πŸ™Stalking Octob*tchπŸ™

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Third POV

The two were sitting in the lounge of the Ramshackle dorm.

"I think it's safe to say that everybody with an anemone stuck on their head...gambled on Azul's contract and lost. The terms of said contract were apparently to place in the top 50.
But with the sheer number of students signin' on most of them never stood a chance of getting in at all. That was Azul's game from the start." Jack said.

Yuu tilted his head slightly, "I did find it weird that Grim managed to score over 80 on a test."

"I mean, c'mon! If you're gettin' good graded off someone else's work, what does that even prove? You're throwin' away a perfectly good opportunity to show others what you're capable of. Frankly, you're cheating yourself." Jack complained.

"If the rest of the student body here were as principled and tedious... I mean, as "serious" as you it would spare me such grief!" A different voice said, making Jack and Yuu turn startled, while you casually turn around like you were expecting it.

"Whoa! Headmage?! You startled me!" Jack said.

Crowley sighed, "So transpires another year of me being unable to clamp down on Ashengrotto's little "side business."

You narrowed your eyes at him, "What do you mean by that?"

"Azul Ashengrotto: Sophomore. Housewarden of Octavinelle Dorm. Much like Rosehearts, he is a highly capable student already running a dorm as a sophomore, but. He's a bit -no, I daresay quite a bit troublesome."

"Are you talking about him swindling people?
Seems to me like one word from the headmage could put a stop to this whole thing." Jack said.

"Ah, but it is precisely because I am in a teaching position that I cannot prohibit his actions."

"Why not?" Yuu asked.

"Here's the thing about those study guides that Ashengrotto handed out to the students. There was no illegitimate activity involved in their production. Nobody snuck looks at test questions or answers beforehand. It was crafted exhaustively by hand, after researching the past century's worth of Night Raven College exam questions and their patterns. In other words, it's an entirely legitimate study guide."

Yuu's eyes widen, "A century's worth of test questions..?!"

Jack smirked, "Huh. Well, I'll be. If he did all that by hand, the guy's got chops." He said, before looking at Crowley, "Hm? Wait.So the problem is that there is no problem with it?"

"You strike right to the heart of the matter, Howl. As a teacher, I can hardly prohibit a student from crafting an exam study guide via honest work. Nor can I prohibit a student from
"kindly" sharing their notes with friends."
Crowley said.

"If you did, you'd basically be tellin' students,
"no studying" and "no helping your buds.' He growled softly, "Talk about a seriously briny pickle."

"That is most certainly is."

"And earlier you said "another year," yeah? Did the same thing happen last term?" You asked.

"Indeed it did. Of course, last year his study guides didn't have quite the reputation they carry this year. So the commotion was much more contained, relatively speaking. This year, on the other hand, rumors abounded throughout campus that if one wished to score well on a test, they should visit the Mostro Lounge."

"And I'm guessin' the nasty little caveat in the contract in the event of a break staved hush-hush because of that binding NDA."

"So it would seem. Thus did Ashengrotto have a steady stream of students lining up to accept his bargain this year. And the test average across all subject and years has jumped above 90, much to my chagrin. Of course, I would be even more chagrinned if all of our subject averages were failing grades. But still!"

You deadpanned at him, "So.. what you're saying is that most of the student body cheated."

"Does that mean that there are guys from last year who lost the bet and still haven't gotten their powers back?" Jack said.

"Actually, he returned the powers he took from students last year as part of an arrangement he made with me. In return, I granted him permission to run the Mostro Lounge on school property."


"Night Raven College is a historic and prestigious institution famed for producing. the finest of magicians. Yet now the campus is replete with students capable of only minor feats of magic-a fact I'm sure you're none too pleased about, Headmage. Which is why I have a proposal. and it's on I think you will find to be quite beneficial." Crowley recites what Azul said to him.

"That was how he framed it." Crowley said.

"Talk about brazen. I mean, blackmailing the headmage into a deal? No wonder Leona-senpai wants nothin' to do with this guy."

"And when he offered to contribute 10% of the proceeds to the school... Why, who could I say no to such a mutually beneficial arrangement?"

"Wait, so you're gettin' something from it?!"

"Dear oh dear. I can only wonder what demands he'll make of me this year. Whatever he wants, I will undoubtedly be forced to acquiesce. What else can I do for our idiotic-ah, that is, our poor, unfortunate students?" He then smiled to himself, "My immense kindness always gets the better of me."

You scoffed, "Yeah, your immense kindness, says from the guy who called his own students idiotic, but he's not lying." You mumbled.

"Ashengrotto "merely" studies diligently, then share his rightfully-earned knowledge with other students out of the kindness of his heart... It wouldn't do for a teacher to discourage such earnest behavior. Why must every student in our school arrive with some amount of baggage to sort out?! Oooh, woe is meee!" He cried.

"I'm getting a bad feeling about this.." Yuu mumbled.

Then Crowley walked up to you, "And that's where you come in, Miss Y/N."

"Would you be so kind as to persuade Ashengrotto to cease this little game of his?"

You laugh at him, "Me? Persuading that Octo mafia boss? Someone like him is impossible to persuade."

"Incidentally, Ramshackle Dorm's food expenses have been mounting as of late, as I recall. You must be terribly strapped for cash...And alas, I'm so preoccupied researching a way to return someone to their home, I have so little time to address other problems...Oh, but don't worry about me, really. I am, as you know, a philanthropist to the core."

Your eye twitched slightly, "One of these days I'm beat your "generous" ass and I won't feel bad about it!" You mumbled.

"With teachers like this, no wonder our students are the way they are." Jack mumbled.

You sighed, "I'll do what I can, no promises. Especially to you."

Crowley instantly smiled, "You'll accept my request, then? Wonderful, Y/N! I knew I saw potential in this prefect! Then I'll be going now, as I am a very busy man. I'm counting on you!"
He said, then walked out.

"Boy, you never know when he will pop up." Yuu said, before looking you, "Okay, so what exactly is your plan here Y/N? Because you're right, going to Azul and asking him nicely isn't gonna just get you anywhere."

"We could gather intel about him."

Yuu smiled, "True. A successful hunt starts with learning all you can about your target."

"Alright, we'll meet up in the hallway next to potions classroom."


You stood in the hallway, waiting for Yuu and Jack.


You looked to your left to see Yuu run towards you with Jack behind him.

They stop in front of you, "Didn't expect you to skip class." You say to Jack.

"Look, the headmage ordered this personally.
He'll let an unexcused absence slide." He said, sighing a bit, "Besides, I don't like admittin' defeat. If there's a chance to uncover the secret to Azul's power, I wanna be there when we learn it."

You nodded, then looked at the small list that Cater made for you, "He should be in the Lecture Hall."


The two peeked their heads in and looked around before spotting Azul, who was singing.

"Huh. Guy's got some pipes." Jack said.

Yuu nodded, "He's pretty good with his notes too."


Azul's second class was Animal Linguistics, which confused you and Yuu.

Azul looked down at Lucius and meowed like a cat, which made the cat talk back, "Yes, yes, I see. Lucius says that the last time you gave him a treat was three hours ago,
Professor Trein."

"Well done, Ashengrotto. That's correct." Trein said, nodding.

"So he doesn't just understand animal languages- he speak to them too!?" Yuu whispered.


"A beluga tooth, a sturgeon egg, aurora moth scales, mermaid tears...Add in an extract from 120 types of medicinal herbs blended together, and..." Azul said, as he mixed the things before it did a small explosion, making him smile,

"Done! You can drink this potion to transform a body part into that of a different animal."

"That's a very good boy! You just formulated a potion that would usually go on the junior-year class's final exams." Crewel said, smiling, then looked at the class, "The rest of you pups should learn from Ashengrotto's example."

"And the guy brews high-level potions as easily as a barista slings lattes... Sheesh."Jack said, impressed.

You write that down on the notebook that appeared out of nowhere.

"Azul a perfect student in every way." Yuu muttered.


The Next Morning

"I think I'll have some squid ink pasta for lunch today. Ah, but I do need my vegetables as well.
An all-carb meal would be quite nutritionally lopsided..." He sighed, " and more to the point, it would go straight to my thighs."

Grim sighed tiredly, "Azul sure didn't waste any time workin' us to the bone. If I wasn't dead on my feet before, I sure am now." He said, trying to pick up his food but his arms were like noodles.

"Cleaning Octavinelle Dorm, waiting tables at the lounge, going on grocery runs...He's been running me ragged." Ace said, faceplanting the table.

"I got called in at 6 a.m. this morning." Deuce said, tiredly.

"I gotta go back to help out at the Mostro
Lounge after this."

"Prefect was all like, "You made a contract with Azul? Off with your head!" He made me write lines as punishment..."

"This sea anemone on my head just won't come off, either. I look like a total goofball." Grim said.

And they continued complaining.

You had enough of their complaints and bonked them all on the head, "OW!!"

You crossed your arms over your chest, "Well if you just asked for help in the exams, none of this would've happened! But noooooo! You guys decided to gamble your magic and now are practically slaves because of your stupidity!"

Your friends winced at your rant, 'Why do I feel like I'm being scolded by my mom!' They all thought.

Suddenly, arms snaked around you, trapping you in a hug.

"Why the long faces, boys?"

You looked up only to be met with the grinning face of Floyd.

Floyd grins at you, "Hello again Kireina-can! Your looking as pretty as ever!" He then looked at your anemone friends, Floyd let out a small laugh, "Look! It's a sea anemone garden." He said, poking one of the anemones.

"Myah! It's the lookalike brothers!"Β  Grim exclaimed before rushing to hide behind Yuu.

"Is it just my imagination, or is someone looking a bit dour today?" Jade said.

"Oh, y'know, we're just coming to terms with being ordered around by a trio of tyrants." Ace said.

Floyd laughed, "Isn't it cute? The sea anemone that breached its contract is talking!" He smiled, before the atmosphere around him dropped significantly, "You guys know you're in no position to complain. So shut your traps."

"Eeep! Not the squeeze!" Grim said, hiding behind Yuu again.

"Allow me to clarify: I wasn't talking to the sea anemones. I was specifically addressing you..."
Jade said, then looked down at you, who blinked at them, " Y/N L/N, prefect of Ramshackle Dorm."

You turned your body to face them and crossed your one leg over your knee, "Yeah, that's me, what do you need."

"I understand that you were playing little spy games with Riddle and others recently, Y/N. You may know who we are already, but I've always been a stickler for formal introductions." Jade said, stepping up, "I am Jade Leech, and this is my twin brother Floyd."

"Heya. I'm Floyd. Nice to officially meetcha, Kirena-chan." He said, smiling at you.

You just blinked at them, "Get to the point, what do you need from me?"

"Ah, yes...Allow me to infer what troubles you, Y/N. Could your anxiety perhaps stem from these anemones stooges?" Jade said, smiling at her.

'''Perhaps"? Listen to you, acting all coy." Jack said.

"What's your problem? You're as prickly as a sea urchin." Floyd said.

"Wha-! Sea urchin?! I'm a wolf!"

"If the source of your troubles does in fact lie with these sea anemones..." Jade said, before smiling, "...I believe vou would be well-served
discussing the matter with Azul in person, Y/N."

"You will find Azul to be as benevolent as the Sea Witch, one of the Great Seven. I have no doubt he would treat your misgivings with all due gravity."

Floyd nodded before pulling you closer by your shoulders, "Yeah! Azul's a real problem-solver. For example... He could set these sea anemones free if you asked him to."

You looked at him with a blank face as he continues to grin and move his face closer to yours.

"Really?!" The three anemones exclaimed.

"Absolutely. Just remember: you can't get something for nothing." Jade said.

"So that's why your here, you want me to sign a contract with him and trap me." You bluntly said.

Jack growled at them before pulling you away from Floyd and next to him.

"Please, there's no need to bare your fangs at me. Goodness, you land mammals are so belligerent."

"We're just passin' on a hot tip outta the goodness of our hearts. Ain't that right, Jade?"

"Exactly, Floyd. We wouldn't dream of leaving a poor, unfortunate soul by the wayside."

The twins laughed, a creepy aura oozing out of

"If your interested is piqued, feel free to visit the Mostro Lounge sometime after nine tonight. We'll have some piquant tea ready for you upon your arrival." Jade said, smiling.

You moved away from Jack and walked up to stand in front of them.

"I'll consider your offer, but let me make this clear..."

You suddenly grab their neckties and pull them down to your face, shocking them.

"I may seem like a helpless human from the outside but as you saw in the Magift Tournament, I will beat your asses if any of you dare try to harm me or my friends, I know how you boys think, so don't try anything fishy, cause in the end, I'll get justice." You threatingly whisper to them before letting go of their neckties.

The twins stared at you bewildered, you smirked at their faces, "Don't you have more important things to do? Go on, I said I'll think about meeting Azul." With that you flipped your hair and turned to your table.

You heard their footsteps leaving and sat down, the gang leaned closer to you, "So? What did you say to make them leave?" Yuu asked.

You waved him off, "Nothing important!"

Deuce then waved to get their attention, "Wait, so, uh..if (Y/n) makes a contract with Azul..."

"And meets his conditions, whatever they are..." Grim trailed off.

"..we could be freed from this?!" Ace exclaimed.

The three turned to you and grabbed your hands.

"Please, Prefect! You gotta beat him for us!" They all exclaimed, which made you blink at

Yuu pulled her back, making them let go of your hands, "You guys are shameless, you know that?" He said.

"You don't have an anemone on your head!
You've got no idea how miserable this is!" Grim exclaimed, pointing at him.

"Maybe you shoulda thought of that before trying to coast through a test." Jack reminded them.

"Look, I've already learned my lesson, okay?!"
Ace said.

Deuce nodded, "Yeah, I'll never do this again for sure. I'll take my results like a man, even if that means failing."

You deadpanned, "Sure you won't..."

"You're supposed to say you'll work hard to ensure you stop failin' altogether." Jack said, then looked at you, "Well?
What's your call, Y/N? You gonna take them up on their invitation?"

You nodded, "This is our chance to speak to him."

"Tch. Fine." Jack mumbled, "I'm goin' with you, though. You seem like you'd get yourself into trouble otherwise."

"Dang, Jack! You're a big softie!" Ace said, grinning.

"D-Don't get me wrong, okay?! I just don't like Azul's scheming. I can't stand the thought of losin' to guys who profited off of someone else's hard work."

Suddenly, the sea anemones started moving, tugging their heads.

"So much for chatting. My sea anemone's tugging at me again!" Deuce exclaimed, wincing.

"Ow, ow, ow! C'mon, at least let me have my lunch break in peace!" Ace exclaimed.

"I'm countin' on you, Prefect!" Grim exclaimed.

Then the three were off, yelling in pain.

Suddenly you heard a voice behind you, "They are utterly hopeless, always finding a way to make trouble."

You turned to see Riddle, Trey and Cater staring in the direction they went then turned back to you, Yuu and Jack.

Cater smiled at you and waved, "Hello again

They sat down and put their trays on the table.

"Yep. Hopeless, the whole lot of 'em." Jack said, "Anyway, I guess we're goin' to the Mostro Lounge tonight."

They turned to you for confirmation and you nodded at them.

Trey sighed, "Alright, but just be careful, Azul is a very smart and can find different ways to get what he wants."

Riddle nodded, "He knows everything about everyone here, but maybe you have a shot Y/N."

You smile at them, making all of them blush, "Thanks guys, I'll be okay, I'll just beat all their asses!"

(A/N: Guess who I got that line from!)

They all stiffened, reminding themselves at how strong you truly were.

You stood up from your seat, "Alright then! Operation free all the anemone students from Octob*tch is in action!"


Memes and pictures I found on Pinterest

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