chuckles softly.

"trust me. you'll go along with it eventually."

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