👶 Savanaclaw Shenanigans🎮

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Helping Leona Babysit

Third POV

Today was a special day, you finished all your homework, Yuu and Grim out in the library for final exams and tests, the ghosts are away for a 'ghostly' outing, and Crowley hasn't been bothering you with tasks, time for yourself to relax.

You were just lounging in the living room while eating some cookies.

When you heard a knock on the main door.

You put the cookies down and wipe off the crumbs while walking toward the main door.

You opened it, only for a small body to slam into your legs, hugging them.


You looked down to see the bright smile on Cheka's face.

You smile back, scooping him up in your arms, and pecking his cheeks.

"Hello to you as well Cheka, but can you use your inside voice please." He nodded eagerly.

You moved your gaze towards Leona, who looked like he was about to drop dead right then and there.

He looked at you pleadingly, you knew what he wanted.

You sigh, "Don't worry, I'll help you watch over him."

You turn around and walk inside with Cheka, and Leona following.

As soon as the three of you reach the lounge, Leona flopped onto the couch, hearing snores a few seconds later.

You deadpanned and sighed.

You heard a grumbling sound, you looked down to see Cheka holding his stomach.

The cub was hungry.

Knowing that you rushed towards the kitchen.

Putting Cheka in a chair near the table, gave him a notebook and some colored pencils, you put on your apron and got to work.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(A/N: Why did I decide to add this on an empty stomach? IDK, but now I'm dying of hunger)

While you were cooking, Leona woke up due to the smell of delicious food.

He walked into the kitchen, Cheka was drawing in the notebook you gave him, while you were cooking.

To him though, it looked like he was coming home from work, you were his wife cooking dinner for him, while Cheka was his child and was drawing something to impress the both of you, it was like his own little family.

You turned around and smiled at him, "Hi Honey, welcome home! Would you like some ramen?"

Leona just stared at you, suddenly he was hit on the side of his head, "OUCH!!"

He fell to the floor holding his head, "WHAT THE HELL!!! YOU HERBIVORE!!! STOP TRYING TO KILL ME!!!" He yelled at you.

Only to be smacked in the head again, he looked up, you were standing above him with a frying pan raised in the air.

You lowered the pan, "Ok, first of all, good, you are still alive, second of all, don't shout at me and curse, Cheka is here, now you either sit your ass down or help me set the table for lunch." You turned around while flipping your hair and walked towards the counter to prepare the ramen bowls.

You put the bowls of ramen on the placemats on the table, not before putting a napkin on Cheka's shirt.

You sit down and pray, "Itadakimasu!" You three pick up your chopsticks and begin eating.

But both lions were messy eaters, you sighed, grabbed a tissue, gently lifted his face, and started wiping Cheka's cheeks, "Cheka don't eat so fast, you'll make a mess." He smiled and continued eating.

Then took another tissue, grabbed Leona's chin, and started wiping his cheeks, he blushed a little, "You eat like a child! Be a better influence on Cheka or just wipe your face occasionally."

'Time Skip brought to you by Crowley's "graciousness"'

You guys decided to take a walk around the town near the school, to find anything interesting to do.

Cheka was holding your hand as the three of you walked down the many shops and restaurants.

But you wanted to spoil Cheka a little bit today, so you took them to a toy shop.

Cheka's eyes sparkled at the many rows of toys, he looked up at you as if asking for permission.

You smiled down at him, "Cheka, since you have been a good boy, you get to choose two toys from this shop, chose wisely okay, and stay close to me or Uncle Leona."

(A/N: If anyone dares to hurt this child, they will face the wrath of my frying pan r baseball bat."

Cheka nodded before holding onto your and Leona's hand and dragging both of you down the many shelves of toys.

His eyes scanned the shelves when one toy caught his attention, he let go of Leona's hand and grabbed it.

The toy was a cowboy, he had brown eyes, brown hair that was covered by his brown hat,  a yellow long-sleeved shirt, blue pants, a cow print vest where a badge is attached, and brown cowboy boots.

Cheka turned the cowboy around only to see a drawstring, he pulled it and let go, "My name's Woody!" Cheka smiled before pulling it again, "Your my favorite deputy!"

"A sheriff!"

You knelt, "You wanna get this one first?" You asked him, Cheka nodded excitedly, and you grabbed Woody and put him in your shopping basket.

Now for the second toy, Cheka paraded through the isles with a determined look on his face before yet again stopping, he grabbed the box and ran towards where you and Leona were standing.

He brought up to you, you stared at the second toy, this time it was an astronaut with a green and white suit, his head was protected with a purple covering, the chest area of his suit had buttons, a logo that said space ranger on his chest plate, and his name tag said Lightyear.

You pressed one of the buttons on his suit, "Greetings! I am Buzz Lightyear!" You pressed it again, To infinity, AND BEYOND!!!"

"Is this the last toy you want?" Cheka nodded, he looked behind you and started giggling.

You looked confused and turned around, only for you to start giggling as well.

Leona was wearing a life-sized version of Woody's hat, and that's not all, he was staring at two toy lions, one with a black mane and the other with a bright red mane.

He was staring at the two intensely, 'Should I help him or not?' 

He then shrugged and turned back to you and Cheka, only to see both of you giggling at him.

He growled. you both stopped laughing and looked at Leona's angry face, "You two better run,"

You and Cheka looked at each other before you grabbed Cheka and ran away with him on your back and Leona chasing you.

"Time Skip to evening

Once the three of you returned to Ramshakle you guys decided to watch a movie and not any type of movie...


Cheka was on your lap, eating popcorn, while Leona was watching with a bored expression.

You and Cheka watch with bated breath as Other Wybie leads Coraline back to the little door.

"Coraline!" The two kids turn to look upstairs.

Coraline shakes Other Wybie, "Come on! She'll hurt you again."

Other Wybie looks shocked before shaking his head, removing his glove to show his oddly pale hand then blowing on it, making his hand disappear into dust.

Coraline looks at his hand shocked and worried.

"Coraline!" They looked back up again.

"How dare you disobey your mother!" The Beldam says as stomps down the stairs.

Other Wybie looks at Coraline longingly before pushing her into the tunnel back to her dimension.

Coraline gasps as Wybie shuts the door.

Coraline moves to open the door to get Wybie, before the Beldam yells, "Coraline!"

She ran down the now barren tunnel filled with webs and bone-like toys in fear.

She breathed heavily as she moved the cobwebs, once she reached the door at the end, she pushed it open full force, before rolling forward into her living room.

She stays still for a moment, then turns around to close the little door and then locks it.

She stands and yells, "I'M HOOOOOOOOME!!!"

You and Cheka relaxed, knowing Coraline was safe, for now.

'3 hours later

After a while of watching movies, Cheka falls asleep in your lap.

You pet his hair before lifting him in your arms.

You walked out of the living and started going upstairs to your room.

Unbeknownst to you, Leona followed and stated as you hummed a song.

You opened the door to your room, laying him down on your bed before pulling the comforter on him.

Cheka smiled and snuggled into the pillows, sniffing your comforting scent as he falls asleep.

You go into your connected bathroom to change into your pajamas, while Leona adjusted Cheka a little bit.

Once you got out of the bathroom, you saw Leona cuddling Cheka to his chest, as if protecting him.

You giggled as they both slightly drooled, and tiptoed to your bed then climbed in under the comforter, but not before covering both Leona and Cheka with the comforter.

As soon as you lay down, Cheka wrapped his tail around your arm when you put it over him trying to hug him.

You rested your head on the pillow and stared at Cheka's face for a while before falling asleep.

(A/N: But we all know in reality, it takes up to 3 or 4 am to fall asleep, for me at least)

Leona woke up abruptly to stare at you, he put an arm over your waist and brought you closer to Cheka, and finally wrapped his tail around your wrist.

Hangout with Ruggie

Third POV

Ruggie was standing by the gates of NRC sweating nervously.

Why you may ask?

Because he asked you out, in return for saving his dorm leader's ass, and also because he wanted to brag about it.

"Ruggie?" He suddenly heard someone said, right next to him.

He screamed and turned around, only to have his breath taken away.

(A/N: Here's some opptions to what you were wearing)

If you want to wear pants.

If you want to wear a skirt.

(A/N: And a little something for all my plus-size girls)

'Why does she have to look so damn beutiful in anything she wears!?'

He was then snapped back to reality when you started to wave your hand infront of his face.

"Hellooooooooooo, Ruggie? Anyone in there?" You said as you waved a hand around infont of his face thinking if you should bust out your megaphone for him to hear you.

Fortunatly, Ruggie was able to hear you and gently moved your hand away from his lighty blushed face.

He cleared his throat, "S-Sorry, it's just a little hot."

You raised an eyebrow, "But it's not even sun-" You get cut off.

"OKAY! LET'S GET THIS SHOW ON THE ROAD!!!" He suddenly yelled and grabbed your hand and started to drag you to town.

Unbeknownst to any of you, a figure in the trees was admiringly staring at you the whole time but was glaring at your Savanclaw friend.

'Time Skip brought to you by Guy Sensei's 'Power of Youth'

Ruggie dragged you to the place he wanted to show you.

You looked up at the arcade in confusion, "An arcade?" Ruggie grinned at you.

First Floor

Second Floor

Third Floor

(A/N: Since Ruggie is good with stealing and trickery, I imagine he would be the best to go with to an arcade)

The arcade was HUMONGOUS!!

You stared at the arcade in awe, no wonder there were many people here.


First up, basketball, you watched impressed as Ruggie expertly shot the balls into the hoops almost every time.

Behind you was a group of kids cheering him on.

In total he got around 234 shots in 15 minutes, the kids cheered and applauded at the score, as of now Ruggie beat the top score, which was 197.

You were next, you cracked your nuckles and pressed start.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Ruggie and the kids watch in awe as you bruttaly beat Ruggie's score, now over 1000, your score just kept getting higher and higher, the crowd started to cheer you on as you were nearing 2000.

They started counting up as the timer was running out, Ruggie just had jaw on the ground.

When the timer ran out, everyone shouted and cheered at your score, 2034 shots!

You breathed out a sigh and turned to Ruggie and grinned.

Punching Bag

Next was the punching bag, a line of dudes were by the punching bag testing their strength.

Each one got either a 20-50, as they joke and laugh at each other's scores.

Right now the top score was 84, by a muscular dude, who was now bragging to his friends about his high score at a nearby table behind you, and a bunch of girls surrounding him.

After a few more dudes, it was now Ruggie's turn.

He curled his hand into a fist, pulled back his arm and with as much force as he could, he punched the machine.

He looked up at his score, 38.

You clapped, "Nice punch Ruggie, for someone as skinny as you, that was an impressive score."

He only frowned at you, he knows you will brutally destroy the machine with your monstrous strength and beat everyone else's score.

Then it was your turn.

When you stood infont of the machine, a loud bunch of laughter came from the group behind you, you and Ruggie turned to look at

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