✨New Dorm✨

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Third POV

You and Yuu sweat drop at the dorm. It was an old rundown building. Even the plants and scenery around here were dead.

"Wonderful isn't it? Do come in!" You followed him, while Yuu was very hesitant to enter the place. "Staying here would at least keep you out of the rain. I'm going to my office to do some paperwork. If you ever need me, just go there alright?" Both of them nodded. "Do make yourself at home! Don't go wandering around the school just yet. Goodbye then~" Crowley then left, slamming the door in the process, and making a few wooden floor pieces above them fall along with an old vase.

"That man is definitely a curious case if I ever see one." Yuu sighed to himself, totally done with his bs.

Yuu glanced to his left- there stood the girl he thought as the most beautiful he had ever seen. This may seemed creepy, but he just couldn't tear his eyes away from her. Everything about her screamed perfection; if not for her lack of smiling.

You turned to him, startling him.

"Is something wrong, why are you staring at me like that?" You asked him, like the anime harem protagonist you are🤦‍♀️.

"N-NOTHING!!" Yuu shouted and ✨skedaddled✨ into the living room.

You: wtf😃

Shrugging, made some shadow clones to rebuild the place with their space and time travel, and their rumor ability.

Walking into the living room you see Yuu sitting down on the old couch in thought.

Tapping his shoulder, Yuu turned to you,
"Are you alright?" You asked, "Oh? Yea! Right i'm fine! Just a little... tired that's all."he said tiredly

"Well.... let's get started in cleaning this place up" he says while getting up, but when he looked at the dorm again his jaw dropped.

A/N: None of the pictures I use in this books belong to me and belong to their respective owners and I just found these images in pinterest

Living Room


Dinning Room and Outside Dinner Table





Training Ground


'What the fuck!!? How did the dorm change into this!!?'
Yuu thought frantically, then he turned to you.

"YOU CLEANED THE DORM!!? HOW THE HELL DO YOU DO IT AND IN SUCH SHORT TIME!!!?" He screamed pointing a finger at you.

You shrugged your shoulders. "I just cleaned it up." Yuu deadpanned,
"Cleaned up!!? YOU REBUILT THE WHOLE DAMN DORM" Yuu screamed waving his arms out.

"Oh by the way, you can come out now Grim" You called out to him, looking at a certain spot.

Grim came out of his hiding spot shocked with the how quickly she "cleaned up" the dorm and for finding him so quickly.


"What are you doing here? Didn't you just get kicked out!?" Yuu yelled in shock.

"You can stay with us if you like?" You offered as Yuu looked at her in disbelief.

"Really!?" Grim beamed. "Oh! Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!!! Even though you kicked me with a bolder." He clung on to her leg as she patted his head.

Well, it seemed like Grim had just found his new favorite human.

"Y/N, please reconsider...! That thing is nothing but trouble!!" Yuu tried to reason with

"I'm not a 'thing'! I'm a genius that will become the greatest magician!!" The (annoying) furball proudly said

"I've been waiting for the Ebony Carriage to pick me up. But... but..." His ears dropped

"Hmph! The Dark Mirror just doesn't have an eye for this. So that's why I came here on my own! Not letting me in would be a loss for the world. Humans just didn't get it." He huffed with his arms crossed.

"That doesn't mean you can stay! That's basically trespassing!!" He was clearly having none of it.

"Heh, speak for yourself! Weren't you brought here for no reason?" Grim mocked.

"Why you-!!"

They were about to fight, but then...

"Hihihi... we haven't had guests in so long.."

"Wait, this place is spotless now!"

Three floating humans suddenly appeared, ghosts. They seemed to be wearing some roughed-up cloaks and hats, all with different figures.

"You're right, it is...!"

"I guess it's not so ramshackled anymore."

"Hello there." You greet them.

"Huh? Who are you talking to Noire-sa-
WAAHHH!!!" Yuu screeched as he fell down to the floor, looking at the ghosts in horror.

"What're you freaking out about?" Grim asked him as he found his line of sight. "GYAAAA!!!
G-G-G-G-GHOSTS!!!" He screamed in terror before scurrying onto your legs, hiding behind them.

"Hey, hey, what happened to this place? It looks like it got rebuilt or something." Skinny ghost asked.

"Just a little clean up." You spoke up. "I hope you don't mind?"

"This ain't 'just a little', but of course we don't mind! In fact, we want to thank you for doing so. This place had been abandoned for a long time... so seeing it this state is a definitely new experience." The other two nodded in agreement.

"Besides, all the humans that had ever meet us would just run away. It's no fun~" Chubby ghost added.

"By the way, you sure are one pretty lady. What's your name?"

"Well okay then. My name is Y/N L/N, nice to meet you." You introduced yourself with a smile on your face. "These two are Yuu and Grim." You gesture towards the other two in the room.

The two were shaking like leaves but still managed a small shaky wave.

"Hihi... likewise!"

"We'd like to offer you our assistance. You've done so much for us than anyone ever did in the last go years. It's the least we can do." Said Chubby ghost as he took off his hat and bowed, as did the other two.

"That would be come in handy. Thank you." You  stated, nodding her head in return.

The three ghosts gave her a smile before retreating to tend to their own business.

"Geh... that was sca- I mean... the great Grim isn't scared of anything! That was nothing!!"
Grim bragged.

"For a cat you sure are full of yourself"Yuu said.



You went into the kitchen to make dinner for everyone. (You rumored the ingredients ofc)

As for the other two idiots, they were fighting like there was no tomorrow.

When Crowley appeared out "Good evening! I have graciously brought you supper." He then noticed Grim. "Wait, you're the monster that ran amuck during the entrance ceremony! I threw you out of the school, what are you doing here!?" He yelled while pointing at Grim.

Grim screeched and ran into the kitchen

"Hey, come back here!"

He was about to chase after Grim, you came into the living room with Grim in your arms.

"Hi again Headmaster Crowley." You greeted him.

"Ah, Miss Y/N!" Crowley beamed as he seemed to favor her over Yuu and Grim.

"May I ask why is that monster here?" He asked in a much calmer now.

"He wanted shelter from the rain." You answered bluntly.
"Can he be allowed to stay here on my behalf?"

Behind her was Yuu who violently shook his head 'NO' with an X sign of his arms.

"Miss Y/N, I'm not so sure you want a monster like him to stay with you-"

"I'll take him under my wing, besides since we're not students here, haven't you made plans for us?"

The other two looked at her in shock.

"I suppose I have..." he trailed off.
"It can't be helped... alright, he can stay. But!
Only if you three are willing to work together."

"Of course."

"W-w-wait a minute!" Yuu interjected. "Y/N, please, PLEASE tell me you're joking!
There's no way I'm ever gonna work with him!!"

"Yeah! Besides, neither of you have any magic!
So tour both practically useless. Then I'M the one who's gonna deal with all of it." Grim also argued.

"Big talk for someone who can't even control their magic."

"Grrr... I can control my fire just fine!" Grim growled in response.

"Sorry you two, but to stay here until we get home, we must work together- willingly or not." You said, finally stepping in.

"Grrrr...FINE!" They both said knowing you were right.

"Headmage, do you like to stay for dinner? I made enough for everyone."

"Oh? You're inviting me?" Questioned the Headmage in a slightly surprised, yet delighted tone. You nodded. "Then I shall graciously accept!"

"Grim, want some tuna?" You asked the furball.

"Oh, yes! Thank you!!"

Then Crowley left leaving you, Grim and Yuu to instructions to be clean the library as the new handmen/janitors at Night Raven College.

The three of you went to your respective rooms, unaware of the ABSOLUTE CHAOS that tomorrow will bring


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