🌹The Start Of A New Freindship🌹

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Your POV

I open my eyes and see nothing but white, I sit up and turn my head to look around the white void.

I saw Yuu lying a few meters away from me, I run over to him.

"YUU! YUU! WAKE UP!" I say shaking him wake up.

You fluttered his eyes open, he looked up and saw me next him, he suddenly sat and hugged me like I was gonna disappear.

I awkwardly hugged him back, "I thought you were dead." He said worriedly.

Then the white void changed, which made us stand up and looked at the scene in front of us.

I looked like a birthday party, but very very bland, a woman came out with a cake smiling and walking towards a table with a little boy that looked a lot like Riddle.

"Happy eighth birthday, Riddle." The woman says to little Riddle, "This year's birthday cake is a low sugar recipe made with nuts and lecithin-rich soy flour to improve your cerebral function."

"Thank you Mother. But..." Riddle sid trailing off, before looking at his mother, "Just once, I'd like to try one of those tarts covered with bright-red strawberries..."

His mother frowned, "Absolutely not! Those tarts are monstrously unhealthy. I might as well feed you poison! Even just a single slice would exceed your recommended daily intake of sugar." She then smiled, "Now, dinner tonight will be a tuna sauté rich in DHA and omega-3 fatty acids. Now that you're eight, your caloric intake should be 600 kilocalories per meal, so don't eat more than 100 grams of it.

Little Riddle looked down, his eyes filled with sadness, "Yes Mother..."

"I'd always wanted to try one of those tarts with the bright-red strawberries.
The local cake shop had them in the window. They shined at me like forbidden jewels."

"That's enough classical magic study for today.
Your homework is to read the first fifty pages of the philosophy of language book referenced in today's magical philosophy texts. You may not have one hour of independent study before your potionology lesson." Riddles Mother said.

Riddle nodded, "Thank you, Mother."

"I need some time to prepare the lesson materials. I will see you in one hour, okay?" She said, as little Riddle left the room.

"I was studying every possible subject, scheduled down to the minute. When I didn't understand something, the lesson was extended until I did. That was my
"normal" childhood."

While little Riddle was studying in his room, a knock was heard from the window, which made him look up and saw two little boys waving at him.

Little Riddle put his book down and went up to the window, opening it.

'The two little boys, looked familiar...wait. It's Trey and Chenya!' I thought looking them.

"Whoa, he heard us!"

"Hey, come play with us!"

"Who are you?" Riddle asked them.
"I'm Chenya, and that's Trey. Let's all play croquet!"

"I can't. I'm supposed to be doing independent study, and I have a lot of homework to do."

"Oh, but it's lots of fun!"

"Independent study" means you pick what to do, right? My grandpa says play is a form of study!"

"Just play with us for a little bit!" Trey said.

Little Riddle thought for a bit then nodded, "O-Okay! Just a little game won't hurt!"

Little Trey looked him, "Hey what's your name?"

"R-Riddle Rosehearts! Nice to meet you!"

"I had the best time playing with Trey and Chenya. We did so many things I'd never done before. They taught me lots of things I didn't know. After that, I snuck out of my room every day to play with them during independent study time."

"Whaaat?! You've never even tried a strawberry tart? They're out of this world." Chenya exclaimed, doing dramatic gestures.

Riddle nodded, "Yeah. My mom says sugar is basically poison."

"I mean, you probably shouldn't eat too much of it, but calling it "poison" is kinda...yikes." Trey said, before smiling,
"You know, my family runs a cake chop. Let's go get a tart right now!"

"Really? But... I shouldn't."

"Just one slice. It'll be fine."

"One slice for you, maybe. I want a whole one!" Chenya happily said.

"A bright-red strawberry tart on a white plate. To me, it shined more brightly than any gem could. That first bite was so sweet. It tasted like nothing I'd ever eaten before. With each bite, I became more entranced...and completely lost track of time."

"I cannot believe this! Not only are you cutting independent study time, but I find you eating a mountain of sugar?! Those two toublemakers must have influenced this behavior. You must never play with them again!" Riddle's mother said angrily.

"I'm sorry, mother! I promise, it will never happen again." Little Riddle cried out.

"Be quiet! You've broken the rules, and I'll not hear another word from you." She let out small breaths, "Clearly, you're not able to handle the freedom of independent study. I need to keep a closer eye on you."

"Because I broke the rules, my favorite part of my day was taken away from me.
I vowed to never break my mother's rules again. After all, she was the most accomplished mother in the city, and therefore, the most correct."

"But mother...Why? Why does my heart hurt so much? I want to eat a tart! It's my birthday, so can't I have some just this once? I want to play outside all day long!
I want to make lost and lots of friends!"

"Tell me, mom, please... What rule do I need to follow to make this pain go away?"

The flashback disappeared and Riddle was suddenly sitting down in front of them, his knees close to his chest, crying silently.

Third POV

You walk up to him and kneeled in front of him.

You hug him close to you and rub his back, surprising him and Yuu.

"I'm sorry you had to grow with a mother like that, she has as way to strict on you." You put hand on his cheek and made him look up at you, "But that doesn't mean you have to follow in her footsteps, it's your life and your magic, and it's up to you to figure out what you want to do with it." You say remembering Hinata and her father's strictness, "Do what your heart desires, it's your life and your magic, not hers, never let others influence your decisions for you or your dorm." You said while smiling.

Riddle looks up at your smiling face, a warm feeling in his heart, one he only felt with his friends and father, but this feeling was much stronger, leaning into your hand liking the warmth of it, with tears streaming down his face.

You walks up to you two and puts hand on his head ruffling his hair, "Y/N is right. It's not her life and magic, it's yours and yours only, be fair to you AND your dorm, so they think of you as a prefect and not a controlling tyrant." You says also smiling.

Riddle looked at both of you, and hugged you crying tears of joy, knowing everything will be okay, "Thank you... You and Y/N, the pain in my chest is lighter now."


The ice dome around you and Riddle explodes into snow, Trey, Carter and Grim run up to you two, while Ace and Deuce try to wake up Yuu.

Yuu wakes up, Ace and Deuce sigh in relief, "Dude you alright?" "Why did you faint like a sleeping beauty?" Yuu suddenly sits up, he lookes around and spot Trey trying to wake Riddle, while Carter tries to wake you up.

"Riddle! Riddle! Wake up!"

"Come on Y/N-chan! Wake up for me please!"

Riddle wakes up before you and realizes that you were hugging him protectively before you went unconscious, and now his face buried between your *cough* boobs *cough*, his face was as read as his hair, he jumped out your arms and scrambled away from your awaking form.

You and the braincell duo run up to you, you flutter your eyes open and see everyone staring at you in relief, Carter and Deuce put a hand on your back to help you sit up.

Grim suddenly jump and hugs you, burying his face into your neck, crying, "You stupid human! Why would you sacrifice your life like! I could've lost you!" Grim said sobing non stop, worried his human could've died.

"Yeah! Leaving you to handle that tyrant was a bad idea!" Ace yelled at you.

"You could have died!" Deuce yelled.

You looked at Riddle, "Are you all right Riddle?", the attention goes to him, and he nodded, his head was pounding hammers on his brain, so Trey made him lie down.

Riddle now decided to look at the damage he created, and was shocked at how much he caused, "..What in the world happened...?" He spoke with tired voice.

Crowley walked up with a smile, "Ah, Mr.
Rosehearts, Mr. Yuu and Ms. Y/N appears to have regained consciousness. Excellent."

Trey put a hand on the Riddle's shoulder, "Don't worry, Riddle. Just try to rest."

"Yo, that's just the sort of coddling that led to him going nuts in the first place! Now the garden is tore up from the floor up, not to mention that we could've died!" Ace said angrily.

"He's right. It was looking bad for a while there." Deuce said, nodding.

Grim jumps from your arms and bonks Riddle's head with his tail, "For cryin' out loud. When you humans let that stress build up, the results sure ain't pretty."

Grim said, sighing a bit, before jumping into the your arms again, "I'm just glad Y/N's okay!"

"The truth is, I..." Riddle began, trailing off, and tears began to well up, "I really wanted to eat the chestnut tart."

"Huh?" Ace said.

"And I don't care if the roses are white, or the flamingos are pink. And I prefer honey to sugar cubes in my tea, and I like milk tea better than lemon tea anyhow. And after a meal, I want to be the one sitting around talking with everyone..

"RIddle..?" Trey muttered.

"And I really wanted to play with you and Chenya more, Trey." He said, before the tears streamed down, letting out a big wail.

"Perfect Riddle, in tears..." Cater said, shocked.

"You think a few crocodile tears is all it'll take for me to forgive you?" Ace said.

You bonked his head, "Give a guy a break, Ace." You said shaking your  head.

"I'm sorry, Riddle. I knew you were suffering, and all I did was pretend to not notice." Trey said, "So I'm gonna say what I should have said earlier. Your way of doing things was wrong, and you owe everyone an apology."

Riddle sniffled, "...I'm sorry...I'm really sorry."

"I know I've been saying I wanted an apology from Riddle, but now that I got one, y'know what?" Ace said, before crossing his arms, "One stupid "I'm sorry" doesn't even come close to making up for what he did!" He exclaimed.

"Dude! Way to be a capital-J Jerk!" Cater said.

Riddle looked at him, his tears still sliding down, "Then... Then what do you want me to do?!"

"You know...I don't got a birthday coming up anytime soon." Ace said.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Deuce said.

"So I demand a do-over for the unbirthday party! Except this time, we ain't gotta do squat.

This time, you're the one who brings the tart!
And no getting Trey to make it for you! Do that, and then things are square between us." He said.

"But we had help to ma-" Ace slapped a hand on Yuu's mouth.

"Quiet!" He said, then looked at Riddle, "What do you say, Riddle? We clear?"

"Yes... We're clear." Riddle said, nodding.

Grim looked down and saw a black stone, he picked it up, "A black magestone?" He smelled it and opened his mouth to eat it.

The rest of you saw him about to eat the black stone and yelled him to stop, but he ate it, you all cringed and he snapped his eyes open in shock,

"Ahhhh! Rich and sweet, but with a complex hint of bitterness in the aftertaste. Delicious!" He said licking his paws, you all cringed and looked away.

Cater looked around, "Welp, looks like we got some cleaning up to do. All that work making the garden Magicam-worthy, and now it's a total tire fire. Laaame." He said, sighing softly.

"I got it!" You say and they looked at you confused, you stand up and stand in front of them, you turn your head to them, "Promise me one thing." They nodded, "What you saw me do here, will stay between us, no one must know, promise me you'll keep it a secret." They nodded still confused.

(A/N: This something none of the Umbrella Academy characters can use, I just made it up, it's called time rewind)

You knelt down and put your hands on the ground, you closed your eyes, focusing on the wrecked parts of the dorm, you snapped your eyes open to reveal that your eyes were glowing white, a bubble surrounds the area and a projected of a clock appears on the ground, the clock starts turning, and the others watch in awe and amazement as the wrecked garden was suddenly returning back into it's original look, and in a few seconds the clock and bubble was gone and everything was cleaned likenothing ever happend.

They looked around still jaw slacked, they then looked at you, you raised an eyebrow, "What? If I didn't do that, you would've taken forever."


You decide that strawberry mochi wasn't enough to bring to The Revenge Unbirthday Party, and decided to bake some strawberry and bunny buns.

(A/N: By Ms. Shi again😋)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Two days passed and The Revenge Unbirthday Party started.

"All hail our leader, the Crimson Ruler himself... Prefect Riddle!" A student said.

"Hip hip hooray! Prefect Riddle!" Everyone said.

Riddle walked through the garden and towards the table, looking around at the decorations,
"Hm. The garden roses are red, the tablecloths are white... This seem to a perfect unbirthday indeed. Is there a mouse asleep in the teapo
-" He cut himself off, smiling a bit, "Er, well, I supposed it's fine either way."

"Not everything has to change completely, you know. Like, maybe spread the jam on your scones, instead of on the dormouse this time?
Let's try to set the bar at "it's great if it's this way," not "it's absolutely has to be this way.""
Trey said, smiling.

"Yes, that makes sense."

"Well, at least the prefect recovered from his overblot without any complications." Deuce said.

Cater bounded up to them happily, "And the garden is Magicam-worthy once again! Hashtag #nofilter on this gorgeousness!" He exclaimed.

"Blah blah blah! Let's just eat already!" Grim exclaimed, mouth already watering.

"Then eat we shall! I'll get the-" He was then cut off.

"Wait a minute!" Riddle said.


"There's a white rose...!" He said, pointing at the rose.

"We missed one?!"

"Ace, Deuce, I told you to make sure to paint every rose!"

"Wait, this is our fault?!"

"R-Riddle, listen..." Trey stuttered.

"Well... I suppose I can overlook one or two missed roses." He said, smiling.

"R-Really?! That's so generous of you, Riddle!" Cater said.

"If we worked together, we should be able to get them painted in no time." He suggested.

"Okay! since were gonna be painting a bunch of roses we'll need some help." You did a few hands signs, "Shadow Clone Jutsu!" Six clones of you poofed next to you surprising everyone, Carter's eyes sparkled and he ran to you, hugging you, "Yay! This must be destiny! We have the same magic! Y/N-chan we're meant to be!" Carter then took out his magic pen.

"[Split Card!]"

Clones of Carter appeared next to him and all the clones start to paint.

"There's Carter's and Y/N's everywhere!" Grim said getting dizzy of seeing them in every direction he looks.


"So what happened to that tart?" Ace said.

"I made it for you, as I promised I would." He said, before grabbing it, "Here: one strawberry tart, crafted by yours truly."

Trey looked at the pastry, "Nice! The shape's a little off, but I can tell you put a lot of work into that glaze. A fine job indeed, especially considering it was your first!"

"Oh, puh-leeze. How about we actually try it before you start fawning all over him, Trey-senpai?"

"Hold it! Don't you start cutting that before I get my Magicam snap!" Cater said, grabbing his phone and taking a picture,"Okay, go for it!"

"Tch. I see Cater-senpai hasn't changed a bit either." He said, smiling, "All right, let's dig in!"
He then took a bite.

You looked at your tart, not eating it, remembering what Trey said last time they made tarts.

Grim happily took a bite along with Deuce, but his eyes widen.


"This is kinda..."

"SALTY!" Everyone exclaimed.

"Whaaat?!" Riddle exclaimed.

"Err? This is super salty! What did you put in this?!" Ace exclaimed, coughing.

"But I followed the rules exactly, and measured everything precisely! Unless.....Oh!" He said, realizing, "Could it be.. from the oyster sauce?"

Deuce looked him, "Wait...did you actually use the oyster sauce Trey-senpai joked about?"

"But Trey said that oyster sauce is an unlisted secret ingredient in all tarts! He said all the finest bakers use it..."

"And you actually believed him?! How could you not tell he was joking?!"
Yuu cut in, "But you fell for it too, Ace."

"Even if you believed the joke, it was only supposed to be a splash. How much did you put in?" Cater said.

"It's an unlisted ingredient! How could I measure it if he wouldn't tell me how much to put in?!" Riddle said.

Trey suddenly let out a laugh, "I can't believe someone actually fell for the ol' oyster sauce prank!"

They stopped when they heard the most angelic thing in the world, your laugh, they turned to you holding your stomach laughing with a full blown smile, it made their heart skip a few beats.

The rest let out their own laughs or chuckles.

"It really is so disgusting that it's actually kind of funny!" Deuce said.

Ace nodded, "Yeah, what else can we do but laugh?"

"You know, in its own weird way, I think it's actually kinda good!" Grim said.

"Right? It really isn't half as bad as you'd think."
Cater said.

"Seriously? You're agreeing with Grim, Cater?
He literally eats garbage off the ground."Deuce said, looking at him shocked.

"Look, I'm not saying it's amazing or anything!"

"But you like it because it's not sweet, right?"
You cut in.


"Carter, you don't like sweets." You confirm.

"Haha, you got me!" Carter said, shocked you figured him out, "How'd ya figure me out?"

"You casually bring up my signature spell every time we're eating anything sweet. You hid it well, but that kinda gave it away." Trey said.

"Ack! My secret is out! This is so embarrassing!
Especially after what happened to you and Riddle. I should have learned by now that keeping your feelings on the DL is not a great idea."

You suddenly remembered the mochi and sweet buns you made for the party, (A/N: You used time rewind on the desserts) you bent down and brought a basket up on the table, earning curious looks from around the table, "What's that Y/N?" Trey asked.

You look down at your basket, "Well... I wanted to thank you for helping us make the tart, so... I made some desserts of my own and

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