🐍Winter Holiday🐍

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                                              ✨Dream World✨

'It feels so dry..Am I in a desert?' I thought while trying to open my eyes, before noticing that I was in fact in a desert.

"You...are late." Jafar said, as he sat on the horse.

"A thousands apologies, O patient one. But I got it!" Gazeem said, flinching under Jafar's gaze.

"Trust me, my pungent friend. You'll get what's coming to you." He said, before the small little golden beetle began to fly.

"Quickly! Follow the trail!"

Jafar kept on cracking the reigns.

"Faster!" Jafar yells, cracking the reigns.

Soon, the beetle stopped and the sand started to rise, scaring the horses away.

"At last, after all my years of searching... The Cave of Wonders." Jafar says with a exiting? smile.

"Awk! Cave of Wonders!" Iago, who was a macaw, said.

Gazeem looked at the cave nervously before he was suddenly grabbed by his shirt.

"Now, remember-bring me the lamp! The rest of the treasure is yours" Jafar said.

"Who disturbs my slumber?" The Cave of Wonders spoke.

With that, everything went dark for Yuu.

                                              ✨Dream End✨

I woke up, breathing a little heavily.

"Cave of Wonders?" I asked myself.

Getting up from my bed and exiting my room, I walk down stairs to get some breakfast.

"Hey Yuu!"

"AH!" I yelled in surprise, falling backwards.

Unfortunately I landed on the railings of the stairs.

And to my luck...

The rail broke, falling down with me.

"Ahhhhhhh!" I screamed, and close my eyes for the impact.

Only to feel arms around my shoulders and under my knees.

Opening my eyes, I see Y/N staring down at me.

"Well this wasn't how I expected to greeted this morning," She says with a small smile, "I hope you're alright."

I scrambled out of her arms and ended up falling on my butt.

"Why so bleary-eyed?" Bones asked.

"You look like you've seen a ghost." Cloud said, laughing.

"Today's the last day of the fall semester. Look sharp and don't bungle the landing." Bones said.

"Oh yeah, tomorrow's the first day of the winter holiday. Have you two decided what you'll be doing?" Nubby asked.

"Huh? What's a win-ter holly-day?" Grim tried to pronounce.

"It's when school lets out for the season. Most students go home to celebrate the new year with their family. They have fancy dinners, too." Y/N explained.

"Wait, there's food?!" Grim said excitedly.

"And plenty of it. Roast turkey, pie, a ham as big as your head, you name it...Not that us ghosts can eat, of course." Nubby said.

Bones nodded, "Some ghosts head home to the netherworld to spend holidays with the family too, y'know."

"Yeah, and some of 'em never come back!" Cloud said, chuckling at the end.

"Spendin' time with the family while gettin' your grub on sounds nice..." Grim said, trailing off.

Y/N looked down at Grim, "Since I speak about my family, what's yours like, Grim?"

"My family? Hmm...I don't remember 'em. I remember wakin' up hungry and alone. It was real cold. I was waitin' out there for someone to come get me for ages. What happened after that again? It's all so foggy..." Grim said sadly.

"But hey, I'm a forward-facin' kinda guy anyway! The future's way cooler than the past! Especially 'cause I'm gonna be a rich and powerful sorcerer!" He laughed.

Nubby let out a sniffle, "Awww, poor little Grimmy had it rough!"

"How'd you like to spend the holidays sitting around the fireplace with us?" Bones said.

Grim grinned and and laughed, "If there's good food to be had, consider me ready for some holiday cheer!"


"Listen up, pups!" Crewel yelled.

"Your holiday vacation starts tomorrow. I'm sure all of you are foaming at the mouth to get back home. But every year, there's always some foolish pup who forgets about his homework and spends the whole break goofing off. Just remember that I have a severe punishment in store for any such slackers out there. Are we clear? You have permission to use the Dark Mirror to return home for the holidays. Report to your dorm mirror once you've packed your things!"

"Yes, Professor!" Students said.


Soon, class came to an end, and everyone went to their friends to talk about what they're going to do during vacation.

You managed to separate from your class and catch with Yuu and the others.

"Ugh, finally! A break from this cramped dorm life!" Ace yelled in relief.

"Good grief. Night Raven College doesn't kid around with holiday homework. Look at all this."
Deuce held up stacks of papers with a tired look.

"Speaking of going home, I guess you both wont be celebrating as much, since you haven't found a way home yet?" Ace asked, you and Yuu nodded.

"Will you two be spending the holidays in your dorm?"

Grim nodded, "Yup. We've made plans to have ourselves a feast with the ghosts!"

"Oh, right. There's plenty of ghosts on campus to keep you company, so it won't be just the two of you." Ace said.

"But when school lets out, don't the cafeteria and school store shut down too?" Deuce said.

"Mrow! I didn't even think about that. Where'm I supposed to get the food for my feast?!" Grim exclaimed.

You looked down at Grim with deadpanned look, "I'm right here you know, I can make us a feast, but since we're running out of food at the dorm, I may need to as that crow if I could borrow some money, since Sam will probably be on vacation as well."

"Sounds like you'd better check in with the headmage soon." Deuce said.

"Or I could ask him if I could borrow some food from the cafeteria." You said with a hand to your chin.

"You need Crowley's permission to use the Dark Mirror, so my guess is he's probably there right now. Let's find out." Ace suggested.


"Wow, it's already packed with students going home." Deuce said, as he saw all the students talking to one another.

"Hah, they all look so antsy." Ace said, smiling

Yuu pointed in a direction with deadpanned look, "Found him..."

Crowley stood by the mirror, having a hat on his head, a tropical shirt and shorts on, "All right, everyone. Announce your destination to the Dark Mirror and keep a tight hold on your belongings. If you let go for any reason while in transit, your luggage will get spirited away elsewhere. If you have any possessions you absolutely cannot afford to risk losing, send them by post from the school store."

"He's in total party mode!" The boys exclaimed.

"Wearing an aloha shirt in the middle of winter?! He's obviously ready to go on a tropical vacation!" Ace exclaimed.

"He's not even trying to hide it." Deuce deadpanned, then sighs.

"Hey, Headmage! We gotta talk!" Grim exclaimed, walking up to Crowley.

Crowley spotted your group and waved, "Why, hello. What brings your merry little band here?"

Yuu glared at him, "Are you actually trying to find a way home for me and Y/N?"

"Ah.Ahhh! Ahh, yes! Of course! A way home for you!" He laughed, "Why, I'm expending every effort! In fact, I'll be spending the winter break expanding my investigation area to a tropical land I've never visited before. That's how deeply my diligent streak runs."

"You don't look dressed for an investigation to me." Ace said.

"What he said! You look ready to go soak up in the sun!" Grim yelled.

"How could you suggest that? I've only clad myself in appropriate attire for my venture.
When in a foreign land, do as the locals do.
Escaping winter's frigid bite to kick back in a hammock and sip coconut juice while gazing at the tranquil ocean waves..." He trailed off, "I have no such refined and indulgent vacation plans whatsoever, I assure you."

"What an incredibly specific denial..." Deuce muttered.

"It ain't fair for you to have all the fun! I wanna go on a tropical vacation too. Take us with you!" Grim exclaimed.

"What? But that would spoil my delightful getaway from-ah, ahem!" Crowley said, clearing his throat.

"This investigation will be dangerous. Yes, very dangerous. Best that I handle it alone. Besides, I'd much prefer if you stayed on campus. I have a critical job for you, as a matter of fact. It's so critical, the very survival of Night Raven College hinges upon it."

Suddenly, it felt like the room was colder, and they all turned to you.

The guys back up from you, not wanting to get in your way.

"And what will WE get if do this job?" You said with a cold voice.

Crowley flinched, not wanting to get beaten up, "S-Should you t-take on this job, you-your holiday p-provision will be prov-vided in full!" Crowley says sweating nervously.

"I-I'll even arrange for a ho-holiday feast!     R-Roast turkey, pie, a ha-ham as bi-big as your head.." He looked at them and smiled, "In fact, I-I'll even throw in some piping hot spare ribs and mashed potatoes to sweeten—er, salt? W-What do you say?"

"Mrah! Sounds like a one-way ticket to a food coma!"Grim said, before smiling, "H-Hmph. I guess I'll hear you out, at least."

"Dude, your a born sucker." Ace said.

Your glare diminished, "Alright, providing food, enough to last us the winter holiday is a good deal..." You said crossing your arms.

I mean, hey! Food is food.

"I'll let it go this time, but..." You suddenly grabbed Crowley's shirt and pulled him down to your hight.

Whispering in his ear you say, "If something like this happens again... you'll find yourself with a burning office, destroyed house AND being severely hurt by ME, and I'll be sure break your legs, crack your neck and scoop out your organs and feed them to the sharks..."

"And don't underestimate me, I know 79 ways to kill a man and I can make 70 of them look like an accident..."

You let go of his shirt, making Crowley stand right back, shaking and sweating violently.

You looked up at him with an innocent smile, like you just didn't threaten him, "Okay, that's all!"

Ace waved a hand in Crowley's scared face, "Yo! Headmage! You all right!"

Crowley shook his head vigorously, "I-I am fine!"

"So how are we going to deal with the winter cold without the fire being lit up everyday?" Yuu asked

Crowley cleared his throat, "The fires in our campus cafeteria and fireplace are all furnished via fire fairy magic. They've lived in the cafeteria fireplace for many years...But if we don't supply them with dry firewood every day, they will fade away. Should the fire fairies disappear, our whole campus would be gripped with cold every winter."

"So it was magic. Kinda obvious in hindsight."
Ace said.

"Normally, our kitchen ghost takes over fire duty during extended school breaks..." Crowley said, trailing off, before smiling,

"But this year, his daughter had a baby, so he's visiting the netherworld to see his first grandchild. Thus, I would like you two to handle things in his absence."

You looked up at Crowley with confused face, "Ghosts can have grandchildren?"

"Look, it was a miracle of love, okay? Don't sweat the details." He quickly said, before clearing his throat again, "More to the point, someone needs to handle fire duty if you want to stay warm over the holidays. Just by throwing firewood into the fireplace every day, you'll stay both warm and well-fed. That is, as we say, two birds with one stone. Oh, what a generous deal!"

You and Yuu stared at Crowley with looks that say 'You sure about that?'

"Now then, if you'll excuse me, I have many students to transport home to their families. 'll leave the rest in your capable hands." Crowley said, before smiling, "Ah, I'd better make certain to peruse some tourist pamphlets before I set out. Goodness gracious, I'm very busy..." Crowley walked off.

Grim cheered, "Now I get to chow down on a fancy feast over the holidays!"

"I still get the feeling you just took a sucker's deal, but hey, whatever floats your boat." Ace shrugged.

Footsteps came towards them.

"Hey, guys! You can stop standing in the middle of the hall and blocking traffic now!" Ruggie said, smiling at them.

You smiled back at him, spotting a cute panda plushie and his head.

You walk up to Ruggie, "Hey Ruggie," you stared at all the luggage he was holding, "You sure are packed." You said unfazed, Ruggie chuckled softly.

Deuce on the other hand was shocked by the amount of luggage he had, "What's with all that luggage?! A backpack, three duffel bags, and a giant cooler..."

Ruggie turned to Deuce, "Oh, this?"

"Yeah, that's WAY to much luggage, especially for a few days," Yuu says, staring at Ruggie with a surprised look, "And also, how are you carrying all that!?"

He laughed, "It takes practice, and to answer your question Spade, I took all the food that was about to hit its sell-by date at the cafeteria and the school store. Since we're about to go on break, they gave 'em to me basically for free."

"For real? There's no way you can eat all that."
Ace said.

"You'd be surprised. The neighborhood kids devour this stuff like, well...a pack of hyenas.
Besides, gotta make sure my grandma eats well over the holidays. Speakin' of which, this frozen food ain't stayin' frozen for long. Gotta run!
Smell ya next year!" Ruggie runs over to the mirror.

"Wait! Ruggie!" You yell.

Ruggie turn to you.

You give him a box, "For you!"

Ruggie puts the duffel bags down and takes the box.

Removing the lid, Ruggie's eyes widen.

He looks back at you, and you smile, "Take it as goodbye gift.."

Ruggie grins, closing the bento, "Thanks Y/N! I'll be sure to devour it!" He opens one of the duffel bags and stores the bento inside.

And with a duffel wave, he goes into the mirror.

"There he goes..."

"Ruggie-senpai comes from a place where food is a bit scarce. So whenever school lets out for a long break, he stocks up on all the food he can get and shares it with all the local kids." A familiar voice said.

You all turn to see Jack with...a cactus?

"What's up Jack!" Yuu said with a grin, fist bumping him.

Jack grins back, "Nice too your doing fine after training with me."

Yuu laughed nervously, "I actually got a little bit of help from Y/N...BUT! Thanks to her, I'll be able to withstand our next training session!"

(A/N: If you're wondering what's going on, Jack has agreed to help Yuu bulk up, and Y/N has agreed to train Yuu in self defense, explains why Yuu and Jack are bros now)

"What about you, Jack? What's with that planter you're hauling? You taking up gardening or something?" Ace said, pointing at the plant.

"It's a cactus I've been growin' on my free time.
It'd wither up if I didn't keep it watered over break." He said.

You walk over and inspect the cactus, "Well it seems you've done an excellent job in taking care of it," you smell the little flower on the cactus, "The flower smells nice too, great job Jack!"

He blushed softly and looked away, while rubbing the back of his head, "T-Thank you! You taught me well! A-Anyway, enough about me!"

"Ruggie's sharin' his food with a bunch of kids who ain't even family, huh? Never knew he had it in him." Grim said.

"Hyenas believe in sharing spoils equally. I'm sure that's how Ruggie-senpai was raised."

You smiled, "Well it's good of him to think about his cackle."

(A/N: Yes, that's what a group of hyenas are called🤣, I googled 👇🏽)

Footsteps were heard and they looked to see Leona.

"Hmph. The mere thought of a feeding frenzy like that gives me the willies. I can barely stand the noise one kid makes as it is." He said, frowning.

You frowned, "At least he cares about others," you walk up to Leona and pinch his ears, making him flinch, "Unlike you, you lazy overgrown cat!"

"OW! Let go, Dollface!" Leona yells, trying to pry your hands of his ear.

You let go of his ear, Leona rubs his ear while grimacing in pain.

Jack clears his throat, "Does that mean you're skipping out on visiting your family, Leona-senpai." Jack asked.

"Man, I wish. Nah, they'd give me no end of grief if I did. I'm goin'." He sighed, "Talk about a holiday chore."

"But you're not bringing anything?" Yuu asked.

"So? I got my wallet and smartphone. What else do I need? I've got clothes at home anyway."

"That's a whole different kind of extreme." Grim said, deadpanning.

"You're not bringing your homework, are you?" Ace asked.

"Homework can wait until after break. Holidays are for resting. Later, herbivores." Leona walks away, about to step into the mirror, until something hit the back of his head, "ACK!"

Leona turns back around to see 2 boxes on the ground.

(A/N: Ignore the physics and pretend the contents didn't spill)

Leona opened both up and his widened.

(Ignore the text)

(Found both images on Pinterest btw)

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