Part - 20
His strong arm tightened around her waist. She could feel heat erupting from her abdomen. She gazed at his eager eyes, full of love. He lifted his hand, tracing his finger tip on her lips and titled her chin. She knew what he was about to do. She wanted the same. She closed her eyes, breathing heavily, waiting for the moment. His rough yet gentle lips brushed against hers. She felt like she would explode in the sweetness. But before she could respond he pulled away and rested his forehead on hers. She felt confused, he kissed her. But why did he stop? As her mind wandered "can I kiss you again?" he asked slowly. She didn't want anything else other the feel of his lips against hers now. Before she could reply he somehow caught her hint and took her lips once again, gently like the last time. Her heart began to over react and she wanted to get close to him. Suddenly his kiss seemed urgent, his one hand held her waist firmly pulling her close and his other hand held her face securely. Her hand tangled in his hair and she crushed herself against him eagerly. This was the first time she kissed any man, she felt her head spinning, she needed air and he pulled away for the same.
Priya woke up panting. She was not sure how many times she woke up the night. The last night seemed to have a great effect on her. she checked the time. It was 4. She decided to stay awake rather than sleeping. She stretched lazily and got out of her bed. She went to the wardrobe and pulled a picture. It was a picture of him. "You wont leave me to sleep a night, will you?" she asked looking at the picture. With her fingers she traced the face of the man in the picture and kissed it lightly. She left it in the same place and pulled a shawl and her dairy. Grabbing her phone she left her room. it was still dark and the weather was chill. The whole ship was in a deep sleep. Not even any person from the crew was present. She walked through the deck to the garden thinking how her relationship with Ram is growing so fast. It was just a week they have confessed but she felt like she belonged to him from the beginning. She reached the garden and pushed the glass door open. It was still the same, the way it was decorated, all the candle still burning half their way. She stood at the door way looking at the place. She smiled to herself not knowing the reason for her happiness. She kept her dairy down and took some pictures of the place just as a remembrance. Obviously yesterday night was something, which she would never forget in her lifetime. She took her dairy and sat on the chair. She remembered him pulling the chair for her and explaining how much he loved her. she wanted to do something for him too. He made her feel so special but she hasn't done anything for him, but whenever she said this to him his answer would be "you have given yourself to me, what else do you need to do more?" she rested her chin in her hand and closed her eyes, thinking about him. After sometime she opened her dairy and took a fresh page. With a smile in her face she started penning down.
It was 8 and Ram was not out yet. She waited and waited. He seemed to be in a deeps slumber. She didn't want to disturb him, but she missed him badly. she saw Kevin coming up "Kevin" she called him. "yes mam" he came up to her. "Kevin, can you tell me how Ram came into my room, on my birthday, then even yesterday?" she asked. "Well mam actually sir got the fake key of you room from the officer" he said. "Oh thanks Kevin, can you get me the room to his key?" she asked. He thought for a minute "Mam, sir may get angry" he said slowly. "Kevin, you need not worry about that, just get me the key, I will take care of him" she said. He nodded and left. After sometime he returned with the key "Mam please don't tell him I got you the key" he said. Priya laughed "Kevin, you are so scared of him, I can understand he is your boss but still" "Mam please" he said. "No worries Kevin, I will not tell your arrogant boss" she said smiling. "anyway thanks for the help" saying she made her way to his room. she slowly turned the lock and entered in. She walked in like a cat, carefully taking each step. Then she saw him, he was bundled up in the bed, in his bed sheet, snoring lightly. He seemed to be in a deep slumber. He looked exactly like a baby in his smiled. his lips were curved into a smile as he slept. His eyes looked weary. "so he didn't get proper sleep too" she thought. She moved towards him. His hair was fully messed up. She smiled thinking a message she read long back "your pillow is the best hairdresser in the world". It made him look adorable. His chubby cheeks, she wanted to stroke them. She moved her hand to his hair, when his phone buzzed. It was in silent mode. She saw his mothers picture flash. She smiled and received the call.
"Hi ma, how are you?" she asked. "Priya, I am fine, how are you? And what a pleasant surprise you took the call" she said. "ha ma I am fine" she replied. "Well ok I will cut the call, else he would say I am disturbed both of you later" she said. "Ma Ram is sleeping now, that's why I took the call" she said. "Sleeping? Its nearly 9 Priya, just give me two knocks and wake him up" she ordered. "Oh Ma you know na I can't do that, anyways he slept late yesterday night, and he must be tired, he seems to be in deep sleep" she said. "ma did you get all the picture I sent you?" she asked. "yes, I got everything all are so good. well Priya he didn't tell me anything about what he did yesterday night, can you just tell me?" she asked. Priya hesitated for a moment "come on Priya I a like your mother, you call me Ma then why don't you treat me so?" his mother asked. "Ma actually, he got me some presents and took me for a dinner, I loved it" she said. "wow, finally by some power my son's romantic side is functioning, I was scared that it would be dormant throughout" she said. Priya smiled "he made me feel so lucky to have him" she said slowly. "he and I are more lucky to have a person like you, who loves his heart " she said. Priya blushed. She felt equally comfortable with his mother "Priya can I ask you something" his mom asked. "ha Ma sure" she replied. "did he kiss you yesterday?" she asked. Priya's cheeks turned red. She gazed at the floor blushing.
"Why are you blushing now?" his soft, sleepy voice came from behind. She turned to see him looking at her. "Now again don't tell me this is a dream" he said. "Ma Ram woke up, lemme give to him" Priya moved to the bed and sat beside him. "Ram, Ma is online" she said. He took the phone, giving Priya a wink "Ha ma, good morning" saying he crawled like a baby to her lap. She made him feel comfortable. She gently ran her fingers through his hair. "Ram how are you son?" his mom asked. "Well I am enjoying, your daughter-in-law is ruffling my hair and making me sleep once again" he said looking at Priya. She hit his hand lightly. "Now Ram I don't want to be a interference, else you will curse me, so I am hanging up now" she said. "good decision ma, but wait I need to say something" he said. "yes son, tell me whatever it is?" she said. "Ma I love you so much" he said "I love you to son" saying his mom kept the phone. Ram looked at Priya still in half sleep "good morning" he said rubbing his eyes. "so tired you are?" she asked still playing with his hairs "ha you never leave me to sleep in night" he said. "What? and you think that I am able to sleep peacefully?" she asked. he smiled "So same boat we are? Dreams right?" he asked. she nodded. He gently tucked the hair that was hiding her face and caressed her face with his fingertips. Her skin went red wherever he touched. "I want you to wake me the same way everyday" he said. "what else I am gonna do other than this?" she asked. "Well what did mumma ask, that you were blushing early morning?" he asked. "Nothing, just about yesterday night" she said. He waited for her to continue but she didn't so he hid his face in her lap "I feel sleepy Priya, lemme sleep na" he pleaded. "Ok" she said as he closed his eyes feeling her hand move through her hair and then gently over his scalp. After sometime she moved herself out and looked at him, his strong yet, vulnerable sleeping form. Those dark eyes hidden by the lids fringed dark lashes, proud nose that fluttered arrogantly even in sleep, lips that were now relaxed, but had the ability to a strange, new sensual world, she craved again, wanting their mobile fullness in her still-warm flesh. She kissed his cheeks lightly and left to her room.
Ram opened his eyes and stretched himself. His hand hit something a little hard. He rolled to the object that hurt him. It was dairy, but a familiar one. Her dairy. He took it. a stick note was hanging in the front.
"Hey Ram, its for you to read, just the page I have book marked (hope I can trust you), I am giving you a piece of my mind, hope you enjoy"
Confused Ram opened the dairy and flipped the pages. A small bookmarked page fell open. Her neat handwriting filled two pages. He checked the time. It was 3. "Jesus...! I have slept like a log. Skipped breakfast and lunch" his stomach growled, but he wanted to read it. he got positioned himself properly in the bed and started to read
"I never knew that being in love would make so many things around me beautiful. He never failed to make my jaw drop each time I see him. Not only by his actions but even by his charm and that smile ufff..! I can die for that. When he called me for the date, I had no idea what a date is? I was nervous, but I was eager and scared that I might lose my sense in his handsomeness. my fear did come true, he was in my favorite black suit, his gelled hair making him look hot. I always loved the way he possessively put his hand around me. The way he felt jealous, always makes me realize how much he loves me. I couldn't tell him anything about his surprise coz I was dumbfounded. It was the best thing anyone has done in my life.
I had dined so many times with him, but yesterday was different. When he explained his love comparing to the stars, I knew he meant each and every word. When he pressed his legs on mine, I could feel my whole body shaking up. Sometimes I feel like we are two kids who are lost in our own land. And that touch of his hand in my body, telling me strictly that I belonged only to him. I always have so many things to tell him but, whenever he turns up I front of me like a runaway model, I fail to say him. Never have I allowed any man to touch me, but when he does, I never want him to take his hand away from my flesh. I feel I belong there till eternity. When he kissed me, I could feel how much he loves me, with all his heart. I wasn't even sure how to kiss a man, but I felt that God designed my lips just for his to fit perfectly; such was the kiss we shared. And when I saw the shade of guilt in his eyes after the kiss, I wanted to slap him hard and say he had all the right on me. When he puts me to sleep tucking me in my bed and pulling the duvet over my body, caressing my hair, humming my favorite tune, I feel like I am drenched from head to toe by his love. But at times I am scared to express what I exactly feel towards him. I wanted to caress that chubby cheeks of his long back and yippie ...!! I succeeded yesterday. They are indeed soft like his heart. If being in love with him is so beautiful, then I am just wondering how belonging to him forever would be. I just want to tell him something that no one has ever loved anyone as much as I love him. I want to be in his arms forever listening to that melodious beat of his heart."
It ended there and a small stick note was placed in the end.
"Ram I had no idea that I will allow you to read it, hope you enjoyed a bit, now be a good boy and close the dairy"
Ram closed the dairy and held it close. "Why does she love me so much?" he thought. It was true he was little disappointed when she didn't tell anything in the morning about yesterday night, and he knew very well thats why she kept the dairy here. He kept the dairy in his table and left to the restroom. As he was about to wash his face, he saw the faint mark of lipstick in his cheek. He smiled broadly "Priya" he muttered and caressed his cheeks, feeling her lips in them. He changed his clothes hurriedly and left to see her. Priya was in the deck, facing the sea. He walked up to her.
"you left something in the room" he said and extended the dairy. She took it and looked at him. "Well I read what you wanted me to read, but I have a doubt" he said. She raised her brow asking "what?". "well who is that "he" in your dairy" he asked hiding a grin. She turned away. "hey just kidding, chill na" he said holding her hand. "You like me holding your hand na?" he asked. she blushed. "Well Priya do you really think that no one has ever loved anyone as much as you love me?" he asked. she nodded "yes". "Well I think there is one exception" he said smiling. "My love for you" he added. He saw her turning emotional. "well Priya you know something?" he asked. "what?" she asked. "well someone kissed me when I was sleeping, I caught them red-handed with her lipstick" he winked. She blushed and hit his chest "shut up" . he put his hand around her shoulder "lets go, I am hungry" saying they walked to the dining hall.
Precap : Ram looked above as he saw Priya climbing the small ladder trying to get the kite. "Priya be careful" he shouted. She stretched herself and took the kite. She put it down to the boy. She looked at Rams concerned face. "I am okay baby" she said and flew him a kiss. Her feet lost the balance and she fell directly in his strong arm. Ram who was not ready to catch her, not realizing what was happening, lost his balance and fell to the ground, Priya landed safely above him.
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