💖Making New Friends💖

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Third POV

You turned to look at the still shocked idiots, rolling your eyes, you walk over to Grim.

Picking him up and checking him for injuries, "Are you okay Grim, your not hurt are you?"

'Why is she worried for me, all I do is cause trouble, no one's ever cared for me like that anymore,' he thought still looking at you, 'but she does, she cares for me, when no one did.'

He snaps out of his trance, and suddenly hugs you crying his eyes out.

A little shocked you try calm him down.

The other three idiots snap out of the shocked trance as well.

"HEY! Why ya crying! It's your fault we nearly died!" Ace screamed, you glare at him menacingly, causing him to cower behind Deuce.

"Okay that's enough the good thing is, we're all ok" Yuu says trying to ease the tension.

"Now let's clean these windows before Mr. Crowley gets mad again."

You held up a finger, telling them to wait, before putting Grim on your head.

You did a few hand signs. "Water style: Water Cyclone!" A water cyclone surrounds you, making them back up.

The water mixes with the cleaning supplies you left and becomes cleaning water, it spins and spins as it washes all the windows,

You did more hand signs. "Wind style: human tornado!" You spin around and create a tornado drying the windows.

Once they were dry, you stop spinning and fall to the ground dizzy😵‍💫.

Surprised, the four idiots came up to you and checked if you were ok.

"Y/N are you alright!?" Yuu asked her.

"Yeah, and what you did there was amazing, I've never seen anyone use their magic like that." Deuce said in awe.

"If you could do that why did you need me clean with you." Ace said angrily.

"Shut up Ace" Yuu said


They turned around and saw Crowley clapping at them.

"Marvelous performance Miss Y/N!" He said proudly, "Can all of you come into my office for a little while please."

'Time skip to Crowley's office'

"Are we in trouble again" Grim asked in your arms.

"No you are not." They sighed in relief.

"Although I have been thinking about one thing..."

"I have decided to make Y/N, Yuu and Grim students of the school while Y/N and Yuu become Prefect and Vice Prefect of the Ramshackle dorm!!" He stated proudly.

"WHAAAAAAAAT!!?" They all said shocked at the news, he turns to you.

"Miss Y/N the Dark Mirror mentioned your "mysterious powers" during our conversation after I left your dorm." He said remembering the flashback.


"Dark mirror I do not understand why you have let those magic-less souls stay?" Crowley says a little confused. "They will bring no honor to the school and they don't even belong in our world!"

"I assure you Headmage, that letting these students stay here is worth it," The Dark Mirror said. "I sense powerful mysterious forces coming from both of them."

"Powerful how?" Crowley asks.

"Powerful enough to change the ways of the students of this school," The Dark Mirror answers, "Yuu, although magic-less has a brave and righteous heart, and will have the stubbornness and will to do what is right," he continues,"As for Y/N L/N, her mysterious force is amazingly strong, stronger than anything I have felt in centuries, but unlike most who take pride and uses their powers for their own gain, she uses it to help and care for those around her, so they have the power to help themselves and others, it makes her strong, both in body and in spirit." The mirror says proudly.

"Their enrollment into Night Raven College may save the unknown future of this school, trust me Headmage it will all be worth it, we just have to be patient, watch and learn."

Flashback Ends

"Since then I have been thinking about enrolling the three of you, and being my gratuitous self, I did! "Furthermore, Y/N, Yuu...I am granting you the qualifications necessary to attend school at Night Raven College!"

"As for you, Grim...Your actions today have made it clear that you possess sufficient talent to become a mage. In light of the total sum of your respective circumstances, you and Yuu will share a single enrollment at Night Raven College."

"Myah!" Grim said, before feeling tears welling up, "I...I'll get to go this school...? As an actual student? Not a janitor?!"

"Correct. However! There must be no further incidents like the one that occurred today. Are we clear?"

Grim looked at you with tears falling,
"Myah. Myah...Y/N, I...I finally..."

You smiled and picked him up, wiping his tears, "I'm very proud of you, Grim."

"Myaaaah! I finally did it!" He cheered.

Crowley smiled, "Accordingly, I will now present to Grim the magestone that is issued to every student here." He said, before a bright glow appeared, and a collar was wrapped around Grim

"Heh! A magesone, eh?!"

"It is typically attached to the "magic pen" that each student uses. But I suspect your paws cannot handle implements. Therefore, I have a custom solution for you. Is it possible that I am, in fact, so gratuitou?" He said, complementing himself in the end.

"Ah, sweet! I look awesome! A magestone collar, to be worn only by The Great Grim!"

"You're not listening to anything I say, are you?"
He said, before looking at the girl, "Y/N. As you can plainly see, Grim remains oblivious to the customs of human society. You are to keep a tight rein on Grim, and ensure there are no further incidents!"

"Hai. I'll make sure no more trouble comes." Y/N said, nodding, while scratching Grim behind the ear, to which he purred.

Ace chuckled and smiled, "Wow, that's quite the promotion. From janitor to students to Prefects, in the span of a day."

"Oh I see. Since you three are the only once in the dorm and Y/N put in charge of Grim, that would make Y/N the dorm prefect and Yuu the vice prefect." Duece said.

"Well... I'm not the best at leading but I'll try my best!" You smiled, which made Yuu, Ace and Deuce blush since they've rarely seen you smile.

She's so pretty when she smiles' they all thought.

"Ah! I have something else for you Miss Y/N," He takes out a camera. "This is what you call a ghost camera!"

You tilt your head curiously, "Ghost?"

"Ooh, my grandma's told me about those. Those are, like, super old magic items, right?" Ace said.

"I would hardly consider them "super old..."

Ahem. But it may indeed have been invented when your great or great-great-grandmother was a child. It's a camera enchanted with a special kind of magic. It enables the user to photograph not just the subject's physical form, but parts of their soul itself." Crowley explained.

"Wait, that sounds...sketchy." Deuce said.

"They're called memories. Here's the thing:
when the soulbound between photographer and subject deepens... The Memories captured in this magic camera's photos come jumping out!"

You hummed, "Soulbound?"

"When the photographer and subject grow closer, their photographs grow animated like videos. And sometimes the photographs take on corporeal form and slip out. Is that not what you youths would call "wicked keen"?"

"What almost sounds like ghosts photography!"
Deuce said.

"Very astute. Hence the name "ghost camera." I understand it was developed as a more vivid way to capture moments in time, in an age before video. As Spade, observed, in days of yore, when people saw Memories jumping out of photos, they would get spooked and yell,
"Ghost!" I've heard many a tale of people who were deathly scared of being photographed by such cameras."

Ace sighed and shook his head, "This tech sounds like way more trouble than it's worth."

Crowley looked at the you, "Y/N. I would like you to photograph Grim and the other students with this camera, and make a record of your campus life."

Grim smiled and sang, "Sounds like the perfect way to immortalize all my finest moments!"

"Make especially certain to capture the mischief caued by certain students who struggle with impulse control." He said, not saying the names, before smiling, "Keeping a photographic journal sounds far less tedious writing me lengthy reports, wouldn't you agree? As a prefect, consider it your duty to maintain a sharp eye on your surroundings and record them. Note how generous I'm being in providing a rare magical item that even someone like yourself can use. Is my graciousness not beyond all reckoning?"

You deadpanned, 'He really has a big ego...'
You thought, before nodding, "Thank you, Mr. Crowley."

"It has grown late, so further details about your classes shall have to wait till tomorrow. You are all dismissed. Return to your dorms."

"Good night, sir!" You all said, before the five walked out.


"Phewww! What.a.day! We nearly got expelled, avoided getting expelled, nearly burned one of the great seven statues and nearly destroyed the chandelier!" Ace said tired.

"Yeah, no kidding" Deuce said

"I guess we're schoolmates now. Grim, Yuu, Y/N welcome to Night Raven College." Deuce said.

Deuce smiled, "Heh. We'll be seeing each other most of the time now. We'll see what a pleasure that turns out to be. Especially you, Ace, since we're in the same dorm." He finished with a soft sigh.

"Yeaaah, can't say I'm jazzed to see your smug, self-important scowl every day."

"Better than your lazy, dopey grin."

"Keep bawling, crybaby. I haven't forgotten how you almost wept when he said you were expelled." He then turned to you "Catch ya later, Y/N." He said, before the two left.

"They seem to share the same braincell." You say to Yuu.


You sigh. "This will surely be an interesting school year."


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